I've only used this stuff, but so far the only things that I've seen that are super brittle are things that really stick off of the model, like swords and stuff like that. This resin has worked very well for me, so I'm probably just going to stick with it.
The Elegoo brand works for me. I haven't tried it yet but I hear good things about the ABS like resin. That's what I plan on getting next.
A) For resin itself, I find myself using Elegoo ABS-Like resin. Amazon US
B) & C) - I really enjoy having my Wash & Cure station. I've got the smaller Anycubic one, but they're about to release the Plus model (larger). https://www.anycubic.com/products/anycubic-wash-cure-plus-machine
E) Funnel and paper filters for putting resin back into bottles. Scraper for getting prints off bed (or look into flexible build plates: https://whambamsystems.com/fbs-for-resin). Maybe a respirator for fumes? Plastic razor blades (Amazon US. I'll try to think of other things
ELEGOO ABS-Like 3D Rapid Resin LCD UV-Curing Resin 405nm Standard Photopolymer Resin for LCD 3D Printing Grey 1000g https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P6W5L8P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_wCMXFb8NJAZNV
Elegoo ABS-like Gray
When you see recommended settings, they usually mean 0.5mm layer height and gray resin.
Dark and trans colors need the settings to be tweaked. Black takes like double the exposure time, and trans needs to be messed with until you find settings that don't overexpose it and cause bloating.
ELEGOO ABS-Like 3D Rapid Resin LCD UV-Curing Resin 405nm Standard Photopolymer Resin for LCD 3D Printing Grey 1000g https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P6W5L8P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_E3ODFbHJJXY7Y
This is the resin I bought I'm not sure if it can be washed with water or not https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P6W5L8P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_oa6uFbCP1W623
Canadian here, there is a pretty good deal on the 1000g grey right now