>Can you show me those genetic studies?
>Egyptians were descendant in roughly similair measures from Berber and Semitic people
> It is particulairly striking that despite externel influences at different periods of their history, the Egyptian people have remained remarkably unchanged to modern times
>We are dealing with a population of the Mediteranean type....pale skinned....almost identical in features to the people of the Nile valley
>Ramesses came from a family of redheads
>not even light brown skin
I dunno, the guy in the top left looks light brown to me.
As does this, this and this person
As does Nefertiti
>No, it proves that Egyptians and Nubians often had the same skin tone. Meaning that Egyptians were as Black as Nubians.
Art speaks against this - Ancient Egyptians painted themselves different from Nubians.
Norht Africans have always been Berbers. Berbers aren't black. They've never been.
Fayum Mummy portraits give clear proof that the ancient Egyptians looked like modern ones.
>Many Italians in Northern Italy have Germanic phenotypes compared to dark-skinned Sicilians
If your goal is to be a troll, try not to be too obvious by saying "dark skinned Sicilians".
Sicilians aren't even as dark as Arabs or Berbers, let alone Africans.
And while Northern Italians have mixed heritage, they're obviously not Germans.
My point was to illustrate that population changes, on the level of the Germanic invasions, virtually never happen.
Or otherwise we would've known about it.
>Ancient Egyptians were decimated by disease and foreign invaders for centuries
Same could be said for many populations during the black plague, didn't change anything.
And those same diseases also existed in Nubia. Nubia wasn't some sort of paradise with modern medicine.
> The people of Southern Egypt are closest to Ancient Egyptian genetic heritage. Unlike the Arabs around the Delta and Cairo.
That's a weird way to write "Copts" or "Berbers". Or did Berbers just fall from the sky?
>Why can't you find genetic studies which prove that Ancient Egyptians weren't Black?
Or an even better one about Ramesses:
>It is remarkably striking that, despite externel influences, the Egyptian people have remained remarkably unchanged to modern times.
The problem with your "studies" is that they use the same fallacy that I've already pointed out before.
>I just provided photographic evidence of red-haired Black people
Outside of you not having done that, I already addressed that. People can color their hair in multiple colors, and even so, red hair is extremely uncommon in black people.
>What evidence is there that Egyptian Pharaohs looked like "other Mediterreneans"
>we are dealing with a population of the mediteranean type, pale skinned, almost identical in features to the population of the Nile valley.
I'm sorry m8, ancient Egyptians weren't black.