very short sighted
if i buy bch today at $500, btc crashes tomorrow, then bch is worth $100 then that means i'm paying a 500% premium on anything i buy with the bch i bought today
paying extra for something with loss of value on ownership if way worse than any transaction fee
please read this book for us -
BRUH. You’re literally in a comment thread of one posted brand new for less than $200 from a reputable company.
Not my fault you overpayed
Edit: just because the arid JPC 2.0 is rare doesn’t mean it’s in high demand. Here this might help you out.
>Yes... they are...
No, they aren't. Like I said, this is basic stuff. You should know it from high school economics. The oversimplified version: currency is a tangible representation of money. But it isn't money itself in the same way that a coupon for a Big Mac isn't food.
Currency is a token representation of money and, yes, a medium of exchange. And, in fact, it's a measure of money, in that we use currency terms to express monetary value in much the same way we use miles to express terms of distance. But while money is intrinsic value, currency is simply the representation of that value in a manner determined by a government or other authority. The value of currency is reliant on public confidence in the currency and the issuing body. However, money includes value held outside of those systems.
Fun fact, only about 10% of the worlds money is represented with hard currency. The rest exists in various forms of assets. The Federal Reserve actually tracks currency supply separately than the rest of the money supply (M0 versus M1, M2, and M3.) If you were correct, this wouldn't be possible.
>I'm not arguing; I pointed out that you are conflating an universal constant in eceonomics with one specific theory.
Okay, but since I didn't exclude S&D's role in other economic systems, what you said didn't really add anything. So I guess you're just talking for the sake of talking now.
I'd recommend Sean Flynn's Economics for Dummies. But then again, it's the only pop economics book I've read. Maybe check Amazon reviews on it and related books have bought along with it.
Are you going to read up on marginal utility? The subject is covered in any basic textbook on economics. I think that anybody attempting to post on the subject of economics should at least have a basic familiarity with the major ideas in the field. Here's an introductory book that looks right up your street: Economics for Dummies. We'll set you an ambitious schedule: maybe you'll be able to work through the book over the next year and a half and then come back to us explaining why a flat tax is such a stupid fucking idea.
>Yes, its not an official tax. It unofficially fulfills the same purpose.... you should look at how they finance all the covid spending, welfare, and military...... Seriously.... just look at how they printed money for the covid bills. If you think that's not adding money into the system for a government program, then god help you lol
>Across the board, we found almost no effect of government spending on inflation. For example, in our benchmark specification, we found that a 10 percent increase in government spending led to an 8 basis point decline in inflation. Moreover, the effect is not statistically different from zero.
Also you:
>I'm convinced you're either actually a troll or incapable of acknowledging your own logical fallacies. You seem to be regurgitating textbook definitions without evaluating empirical evidence.
Yes, please, kindly fuck off. You have provided zero evidence for anything you've said. You don't read the sources I provide, either. You make incredibly basic mistakes. There is no high horse for you to be on here. The fucking audacity of a dude who thinks raising interest rates is a tool to raise inflation to tell others they don't know what they are talking about, incredible.
Read a textbook, because you clearly lack knowledge of basic principles.
Or here, maybe more appropriate.
>The US has a minority rule in the sense that the constitution protect the minority from the decision of the majority. Context? Give some examples.
Where in the Constitution supports your argument? Cause if you did know you would have posted that section of the Constitution rather than link to Amazon.
What is your argument again and what section is it?
>We have an example of limited government. It’s ours. You and people like you have and are changing that by confiscating lawful property to give to others whom you deem more worthy of it.
Your answering an argument I didn't make. Changing zoning laws isn't taking away any ones property. Having affordable housing that allows all San Franciscans to raised and die isn't some fantasy, like ending slavery, protection of indigenous Americans, women's right to vote, civil rights, disabled rights, and rights of gays. The right to affordable housing is civil right considering the importance of ones home.
>Throwing out feel good platitudes doesn’t change 1. The constitution. 2. Basic laws of economics and 3. Human nature.
Thomas Sowell the Libertarian, would rather read "Economics for Dummies,
If your unwilling to learn for yourself the causes of a problem how can you talk about a solution?
I suggest you start here:
You're right. I apologies for not providing links to farther instruction.
> No. I have much more experience with universities than you do. I can guarantee that.
Emptying trash cans doesn't count.
> This is just illiterate in every way.
No, you just have a hard time understanding big words. Currency is part of an economy, not the whole of it. I realize that sounds complicated, it isn't. Perhaps you should try a book at you're reading level.
> You have absolutely no idea what "modern economists support" or don't support. Nor would you even understand how to judge or contextualize such.
Really, because there's about 5 universities in the entire world that have actual coursework regarding the Austrian School. And you're knowledge of the school is clearly broad, given that you named exactly 1 economist from the school that actually influenced mainstream economics (Menger and Wieser actually influenced modern economics, Mises didn't).
Given that the Austrian School is literally considered non-mainstream economics, I'm pretty sure I can say that modern economists don't support the school of thought or it would fucking be mainstream, moron.
> So fucking transparently stupid. Go back to your league of legends subreddit you fucking manchild.
LOL. Nothing like a combination of drivel followed up by creepy shit looking at my post history.
> "Widely held" among your dumbshit "friends" on the internet. Not by academics or anyone else with real educations.
Yes, my friends include Wikipedia, modern economists like Krugman and Skidelsky, Friedman.
When the Chicago School, Keynesian Economists AND fucking Marxists all agree that something is wrong, you can safely assume it's wrong. And had you read anyone besides Austrian School authors, you'd know the over-fucking-whelming majority of economists suggest that many of it's principles are downright harmful.
But keep insulting me without a shred of information because that would require you actually having any fucking idea what you're talking about. But like the Austrians before you, you're on the wrong side of this one. And much like Mises, you'll refuse to believe you could actually be wrong. The difference is, Mises was actually smart. You're a complete moron who can't even defend the very subject you are discussing because you have zero fucking idea what any of it means.
It's a shame, you could probably use this one
Since you seem new to the idea, here's a good starting point to learning about basic ecomomics.