Dude, it's not my responsibility to educate you if you're too fucking stupid to understand Econ 101.
Let me know if you have any further questions after having read: https://www.amazon.com/Economics-Dummies-Sean-Masaki-Flynn/dp/1119476380/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=56365768552&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlrPGsZOL-AIV2h-tBh3bmg3GEAAYASAAEgIxa_D_BwE&hvadid=274698185700&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9026928&hvnetw=g&...
You really are a typical communist. I'd suggest rear this book and learn something or even search it up cause you really don't know what capitalism is capitalism is also about free market Adam Smith said that. No a government cannot afford to run reddit as they have other costs to bear like military, schools, police. Yes you still are a hypocrite first of there's no doubt that's you're probably some edgy teenager who hasn't learned anything about economics. Second to participate in capitalism it's not necessary you need to own something.
They have a kindle edition if that's more convenient.
Sure. Start here. When you've read that, move on to This from Caixa Bank.. Follow it up with This study from economists at Notre Dame and the University of Michigan.
Of course, you wont read any of those. You certainly won't do your own research, because you don't really care about the information. You're demanding "sources" not to verify or learn, but as a smoke screen, a defensive measure to avoid having to acknowledge that your team made even the smallest, most minute mistake. And that's because, for you, this isn't about discussing or learning, it's about defending your cult, and winning a fight that only exists in your head.
Economics For Dummies, 3rd Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119476380/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_90DDFMG4Z2ED6WT9VM9V
Can someone provide me with her address so I can gift her this book? Economics For Dummies, 3rd Edition https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1119476380/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_W6Q1D3YVR7CBZJHDWXKS
here, but you also might be able to find it at Strand:
I suggest you buy this book.
Well pretty much anywhere they are applied.
Learn about a topic before criticizing.