If you have a pressing need to get a handle on DP this probably won't help. That being said, I have an MS in applied math and think the way DP is presented to anyone coming at it from a CS perspective creates a lot of the confusion.
DP is NOT a programming paradigm. It is an optimization technique originally developed to reduce the search space of high dimensional problems.
I would recommend reading the first few chapters of this book (I have no relationship to or financial stake in either the book or you clicking the link): http://athenasc.com/dpbook.html
It does a good job of explaining how to think about DP without being prescriptive which I think is the flaw with the CLRS presentation.
Id also recommend this book (again, I have no interest in this): Dynamic Programming (Dover Books on Computer Science) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0486428095/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_UT.7CbAEDXGAM
The book gets pretty dense pretty fast but if you push through the first few chapters it will give you additional insight as to the motivation behind why this technique was developed