My experience is Junipers need at least 5 hours of direct sun a day, excellent soil drainage, and they love to be feed. I've had great success with Bonsai Pro Fertilizer. I feed my trees consistently from March through September. Temperatures below 20-25 degrees I put in unheated cold storage, ie. a shed or garage type environment. In summer months watch out for any signs of insects and if necessary I treat them with Neem Oil and Murphy's Oil Soap. Hope that helps.
I use Bonsai Pro by DynaGro just don’t use it for any fruiting plants you plan to consume.
I’ve ordered this, I hope it’s better:
Dyna-Gro BON-008 Bonsai-Pro Liquid Plant Food 7-9-5, 8-Ounce
I just use a bonsai fertilizer I got off of amazon.
Dyna-Gro BON-008 8 oz Bonsai-Pro Liquid Plant Food, Yellow
And water about once a week or so.
Fertilizer. Is this what I should be using?