Have you tried foam tips? The Comply foam tips are superior IMO due to the wax guard you can get built in, but they deteroriate on me rapidly as I use them as hearing protection at work as well. They reduce loud noises by about 30 db or more it seems which is enough for what I do. I recommend these if wax guards are not necessary. I think they may be a bit sturdier too, while being very soft.
I use the Newbee tips they sell on amazon for 5-7mm headphones. Worth giving a shot if you can find them in stock.
I absolutely love these tips for my T2. I think they're called newbee tips but they don't say that on the amazon page. So comfy and they've lasted me months.
While I do like Comply there are others that work as well and much cheaper. https://www.amazon.com/Earphone-Premium-Replacement-Blocking-Headphones/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2U9QTO9ETU65M&dchild=1&keywords=foam+tips+for+earbuds&qid=1595291605&sprefix=Foam+tips+%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-1-spons&psc... this is a example of one and when you find the size you can get them or buy Comply but good to find size you need first.
I had picked up some foam tips, maybe not the highest quality tips. I had picked them up with the KZ ZSN Pros when I bought them, they are New Bee tips. I was already looking to pick up a Fiio E10K-TC at some point and a USB dongle. The E4000 looks like a great avenue to try next. I do love the fit and feel of the over the ear of the Arias, not sure how I would do with that style of IEM, but I also felt that way about the ZSN Pros before buying them, only to find out that I love the feel.
Also try some foam eartips with them https://www.amazon.com/Earphone-Premium-Replacement-Blocking-Headphones/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=HWRXVQK0WTDF&keywords=foam+ear+tips&qid=1653533600&sprefix=foam+eartips%2Caps%2C488&sr=8-3
Helps with better isolation, comfort, and bass.
Try these earbud tips. They worked great for me. They’re memory foam ones, very comfy and only 6.99 for all of them. https://www.amazon.com/Earphone-Premium-Replacement-Blocking-Headphones/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1RQ5WZSSR287P&keywords=bee+earbuds+tips&qid=1648611869&sprefix=bee+earbuds+tips%2Caps%2C38&sr=8-3
They’re basically the same material as the foam earplugs you can squish and have them expand in your ears. I find these with the KZ’s to offer very good attenuation. So much that I reply on the room mics picking up the hi hats.
I just got these for my ZS10s and they work great. I use them for drumming and the sound reduction vs the stock silicone tips is substantial. There might be higher quality options but for $7 they're working great so far.
If it's especially difficult to ignore him, like his voice grates after a while and you just can't tune it out, you could always get some IEMs to help. You can get some cheap ones on Amazon and pair with foam eartips to really block out excess sound. I have these replacement tips for my in-earphones to give you an idea. I use them at work at the end of the night when we're cleaning the kitchen (the clanging metal, fans without vents, and power washers get very annoying) and I can barely hear someone unless they are practically in my face speaking.
Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and ordered these tips from amazon since they were cheap and had good reviews. Will these work or should I cancel?
Something like these (no affiliate link): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_qebBDbPX825KX
You can also try searching for "foam eartips" on either Amazon or eBay and you'll find several alternatives to the more expensive Comply foams. Or go for Complys. Just be sure the bore is wide enough to match that of your earphones.
If you're losing low end, you don't have a proper seal is all. Consider going one size up in eartip size.
I bought a set of these off Amazon for $6.99 and I just keep them in good condition. I actually had only been using one pair from this particular set and I had no issues; I cleaned them after every listening session. Right now though I'm actually using the foam tips that came included with the IO.
Also wanted to leave an eartip option, I use these foam tips: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_TFQrFbE7RP4BS
If you're not into foam tips, just look for tips with a 4.9mm inner diameter. Those should all work for the T2s or the Blon Bl03
They are available on amazon. 36.99$ us with an in-line mic. That’s where I got mine Having read lots of suggestions here and on amazon reviews I ordered tips at the sane time. I got these cuz they where cheap. Came in a box And I got three sizes to try.
[6 Pairs] Earphone Tips New Bee 12pcs Premium Replacement Earbud Tips Blocking Out Ambient Noise Memory Foam Earbuds Inner 4.9mm for in-Ear Headphones with 5mm-7mm Tips (Black, S/M/L) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_j7X8DbVF61FW6
Happy listening!
Been wearing mine like all day since I got. First two days I felt soreness. Then I adjusted the Bend and now can barely tel it’s in my ear.
You could also order these to see what size your ear canal is. These are a good variety pack and have good isolation. new bee tips
New Bee tips are cheap and comparable to comply tips.
Earphone Tips New Bee 12pcs Premium Replacement Earbud Tips Blocking Out Ambient Noise Memory Foam Earbuds Inner 4.9mm for Headphones with 5mm-7mm Tips ( Black, 6 Pairs, S/M/L ) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_mZnsBbEZXJ258
Here is a picture that is actually of mine so you can see how shallow the stem is. And because of that, the massive bump just fucking hurts. But with the tip, it pushes it out alot. Here are the foam tips I personally use my dood
Ömm no siis ne on paskat nappikuulokkeet, joissa ehkä taitaa olla sellanen. Mut siis meinasin tän tyyppisiä yleisiä, jotka käy lähes kaikkiin nappikuulokkeisiin, joissa sellanen perus mallinen se tyyny. Yleensä se on vakio.
Sure. So I got these, but they honestly may have too much depth. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_7M39MRSSSQ8ZM5Q750TY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 those will fit onto the galaxy buds, but the buds stick out.
I literally just bought these buds while searching for your answer because my current experience is great, but not perfect https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NQLSCY8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_KKP020Q6K77ZWNEZ3TYD
I got these The small size ones narrowly fit into the case but I had to cut off half a centimetre from the backside of the medium and large tips for it fit into the case
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
[6 Pairs] Earphone Tips New Bee 12pcs Premium Rep… | $6.98 | $6.98 | 4.1/5.0 |
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I got these New Bee brand tips from amazon in 2017. They come with 3 different sizes and are super inexpensive. I used them pretty heavily for about 3 years (hundreds of gigs).
My only issue is that every once in a while one of them would slip off and get stuck in my ear when I took the earbud out. It was probably a sweat issue and it wasn't a serious deal - it only took like 5-10 seconds to get it out of my ear and back on the earbud but it was sort of a pain.
I have custom molds now but if I were to keep using them I would figure out some way to temporarily secure the foam tip to the earbud.
I've also heard good things about these Comply foam tips but don't have personal experience.
Add these to the KZ’s and they’ll sit tighter in your ears and stay there. The low frequencies end up much improved.
Work great for listening while protecting your ears (make sure to get the memory foam buds tho)
That's great progress for six weeks, I saw you mention that you were going to put up another progress vid in six weeks, which is a great idea, but you should also record yourself as often as possible and watch it back, it really helps spot any weaknesses you have.
Here's the link to the ones I have: https://www.amazon.com/Earphone-Premium-Replacement-Blocking-Headphones/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=sr_1_11?crid=KPUTGO4RL6GC&dchild=1&keywords=powerbeats%2Bpro%2Bfoam%2Bear%2Btips&qid=1615848634&sprefix=powerbeats%2Bpro%2Bfoam%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-11&th=1
I've been using these:
They're cheap and they get the job done!
A few days ago I bought some inexpensive memory foam tips and they are FANTASTIC. They are inexpensive, and I noticed a 30% increase in bass from my Blon BL03 because I am now getting a great seal.
This is a sample pack with different sizes, I found that I needed the large size to get the correct seal.
its mainly because the blon 03 are so good for their price that the 05 is a sorta downgrade since it is nearly double depending where you buy them. BUT be warned that the 03 does come with a wire thats not great and eartips that many people decide to replace. So that could set you back another 10-20$ depending. However you'd most likely need those tips and wire if you are looking to get other IEMS so its not the biggest deal in the world. (Wire: .78 2 pin either 8 core or 16 core)
the tips i got : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=twister_B079JBZRB6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
if you want the best tips then dekoni or comply are the ones to go for but they are a bit pricey
I use these and have found the middle size to be a touch smaller than the stock blue foamies.
No, I use blue on left and red on right. Take a look at this photo, it looks correct. I've seen New Bee recommended a few times. I haven't tried them yet. I'm also going to try Symbio, which are made of foam and silicone.
Earphone Tips New Bee Premium Replacement Earbud Tips Blocking Out Ambient Noise Memory Foam Earbuds Inner 4.9mm for Headphones with 5mm-7mm Tips ( Black, 6 Pairs, S/M/L ) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071Z6J3XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_0VA7Ab1P4FDJB