Whatever pair you get, I recommend a boot dryer. Right after training I throw mine on one and after years of use they still are in great shape and don't smell. The one I have is like this one: boot dryer
Once the stink is there, wash your gloves! Use a washing machine, warm water.
To prevent it, get a 4 post boot dryer like the one below and dry your skates and gloves after every game.
I can’t save your shoes now, but I can save all your future pairs. DryGuy DX Forced Air Boot Dryer and Garment Dryer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010A5J5FU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NXHA81KYR40RDXP9BASZ
It seems kind of crazy to buy a shoe dryer but this thing saved my rock climbing shoes and every other pair. What ruins the shoes is moisture allowing bacteria and fungi to grow. Throw your shoes on when you get back from the gym and you’ll be shocked how much longer they last.
I use the DryGuy force boot dryer. The dryer has 4 different spots to dry stuff so I put my gloves & skates to dry at the same time. It comes with an extension for hunting boots but it works perfect for hockey skates too. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010A5J5FU/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fabt1_JrlRFbN2M0CWD
I have the same setup. I put a dehumidifier where your pads are and turn it on for a few hours when hanging my gear, then zip it up. Works great!
I also have a boot dryer for my gloves and skates.
You can always take the liner out and put them in the wash with some white vinegar.
Then get the big boy: https://www.amazon.com/DryGuy-Forced-Boot-Dryer-Garment/dp/B010A5J5FU/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2T8RCREL5HKJQ&keywords=boot+dryer&qid=1663545036&sprefix=boot+d%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-3
I use this one. The timer is really stiff and it doesn't feel like the highest-quality materials ever. But it has been working for me about a year, through winter (when it ran every day pretty much, due to running and other activities). I have been really happy with it.
Like you said, the main reason I purchased it was that most of them ran with hot air only and I wanted to be able to run just a fan during summer or for more delicate items.
Get yourself a boot dryer. Changed the game for me. I also use it to dry my boxing gloves and shin guards as well. This coupled with foot powder reduced almost all odor.
I have been very happy with this dryer. I think it was on sale when I got it, so closer to the $60 range. It has the option for heated or not, although they claim the heat is not enough to damage anything (I haven’t tested that, it dries just fine without the heat.
Ski boot and glove dryer. Not super expensive, but we even got use during the summer drying out wet sneakers from hikes or just out of the washing machine.
👍 glad I could help! I will say this too—I wear these boots to work almost every day. If you plan on doing the same and you don’t have one already; I suggest investing in a boot dryer. I don’t know how many pairs I killed before I got one. Definitely worth the investment. The one I picked up is Dryguy . Found it on amazon. Good luck!
I just bought what appears to be the same one from Amazon on sale for $90CDN.
Amazon — DryGuy DX
We bought it for ski boots and gloves, but we use it on soccer cleats and running shoes all time. It’s one of the best small purchases I’ve ever made.
I recommend this:
It's great for drying out winter gear. I use it on my mittens in the winter so that they don't smell like shit after getting wet/sweaty.
DryGuy DX Forced Air Boot Dryer and Garment Dryer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010A5J5FU/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_PK51X9YRQZZ24SFAXR33
Get yourself one of these bad boys, or something similar. Don't allow moisture to just sit in your boots. That's when the bacteria grows.
Rinse with freshwater, then toss on the dryer. Every few weeks or so, Ill soak them in a tub with freshwater and a cup or two of vinegar and 3-4 drops of tea-tree oil.
Deal link: Amazon
I have found most of my gear at Play-it-again-sports, but you have to keep looking and get a bit lucky with your timing. I paid $200 for an almost new set of Brian's Netzero pads at PIAS. My CCM Tacks were $80, my helmet was $100. The helmet turned out to be an absolute steal. It had an Itech strapping system on it, so I think they thought it was a cheap plastic "widow-maker". However, it had the original certification sticker on the backplate, which I was able to look up on-line. Turns out that it was made by Jester Manufacturing, ie Jerry Van Velden, which I believe evolved into the Vaughn helmets of today. It is a kevlar/fiberglass shell with custom paint on it. I replaced some of the padding and the chin cup and it is good as new.
I bought my Bauer glove and blocker from PIAS as well, however, they were new. I paid $120 for the pair.
My Vaughn pants were $50 bucks on Craig's List. My Bauer Supreme C/A was $75 on Ebay. It was missing a buckle, but that was an easy fix. I bought my sticks new on clearance from Goalie Monkey for $50 each (2). I got my CCM wheeled goalie bag for Christmas, but I believe that was $160. All-in, I spent $885 for all of my gear combined, including the bag.
Regarding the stench, there are a number of ways to deal with it. First of all, pants, chest & arm protectors, jocks, knee pads and jerseys can all be ran through the washing machine. I use Mr. Clean with Fabreeze (meadows and rain scent). I add it to the machine just like you would regular detergent. I have used it for 5+ years with no issues. It makes everything smell great. I hang my C/A to dry, but the rest can go in the dryer on low heat. Gloves and blockers can be cleaned by running super hot water through them and then allowing them to dry good before using them. I also have a boot dryer that I use to dry my gloves and skates after each outing.
This is the one that I have and it works great. It has air only or light heat settings, with a timer. https://www.amazon.com/DryGuy-Forced-Boot-Dryer-Garment/dp/B010A5J5FU
OdoBan works great in between washings on all of my gear to keep it smelling fresh. Pads included.
This was a great pickup I use this model DryGuy DX Forced Air Boot Dryer... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010A5J5FU?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
You should really take your insoles out after every use and hang/put your skates upside down. That will help dry your skates and prevent your rivets from rusting. Using a boot dryer is even better (still take the insoles out before putting them on the dryer): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010A5J5FU/ref=sspa_dk_detail_5?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B010A5J5FU&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=f52e26da-1287-4616-824b-efc564ff75a4&pf_rd_r=VBDAF4BYPAT5S0RN83GZ&pd_rd_wg=Y86pH&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_w=fKFh2&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pd_rd_r=cee7adef-bfd1-11e8-91c0-8d9d1b6891e3
What's a boot dryer? Google gives me this which is basically just a heater and some sticks. Is that it?
I was going to say something about barefoot driving while your boots are drying, but apparently it's totally legal in the US. So.. that's fine.
At your own risk, try clipless sandals.
I instead bought a boot dryer because I cycle commute in the rain. 4 item capacity like the one that is linked means I can throw my gloves on there too!
Buy a boot dryer. 25 bucks new, best way to dry gloves and skates ever if you play frequently.
50ish bucks will get you a setup that does gloves and boots and you can control heat.