I use the Drop/Sennheiser PC38x and they’re great. However, they’re open back headphones so if you listen to videos with speaking in background discord will pick it up (noise filter won’t filter out voices) so you’ll need to buy a separate microphone.
I have the Drop Sennheiser PC38x. They are currently on sale on Amazon Prime day for $139USD and I have to say I am very happy with them. Good clear quality. They are open back so they have a pretty wide sound stage but if you are in a noisy environment that may bleed through, as will your game audio to your environment. Mic was a big step up from my previous VModa Boom Mic as well. They also have the older model (PC37x) for $99 on Prime Day.
I would suggest at least giving them a look.
I would recommend these since they're basically one of the only genuinely great headphones around. "gaming" headsets have generally awful value and you get garbage compared to if you get the mic+headphones separately.
Drop + Sennheiser PC38X Gaming Headset — Noise-Cancelling Microphone with Over-Ear Open-Back Design, Velour Earpads, Compatible with PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox, Mac, Mobile, and More https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TX6GQTB/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_VSDHN3NAZPQAGWPMXWQY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Obviously we have to do but we can let Amazon take care of it, we just need to pay amazon the whole amount. Check the link it has all the details - https://www.amazon.com/Drop-Sennheiser-PC38X-Gaming-Headset/dp/B08TX6GQTB/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=36F7X4LLV9YK3&keywords=pc38x&qid=1651568440&sprefix=pc38%2Caps%2C462&sr=8-3
Sorry if I misunderstood but did you get a new mic or did you still need a headset?
I haven't used it myself but the Sennheiser PC38X on Drop seems pretty popular as a headset.
If you order from Drop I think you'd be subject to import tax on top of shipping?
But it looks like there's a used one on UK Amazon that'd save you a decent bit over importing from the US.
A little out of budget but…
DROP + Sennheiser PC38X Gaming Headset — Noise-Cancelling Microphone with Over-Ear Open-Back Design, Velour Earpads, Compatible with PC, Gaming Consoles, and Mobile Devices, Black https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08TX6GQTB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_W98NZ64YYP9PGVEGR1NS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Didn’t know Amazon starting carrying these. Bought mine from Drop directly earlier this year
How do they compared to Sennheiser PC38X
if gaming is your priority why not get the pc-38x? https://www.amazon.ca/DROP-Sennheiser-PC38X-Gaming-Headset/dp/B08TX6GQTB
Just saw drop also has an Amazon store. Get that sweet prime shipping lol.
Drop + Sennheiser PC38X Gaming Headset — Noise-Cancelling Microphone with Over-Ear Open-Back Design, Velour Earpads, Compatible with PC, Gaming Consoles, and Mobile Devices, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TX6GQTB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5JYZ071VXA365TR1AS1G
beyerdynamic MMX 300 (2nd Generation) Premium Gaming Headset https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06WGVJ9GY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4R1MMBA9S2EHA7GZADMW
Get the 38x, I think it'll be the best for your budget and needs. https://www.amazon.com/Drop-Sennheiser-PC38X-Gaming-Headset/dp/B08TX6GQTB
While a little out of your range, you can probably get it used or open box, or at your range in a few weeks with Black Friday Sales.
Not Beyerdynamics as far as I'm aware, but Sennheiser has released a few headsets.
Fairly decent quality one is the PC38X in collaboration with Drop.
If you really wanted a Beyerdynamic, I'd look into something like a ModMic Wireless. Not cheap however.
Third option would be to send the headphones to a modder (or do it yourself) and have a 3.5mm female connector put in instead of the wire. Here's a guide on what that would look like. Fairly cheap if you can do it yourself, a little more expensive if you have someone else do it. From there you could simply use a V-Moda BoomPro as your cable, or any 3.5mm if you don't need a microphone at that moment.
>philps shp 9500
What about https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TX6GQTB?th=1 ?
FYI bluetooth is shit on Windows so you probably want to get wired.
I'd get these: Sennheiser PC38X
So first of all, NEVER trust any "reviewer" that says steelseries/corsair/razer headphones are good. They are objectively some of the worst sounding, and most overpriced headphones around with awful build quality which honestly shows how powerful marketing can be. if you search up steel series or razer on r/headphones you will see many people complaining about those companies.
Secondly is the reviewer actually going over how the headphones sound? The segment of the video you linked has the reviewer mostly going over FEATURES and not sound. You don't need cool tech features to have headphones that are top tier for gaming (besides maybe a microphone if you don't want to invest in a desktop microphone). All he keeps saying is that the sound is "good" in like 5 different ways.
Anyways, there are 3 things you want in a pair of headphones for gaming.
The first thing is a pair of wired headphones. Wired headphones have no latency at all compared to wireless headphones which makes them good if you play any online games (I'm assuming you do since that would be the only reason why you want a pair of headphones good for gaming). If you're playing any online fps game, you want to hear stuff without delay, and wireless headphones have a delay even if it is pretty tiny. Furthermore, most wireless headphones do not have a replaceable battery, so within a few years it will just stop working.
The second thing is an open back pair of headphones. Unlike closed backed headphones which you probably know about, open back headphones have well.... open backs on the ear cups. Because they are open back, air can travel more freely between the headphone drivers (the things that make sound) and outside. This increases the amount of "soundstage" you will experience. Sound stage pretty much describes how far out things sound. if you have bad soundstage everything will sound like it's from the same distance, but with good soundstage you'll be able to tell how far away things are much much easier. The drawback to open back headphones is that sounds leaks both in and out. For example if someone is in the room with you they will hear what you're listening to, and conversely you will hear tham talking. If you are in a noisy environment or share a room with someone don't get an open back pair.
The third thing is for a pair of headphones to have good imaging. If soundstage is how far away you can tell something is, imaging is how well you can tell what direction the sound is coming from (just think of directional audio/surround sound if you don't understand what I mean).
As for a recommendation for you, well the Sennheiser pc38x fits all of these standards. It's open backed, wired, it has a microphone, and it has good imaging. Furthermore Sennheiser is one of the best brands in terms of durability, and is renowned in the audio world for their build quality which can last several years to decades depending on how well you take care of them (stuff like steelseries, and razer are known for the opposite of this). It's also just good for music in general with a sound signature most people will enjoy immensely compared to most consumer headphones.
If you look it up on youtube there will be many reviews. Multiple popular audiophile youtubers have reviewed it including DMS, Joshua Valour, and The Headphone Show.
I am not sure about directly from drop but you can buy them on amazon and their policies are pretty nice at least from my experience https://www.amazon.com/Drop-Sennheiser-PC38X-Gaming-Headset/dp/B08TX6GQTB?th=1
Considering they are less than 30 bucks more than the 599 right now I'd def say they are with it. Another good option is the Drop+Sennheiser PC38X
Comfort is a fairly individual thing and depends on head shape.
The Sennheiser PC38X has been hugely popular:
I just bought the Sennheiser PC38X. They have really good reviews; plus they're open back which can be hard to come by.
They're available on Amazon.ca now as well for about the same amount- mine will be in this week