If you live in the USA, with the current exchange rate, Canadian goods can be a real steal. Have a look at Porcelain Rocket and Farsik, off the top of my head.
When I’m not using my tie dye bag in my Wald 137 basket, which has it’s own securing straps, I use this net from Amazon. It fits perfectly, stretches well, and the plastic clips never scratch the contents of my basket.
Mine is non-standard, but I used this plastic basket from Target: https://www.target.com/p/y-weave-medium-decorative-storage-basket-room-essentials-153/ The basket dimensions are roughly 13.5"x11".
Drilled 4 holes in the bottom, added a bolt and nut and two washers at each hole to attached to the rack. I was careful to position this so that there is enough clearance from the basket edge to the rear of the seat when lowered to various rider heights.
I lined the bottom with a small hand towel to reduce the noise from things bouncing in the bottom.
Lastly, I added a motorcycle elastic net to keep everything from bouncing around: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DHH9ZG7/
For me, I also wanted to look at making sure I could but a standard take-out box and a paper grocery bag in there.
Dimensions of
- a paper grocery bag are around 12"x7". Can fit 2 with a bit of squish.
- Take out boxes are around 8"x8".
- Medium pizza box is 12"x12". Can with with a bit of tilt or squish.
- My laptop bag (sized for a 15.6" laptop) is 16.5" x 13.5". Needs to fit to the size or vertical.
In short, most things can fit one way or another depending on squish. I also like that it's low profile enough that it doesn't impact seat positioning if the seat is lowered to my wife's height.
I've seen some people use a folding crate, but I didn't like the rattling noise it makes (I have one in my car).
The bottom net is the new one, this one.
It's nothing particularly special, but the hooks are big enough for the frame tubes on my bike. Time will tell if it lasts or ends up clapped out.
The top net is one I've had around for years and I'm pretty sure it's the same as this one, which isn't really meant for cargo probably, but I've been making it work.
I use these, intended for motorcycles. It's a little big for the front basket, but it's been working great for me, and all parts are non-metallic so no scratching.
I use a cargo net. Works great. 👍