If I reduced these Lights from four to two, would less wattage be used? Or would the 240 watts at default be used?
Thx, man. Where do you live? I had terrible lettuces in NC when it got too hot and they just immediately bolted. I start mine from seed the same way and I've had very good luck with mine growing inside with lights - I've just had the wimpy lettuce issue.
I did write to my nutrient company who confirmed that I likely need silica, but then I wrote to ask why they don't include it in the formulary from the start...will let you know their response.
If you're going to over winter them then no, if you have space say; in a garage or shed that they can stay cool and dry in then you're fine.
If not, then you're gonna need some type of artificial light source
I got this one, and it worked well last winter in a grow tent Link
32 W, c'est pas full puissant. J'ai une lampe qui a 4 t5 de 54W chacun (donc plus de 200W en tout), 4 pieds de long, et je trouve que c'est l'idéal, tu peux mettre deux plateaux un à côté de l'autre. À maturité, je rentre mettons 24 plants de tomates sous ça (pour te donner une idée, pas besoin d'en faire pousser autant...)
J'ai commencé avec une lampe avec deux néons de 4 pieds de 54W chaque et c'était bien correct aussi. Les néons que tu me montres, ils coûtent cher, je trouve, pour ce que c'est... Pour 70$, me semble que j'avais le ballastre,et les deux néons de 4' à 54 W.
Je te conseille de regarder sur internet (Amazon, genre, sinon des boutiques d'hydroponique, d'horticulture) quand la saison sera finie : tu auras de bons deals. Un truc du genre, par exemple. Ces temps-ci, y'a pas full de choix, par contre. Genre je trouve pas beaucoup de trucs fiables à deux néons, par exemple.
you are better off using t5 flourescents than those kinds of leds. or just get the good leds.
i have two of these in my 2x4 tent. same price as the blurple leds, but true full spectrum wavelength and true wattage. that one you have is not truly 600w or the correct wavelengths for growing.
No these all kinds of lights that aren’t DIY intensive. They are just normal shop lights. You could have got the same thing you did from home depot for like $30.
Another example is this
Double the light for same price as the one you got.
They all just plug directly into the wall.
I use this to grow lettuce in a 4ft x 14 inch area, the same size as its shade. I imagine I could grow in a larger area with minimal loss but that would be too much lettuce so I haven't tried. I use 2 lights for about the first half of its life then I turn on all 4 lights. 16 hours a day.
I just recently bought this setup off Amazon and it's a solid purchase if you don't want to deal with that large stand. But from what I've read the T5 6500K bulbs are suppose to be perfect for succulents. I'd recommend putting them 4-8 inches away from your plants. Just do a few weeks with them around 8-10 inches and then see how they react and then go lower.
Thanks! Do you know what model you have? The unit I linked above seemed to have OK reviews, but for this unit there were maybe a half dozen about how it caught on fire/smoldered.
I have two of these T5 Grow Light (4ft 4lamps) DL844s Ho Fluorescent Hydroponic Fixture Bloom Veg Daisy Chain with Bulbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HEYCRI8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_WAqWLOO62Z9R3
And they sit at the only south window I have so they do get good natural light when it's not cloudy out. I have all of the low light plants in the same room nearby and hey are happy because the light makes the room pretty bright.
Its a quad T5HO. Here's a link to the light fixture
I've got them on a 16 hour light schedule with a 23CFM exhaust fan that runs continuously. A 48x20 heat mat is controlled by an InkBird temperature controller.
Up until the day before that picture, I tried keeping my lights as close to the seedlings as I could get. Now with the disparity in height between the two big plants and everything else, this is the best I can do. I haven't noticed the seedlings on the left trying to get too tall, so they must like their new positions. If I need to get them closer I have some extra 1020s that I can turn upside down to raise them up with.
This is the light i am looking at filling the veg room with, 4 of these actually...but idk, it shows that its got a ballast so thats where i got the whole ballast thing from.
Yes! This is my 3rd year starting seeds indoors. I recently bought
Now is definitely a great time to start seedlings, especially peppers/tomatoes. However, if you start them in super small 2" x 2" seed pots or something similar, you'll probably need to transplant to larger pots before it's time to transplant into the ground otherwise they'll get pretty rootbound. If you want to start seedlings now, I recommend using solo cups or something of similar size (with holes punched in the bottom for drainage). This will allow your peppers and tomatoes to grow rapidly without worry of getting too rootbound over three months of growing, and by the time you're ready to transplant to the ground (generally mid-May) they'll be 1-1.5ft tall and have a nice head start on the growing season (and deal with transplant shock better).
I wouldn't say pepper plants need a "ton" of heat to get going - I generally start them indoors (where it's 68F this time of year), under T5 fluorescent bulbs (which give off very little heat) and never really have issues with germination/sprouting.
Let's talk about equipment - the first time I tried to do seedlings with no artificial light, on a south-facing window, it worked...but they were super thin and leggy. I highly recommend either a T5 fluorescent setup or maybe one of those newfangled LED setups (I've never tried the latter, but apparently they work great). You'll want to hook this up to some sort of wall timer so that your seedlings are getting 16 hours of light per day early on; you can wean them down a bit as you get near transplanting time.
If you use general seedling potting mix, you won't need any fertilizer for the first few weeks - the seeds and the seedling potting mix have a good amount of nutrients that the seedlings need to get started. Eventually, you'll want to start hitting them with a diluted water soluble, foliage-oriented fertilizer mix - maybe once they've gotten their 2nd set of true leaves or so. I like this stuff - the ratio is geared towards foliage production (as opposed to say, flower/fruit production which you'd want later in the season when you want your plants to switch focus from putting on leaves/growth to flowers/fruit). You mix a tiny bit, like a teaspoon or so, into a gallon of water. Since you're only hitting them with fertilizer once every couple weeks (using just plain old water in between), a jug like that can last several years.
Let me know if you have any questions! Starting from seed (and the access to millions of different varieties that provides, stuff you can't get as starters from NEON/Zamzows, especially exotic pepper varieties) is one of my favorite parts of gardening.
I'm growing plants on a table using the following grow light from Amazon.
I bought $16 worth of 1" PVC to build the stand for it. (Shout out to Jeb Gardner for the stand)
Here's a picture of that light mounted on the stand.
That's still a pretty high price. I would just go with the ol' T5 light instead.
this one it works like a charm
I’d read this article about grow lights for cacti. They generally won’t thrive but some lights are okay for growth. You want high output lights. Something like this would be better.
Here are my favorite lights and the pulleys I use.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Durolux T5 Ho Grow Light - 4 Foot 4 Lamps - DL844… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
I overwinter in a basement that will drop to mid 50s in the dead of winter, I just moved stuff inside since some lows in the 40s are coming soon.
With a heating mat it's possible to keep growth going all winter, but I'm planning to let more of my plants rest this year.
Picture of setup: https://i.imgur.com/98vnCP9.jpg
Lights: Durolux T5 Ho Grow Light - 4 Foot... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HEYCRI8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Durolux T5 Ho Grow Light - 4 Foot 4 Lamps - DL844 Fluorescent Hydroponic Indoor Fixture - Bloom Veg Daisy Chain with Bulbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HEYCRI8/ref=cm_sw_r_sm_apa_glt_fabc_RWJWMRVCR54BG30VK616
That was happening to me as well. Then I fertilized them just before the bloom and it kept the lemons on like glue :). This is the light I have. T5 grow light
yes there is tons of options for lights... i can help you a bit.
where are you from ? whats your main language? if its french i can help explain stuff in french too to make it easier.
option 1: if you want just to get by until next month... maybe T5 would be best option
my guess this would enough... t5 4ftgreat for veg not so great for flowering
option 2: is a 400w hps you can a vented hood if you plan on using in a tent eventually. Better suited for a full grow than T5 if you want to go at it inside.
option 3: quantum board (from china or usa/canada $$$). Most expensive option but very efficient and effective. i guess a 240w would be enough.
210$ us shipped + duties from china (alibaba - meijiu) or check out HLG in usa or canada who sell probably slightly better product (pretty much same components) for twice the price. But you get faster shipping and easier communication.
First two you can get easily with amazon or your local hydro store... QB board from china is probably 1 or 2 weeks...
maybe a fourth option is a blurple led light... i wouldn't suggest that but its an option that will probably do the job ok and its the cheapest i guess for the 600w
not sure if you need a 600 or 900... check the specs
if you have more question feel free to ask
I used this one all winter
if they're long shelves most people just get a long hanging thing and put 2-4 T5 bulbs in it.
This for example. You can get 1,2, or 4 bulb fixtures, and in lengths of 2 or 4 feet. Can find at any big box store, or online for not too bad. then just buy some daylight bulbs for them.
If you want more of a Square format, you can buy 1000-1200 watt LED's that will do a 3x3 or 4x4 foot area for between $40-60.
If you don't have many plants you can always scale down for smaller options in both.
Something like this:
T5 Grow Light (4ft 4lamps) DL844s Ho Fluorescent Hydroponic Fixture Bloom Veg Daisy Chain with Bulbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HEYCRI8?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
Have three of these on my indoor hydro garden and they are amazing
Yes this is what I use and I think it is the best bang for your buck and I grow a lot of lettuce! good luck
You know except when they are.
Legit get one of these and you'll be just fine no need for a giant filter/fan system: https://www.amazon.com/4lamps-DL844s-Fluorescent-Hydroponic-Fixture/dp/B00HEYCRI8/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1510932370&sr=8-6&keywords=t5
I would think one of these should be pretty good for 40 plants.
Thanks for the info! The grow light is this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HEYCRI8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
something like this will be fine https://www.amazon.com/4lamps-DL844s-Fluorescent-Hydroponic-Fixture/dp/B00HEYCRI8
This is the one I'm using and it is working well. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HEYCRI8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Apart from being new to growing cannabis...as mentioned...I'm also pretty terrible at math. Thanks for helping me keep up with it. Ill get a pic of my flowering tents up as soon as i figure out how lol
Here's one of the flowering rooms...The other one is lights out right now, I'm swapping the little guys between the alternating tents light cycles to keep them in veg due to lack of veg mom room.
Yeah yeah about that ballast thing,
This thing has ballasts...no?