Oh I hate those things. We had them at our old house. Tried just about everything to get rid of them with no luck, until we got this spray: https://www.amazon.com/Ecosmart-Organic-Home-Control-64-Ounce/dp/B0044EK7OW
It's organic, safe for use in kitchens where this little buggers like to hang out, and we would usually treat once or twice a year and never saw them again.
(I posted two pics, one showing size compared to finger). Hello wonderful pest people. So I thought we had termites but through asking here and on Facebook groups, it seems we have book lice (or at least that's most popular suggestion). I post a pic in the hopes you think the same (or not termites at least!). Here is context. I'm in Sonoma County, Northern California. These guys are impossible to get a decent picture of, but I've found several at various spots inside on window sills. They measure about 1/16 inch. I have not seen wings or frass. I felt like they were termites but they are so small and then also walking around on a sunny ledge on own (ie not moving as a pack) doesn't fit usual behavior. I had a pest guy over for a spot look (ie not full inspection) and he didn't see these guys directly (of course they wouldn't come out to suit the visit) but he saw one of the pics and said termite. It was really zoomed in though which I explained, but he was adamant! He did say they could be swarmers (the pic he saw was taken on window frame where perhaps one could get in through weephole). In any case enough people have said booklice that I'm hoping you concur.
If that's the case, how do I get rid of them? I've actually seen some springtails too but it's so random. I get seeing them in our humid bathroom but on random sills in hallways is weird. There is no obvious water damage or even plumbing/pipes in most of these areas save the bathroom which can be humid. What there is are dirty channels that the sliding portion of window(s) sits in - I guess all that dirt and grime and dead bugs could be attractive? Some of the sills need a little caulk where they meet window inside also. There's a drought here too so I wonder if they are driven in. This all started when I had all our screens taken out for repair. Or rather I only noticed as I put screens back in. The windows were closed for two weeks but I guess bug had more access to parts of window then before. Just bizarre they are in multiple spots when we never had an issue before. Two story house no air con just forced air furnace. Could be time to buy a dehumidifier or two I guess? I was thinking of cleaning/vaccum out channels and sills, then spraying with ecosmart ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0044EK7OW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_1XNZ3AD8B1WJG4YKPNGF) in any cracks, before sealing with caulk what I can? Then regularly run dehumidifier (though it's 1800sf two storey so hard to plan how and where to deploy - buy two as I said perhaps). Air con is too expensive.
Thanks for any thoughts.