I read Vince Gatto's book and got a very different point of view.
The whole structure of schools is designed for obedience rather than engagement or independent thought. Kids are educated in a monoculture of other people their age and prevented from participating in the economy or engaging with the rest of society.
Instead they're forcibly confined to a room, where a teacher tries to get them excited about a prepackaged set of ideas. Until the bell rings, and they must set aside any enthusiasm they were building for that subject and take up the next.
Public education has been used as a tool to dumb down the populace to a point of complacency. Something politicians want. People no longer care about anything because they simply don't have the ability to, their minds have been so dulled out and have a inability for original thought. I am a product of public education, and it was horrific, once I actually spent years re-educating myself. I was my middle and high school valedictorian and I still consider myself incredibly unintelligent at those times. Though it would seem socirty placed me as the creme of the crop. I suggest you read http://www.amazon.com/Dumbing-Down-Curriculum-Compulsory-Schooling/dp/0865714487/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266519634&sr=8-1 maybe it will give you some insight on how Public education really works.
Building roads and infrastructure is unconstitutional unless it is a post road. private companies can do that.
Saying we would have no Internet without a Military is rather silly and logically false. You can in no way prove somebody else or some other entity would have not come up with the same idea. In fact the majority of the Internet was done by universities for their research. I never said I wanted to get rid of the Military, I just dont think we should have bases and troops all around the world.
It's both.
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
Yep. John Taylor Gatto talks about this, and much more. Start with The seven-lesson schoolteacher to get started.
Quite the contrary.
Here are two great reads if you're interested on getting the "abolish the Dept. of Education" peoples take. It's not so much "screw them" as it is "we can give children a better education".
Thanks for your work on this important topic, the faster people realize what a horrendous failure the "War on Drugs" has been - and will undoubtedly continue to be - the better off we will all be.
> the Era we live at tries to convince us we are all the same, disposable, replaceable...
Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but are you aware that this seems to be a goal of modern schooling, traceable back to the Prussian empire which wanted to produce unquestioning workers, soldiers, and supporters of authoritarian government?
As a poet and author, would you consider researching and writing on this topic so as to give young people a way to see past the narcissism and constrained thinking that undoubtedly contributes to the glorification of gang culture in Mexico and elsewhere? If poor youth could learn to explore their passions and be entrepreneurial instead of having their creativity suppressed I think both they and society at large could benefit tremendously.
http://www.cantrip.org/gatto.html is a short essay from John Taylor Gatto, a 3x New York Teacher of the Year award recipient who has achieved great results with poor minority youth in the past with his unorthodox teaching style. He has also done some extensive study researching the history of modern education, which has resulted in a book called Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling.
Our Modern school system pisses me off.
Typical of what is going on in schools these days. The LAST thing a kids needs who is having trouble with impulse control is to have the breaks for physical activity taken away. Argh.
I think he is a 5 year old boy being a boy. Are some kids better? Sure. MIGHT he have some diagnosable thing going on where he has problems sitting all day in a group of other kids? Maybe. Maybe not.
This is one of the many things about school that has turned so many more people to homeschooling.
We aren't all religious fanatics.
You might want to just start thinking about learning a little about it.
>I will not allow your child to attend public school.
You mean child prisons? No problem.
>I will not allow your child to attend ~~public~~ state functions that are principally funded by ~~public~~ stolen monies.
FTFY. Again, you propose to ID every person who might attend these functions, whatever you might be referring to, to ensure that they are vaccinated? Are you really that terrified of these extremely rare maladies that affect a tiny, tiny fraction of young people? How sad.
>I will not allow your child to qualify for ~~public~~ stolen monies that might introduce your child to mine.
FTFY. Not sure what that means, but I'm on board with the whole "not introducing our children" idea.
> I will not allow your child in any daycare center that accepts public funds.
Why on earth would I abandon my child to such a terrible fate? Especially one that is funded by stolen monies?
>Those that are private, I will keep my children away from.
Thank goodness.
>I advocate no violence.
Taxation is violence, or the threat thereof. "Public" is a euphemism for violence. The power of the state flows from the barrel of a gun. It is sad, but unsurprising, that you cannot see the coercion that exists all around you, in the form of the power of the state.
>YOU advocate violence, because you THINK that is my only method to make you agree to reason.
Violence is fundamentally the only tool of the Statist.
>I can easily cut you out of society.
Social ostracism is indeed powerful, but you, alone, cannot achieve this, let alone "easily". You are merely one person spouting opinions on the internet.
>That's what I'd do. It's far less physically violent, and yet, far more damaging, which makes it the better incentive to vaccinate.
I do appreciate that you do not openly advocate for violence, but I hope you realize that "socially ostracize those who choose to disagree" does not really mean "REQUIRE", which is the terminology that I was responding to. Maybe it is just a matter of having different definitions, but I think it's good to break it down. Thanks for the conversation.
>Good luck :)
To you as well. :-D
I'm not a teen, I'm a mother. This was at the top of r/all. I honestly feel terrible for students today. Schools have become total cluster-fcks. When I was in school, you got your lesson plans on the first day. All you needed were some notebooks, pens, pencils and maybe art supplies if that was your thing. You didn't need a computer, you didn't need a tablet, you didn't need to make an account with the schools site just to access your homework. You didn't need to bring in extra supplies for other people.
Math was math and it was straightforward. None of this common core shit. Tests were given to asses how far along you were. Not what part of society you should be directed towards. We had guidance counselors. You guys have state sanctioned social workers looking for that bonus they get, if they manage to convince your parents you need adhd meds. Most of you do not.
We had an hour each day dedicated to the arts and music. We had recess and a long lunch. We didn't have to walk through metal detectors and no one was ever suspended or expelled for wearing whatever they wanted to wear. No one was pulled out of school and made famous in the news for the small act of being a kid and chewing a pop-tart into something of a shape that maybe looked like a gun. No one was labelled a terrorist for taking initiative and wiring up a working clock.
When I was going to school, our parents were not arrested for trying to pick us up. These days, if you have the audacity to set foot on school property, to pick up your own kid even 5 minutes before school lets out? You are met with an entire security team, wanting to know why you are there and what could you possibly be thinking, trying to pick your own child up.
If you're sick of it? Check out this old book. "Dumbing Us Down" written by a retired teacher. Here's an amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Dumbing-Down-Curriculum-Compulsory-Anniversary/dp/0865714487
It's almost prophetic, the original was written right around the time the internet became popular among the public world-wide. As students, you have the right to decide your own academic futures. You don't have to put up with alot of the bullshit they feed you each and everyday. Even minors have rights, you just have to know the ropes. READ YOUR SCHOOLS YEARLY MANUALS, the ones they send home for the parents to read. Then? Look up your states/cities education laws; easily accessed online. Usually on the State Board of Educators website, or even your states own website. The site's address will always end in " .org"
It's your life, your education paid for with your parents tax dollars, or even your own tax dollars, if you are over the age of 15 and working even part-time. Unless you go to a private school in which case? Can't help you much, private sectors have their own rules. School should not be a prison and students should not be forced to fail because they don't have the money to pay for the extra technology.
Public schooling is not even, (by law but you have to dig through the ammendments) required past 8th grade in most states. Despite the social services scare tactics. I'm not saying drop out. I'm saying use the system to your advantage. Not theirs. Know your rights as a minor and a student. No matter what "rule" a school has, they can not deny you an education. EVEN IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WITH SAID RULE. Provided you do not pose a physical threat.
They want to kick you out over your hair or clothes, because it might be distracting? THEY CAN'T. EVEN IF THEIR BOOK STATES IT. YOU JUST HAVE TO STAND YOUR GROUND. They want to give you a failing grade because you or your parents can't afford an internet connection? THEY CAN'T. THEY HAVE TO ALLOW FOR MORE TRADITIONAL MEANS OF ACCEPTING YOUR PROJECTS.
Will they fight you on it? YES THEY WILL. Don't let them. STAND YOUR GROUND. Things get crazy? Call your States Attorney. One more thing. Know that, for the most part, alot of these teachers are on your side. They want to make it complicated about as much as you want it to be complicated. Meaning it's just as much of a pain in the ass for them as it is for you. Only they HAVE to comply or risk losing their jobs. Sometimes a 5 minute one on one conversation, can help your grades. Meaning that if you are honest and talk to your teacher about the assignments? A solution will be found.
If you happen upon a tenured teacher that is just sick of their life and could care less? Take your concerns to the next up in line. A vice principal, the principal, the board of education. Your life is yours, your education is yours. What you want out of life belongs to you. You fight for the life you want now. Not the life you are being offered by the mediocrity and red-tape that public schooling is throwing in your face.
Sorry for the rant, but you guys are the future. Those before us, are responsible for the rules in place now. It doesn't have to be this way and all of you will determine what happens next. Yall are all basically Obi-wan-Kenobe and your future is Princess Leiah.
She needs you and only you guys can help her. Demand better from your elders, you are not thugs in training. You are the next leaders of this world. You do not deserved to be caged in like wild animals.