I bought a sump pump on Amazon which does a good job. I think this is the specific model:
I fill a cooler with ice and run city water through it for the first 20 degrees after boil then pump the ice water through. Works well.
I use a Python with a pump. I use this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012V5VNC/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 with this https://www.lowes.com/pd/Apollo-1-2-in-PVC-Drip-Irrigation-Male-Adapter/50030700 Hook it up to my python and red team go. No more wasted water.
EDIT: If you get this one https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012V3Q2U/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 it won't need the adapter from Lowes.
I use this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012V5VNC/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 with this https://www.lowes.com/pd/Apollo-1-2-in-PVC-Drip-Irrigation-Male-Adapter/50030700 Hook it up to my python and red team go.
I also have it hooked up to this https://www.amazon.com/iHome-iSP8-Wi-FI-SmartPlug-connected/dp/B01HCVG51M and carry the remote in my pocket or just tell Alexa to turn the outlet on and off.
EDIT: Use quick connects to easily attach everything.
I recently built one using the instructions on the AHA website. The pump I'm using also pulls double duty in recirculating keg line cleaning.