My detailer uses eagle nevr-dull, so I picked some up. Works pretty well. eagle nevr-dull
Try some never-dull: Eagle One 1035605 Nevr-Dull Wadding Polish - 5 oz, Single (E301131001)
Eagle one brands it and it’s cheaper on Amazon currently than the original but same stuff. Works great on chrome and other metal pieces. Don’t use any abrasives or Brillo/scotch brite type pads on it or it will scratch the chrome.
Thanks. The bracelet is a gift I received and I've worn everyday for the last 20 years but I think is well within the $100 price tag.
What is the sunshine cloth you mention? Is it something like this polishing cotton I've been using?
If you do got with getting it re-plated or powder coated, they would sand blast it before they apply the new coating. Although I guess that is not really DIY, and again it would most likely cost a lot.
I've had good results on rust removal with "Never Dull". It is like a cotton wadding.
Guy at a track day clued me into this stuff a few years back - Nevr-Dull Wadding Polish.
Removes everything without hard scrubbing, leaves a protective coating that makes it so you can wipe daily carbon buildup away with a dry rag. Fucking amazing, all four chrome tips of my 2013 WRX are still stainless/spotless after seven years.
Pro-tip, wad the wadding up in a rag or wear gloves to apply it. The chems in that stuff will seep into your skin very easily.
It happens. I haven't used it myself yet, but Eagle One - Never Dull is supposed to make an easy(er) time of cleaning it up.
haha I always love parking next to another GTI. Even better when I return to my car to find another one parked next to it :]
I also recommend some Nevr Dull to help keep your exhaust tips shiny :P
Thanks. I went with this stuff since it said safe on all metal. Worked really well. If I know for sure it was stainless I was going to go at it with some 0000 steel wool. I read that it's a bad idea to use that on chromed metal.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Eagle One Nevr-Dull Wadding Metal Polish, Chrome… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.0/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Eagle One Nevr-Dull Wadding Metal Polish, Chrome… | $19.98 | $19.98 | 4.1/5.0 |
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Get some eagle one never dull polish.
Eagle One Nevr-Dull Wadding Metal Polish, Chrome Restoration, for Wheels and More, 5 Ounce Jar
i used this on a set of work wheels that had bad surface rust
worked great and got the wheels back to pristine condition .
I haven’t tried it on sockets before but I use never dull on the chrome and polished aluminum for my cars. Like this.
I use Eagle One Never Dull for cleaning up metal and it works well.
You should use this on all the luggage hardware.
It will make an incredible difference. I use it on old bicycles.
Eagle One "Never Dull" and a clean terry cloth or similar rag-type article of cloth. 30 seconds and some elbow grease and it will be all gone. Link: []
This shit right here cleaned mine up like magic. Can't beat it for $5.
I pretty sure they are aluminum maybe billet but that is a stretch. I would use Eagle One Never Dull. That shit works on everything like a charm!
Try polishing it first. I suggest either Eagle One Never Dull:
Or Mothers:
I'd use Eagle One nevr-dull. Its kinda miracle stuff. I use it on any metal or glass that I want to clean. It's about the only thing I've found that easily takes water spots off. Its a fiber wadding, just pull some off and start rubbing. Its a cleaner not a polish but man does it make things look clean and shiny.