I agree with everyone say you don’t need a frame for these types of kits, but I like to use one anyway as it helps me control the canvas a bit better. I use Handi Clamp scroll frames. The canvas just snaps in and I roll it to the part I’m working on. I also put soft batting between the canvas and the scroll bit so I don’t flatten the worked stitches too much. this is what I have:link
A thought...scroll frame
I have this set. It's by the same company as your stand and it might even work with your stand. The difference is you use plastic clamps (like those on a qsnap) to lock the fabric in place. I've never had an issue getting the fabric taut with my set.
I understand you probably don't want to have to invest more money but it may be a last ditch alternative.
I already had the stand for quilting but O purchased a scroll frame for my 28 and up. This one has 3 different sizes but shop around for what might work for you.
More me it allows for my stitching to be more even and I can make use of my left hand too.
I think I may try to make one.... well ask my fiance to make one for me at some point. He is great with tools and can make pretty much anything I ask him too :)
I was thinking of getting the Edmunds Scroll Frame, have you had any experience with this?https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003TZUTJ0/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I22PV1P6P7F5G3&colid=29QRH0YD73LXB&psc=0
I have not tried the Lokscroll frame but wanted to offer another option for no-velcro, no-sew frames. I have this one. It's like a cross between a q-snap and a scroll frame.
This is the scroll frame I use and I think it's the best of the cheap options. I'm considering upgrading to a Quantum frame sometime in the next year, but that's a relatively large purchase. This'll certainly do until then.
Edmunds HC-CS Handi Clamp Complete Frame Set is the adjustable scroll frame I use. It can handle up to 20" wide. I hope this helps!
Hi OP,
I use the type of scroll frame that has long plastic clips like you see on a Qsnap, in conjunction with K's Creation floor stand that easily allows for flipping.
I just watched a lovely video on the Millennium scroll frame and stand. Have to say I'm extremely intrigued with the tightness it offers.
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Edmunds HC-CS Handi-Clamp Complete Frame Set, Mul… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
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I use this scroll frame.
I use this stand.
I originally had the stand for quilting hoops. I lucked out when I started cross stitch with the scroll frame and stand set up as the frame rests in the stand.
This allows me to pick up and flip to the back easily. It's my style of stitching and flipping to the back is something I do often.
So take into consideration your style of stitching before you invest. Some stands don't allow for easy access to the back of your work.
Best if luck to you.
Happy Stitching!
It's this set from Amazon but I'm sure you can get it in only one size too
Edmunds HC-CS Handi-Clamp Complete Frame Set, Multi Size, Natural Wood https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003TZUTJ0/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_dT6HEbJFH4EDM