This was fun to set up, planning on using it as a U2F key and sort of password input/ssh key storage. Basically 3 leds, 2 buttons and a programmable pico.
It ended up looking great so sharing before I actually have the code ready, will do that also soon.
Parts used:
- adafruit led sequins (nice small leds that draw ~5 mah)
- 6mm slim buttons -
- silver copper wire to solder the leds on and shape into place -
- magnetic cable with data transfer -
- epoxy (any would do, I should have used a more expensive one)
- small plastic box to pour stuff in (can use a mint box)
- M2 connectors for clearance, likely not needed, was planning on attaching things but it looks cool without -\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o06\_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1