If you're wanting some great quality for a good price, go with this one. It's fantastic, and works for every single console that's out. Just the other day, I recorded some NES footage. Look fantastic.
You can run the hdmi through a recorder. This on is rather expensive but has a video to see it in action.
Elgato Game Capture HD - Xbox and PlayStation High Definition Game Recorder for Mac and PC, Full HD 1080p https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00840353W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_QyF7Fb8P3J8ZJ this is the one, but those are scalper prices because they aren’t manufactured anymore. $150 for a used one is normal. It’s HDMI as well as component/composite/s-video. I haven’t found a better solution in the <$500 price range.
Like others have said, using an hdmi adapter will be cheaper but I had to buy a few before I got one that wasn’t unacceptable quality or just straight up broken. Even then, those aren’t intended for game consoles, but for VCR’s and camcorder playback. You can run into frame rate issues due to your console pushing more frames per second than the unit is made for, that’s why you’ll see a lot of reviews complaining about overheating.
I’ve tried to gear my setup towards accurately reproducing what the console puts out, and converters in your signal chain will change what gets captured. If you aren’t super worried about that and just need a visual representation of the game to accompany your content, a composite to hdmi adapter will be the cheapest way.
Elgato Game Capture. Not the HD60 one, there’s one much more shaped like a brick which has an HDMI in as well as an A/V in with adapters for component/composite. I’ll throw a link to it on amazon on this post in just a minute, so you know what you’re looking for. I can’t give any recommendations regarding other cards as this is all I’ve used, but it has faithfully captured my PS2 as well as more modern consoles such as switch and PS3/4.
This should be all you need, assuming you buy one with all original wires and such included.
Please do make sure that this is what you’re looking for and I haven’t misspoken about any of its features, but I hope this is more or less exactly what you were looking for.
Elgato 30? That isn’t an Elgato device. I’m guessing you mean the Game Capture HD. That one would give you the best odds of working if you find an old enough version of the software but I can’t guarantee it. I’ve never tried it with anything older than a 2011 iMac.
Unfortunately even the oldest version of the software I can find needs at least Mountain Lion. Maybe one of the devs can help you out with an older link but I don’t see one.
are you able to do overlays with a MBP? I have the same year as you. I have an Elgato...not the 60 but this one:
Elgato Capture Card https://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Capture-PlayStation-Definition-Recorder/dp/B00840353W/ref=sr_1_5?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1512915557&sr=1-5&keywords=elgato
You can with a USB PC/laptop accessory like this one:
You plug any HDMI output device into it, like PS4, Xbox, SNES Classic, etc... and then it streams it over a USB connection to your PC/laptop. You can record with it like a DVR too.
The cheapest solution is just screen capture software which is often free. However that would need to be installed on every computer so that's not much good. Unless there's a way to have them not always change computers but I'm guessing that isn't an option.
Another option would be an HDMI recorder. Something like an Elgato Game Capture would likely do the trick. It designed for capturing gameplay from a console but it will record anything that goes to the HDMI onto another computer while passing it through in real time. This would require a recording computer setup elsewhere but wouldn't require the installation of screen capture software onto every computer that's used.
Something like this is what you are looking for. Same concept as the DVD player, HDMI in is for you to plug in your device, HDMI out is to project the video to your TV, and the USB out is to capture the video to your computer.
This is probably one of the most popular capture cards out there, and is pretty affordable. They say it doesn't work with OBS, but I haven't tried it yet.
The basic Game Capture HD card works just fine on USB 2.0, and it's the only one of the models, to my knowledge, that can record retro systems, the other models: HD60, HD60 S, and HD 60 Pro, only take HDMI inputs. The only downside is that the standard HD card can't capture HDMI footage at 1080p 60fps.
As far as your processor power goes, you should just have trouble streaming video, not capturing. Just to be safe though, make sure that absolutely nothing else is running on your computer while you're working. I hope this helps!
I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that the HD is component only. I got that one very recently and it most definitely is HDMI compatible:
As a side note, if you want to be able to do any recording of PS3 gameplay at some point, I'd personally recommend the HD and NOT the HD60. The latter is not compatible with the PS3's encrypted HDMI signal, whereas the plain HD comes with a cable specifically for PS3.
Lots of options so it's not important to choose a very specific laptop, but remember the CPU is the most important aspect of the computer for streaming. Typically with an i5 processor you can stream 720@30fps, but an i7 will allow for 60fps (albeit your internet upload speed is good).
You would also need a usb capture device like the elgato hd or similar.
I don't think there's a way to tap into the Xbox systems so deep that you can replace the DVR functionality with another app.
With that in mind, I'm guessing your only remaining option is a capture card that simply hijacks the video stream before it's put on your TV and takes a copy of that stream. Something like this thing here. Now that was just the first thing to pop up, I have zero idea which ones are good and which ones are not. But a capture card sounds like the option for you.
Oh, I mean the original elgato, as in this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00840353W/ref=twister_B00NTQ2JL0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 and here is a list of every console it works with officially: Atari Jaguar, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo 64 (N64), Super Nintendo (SNES), Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, Sega Genesis (Mega Drive), Sega Master System, Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3), Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2), Sony PlayStation 1 (PS1, PSone)
It would probably be less hassle to just use the older version of the Elgato Game Capture HD which has AV inputs and can record at 720p60. I've got both - the HD for recording old consoles and the HD60 for recording the modern stuff.
You could probably find a used one cheap on the bay.
PS4 for $100 wow thats a good deal. I play dirt rally on PC so i use OBS but I also have a PS4 and Xbox one and I use an Elgato game capture HD. This is the one I have. Its has been out for a few years so Its pretty cheap buying new and you could probably even find it used on a buy and sell website in your area. I would definitely recommend using a capture card for streaming since you have way more options with one over using the PS4 app.
The older version of Elgato Game Capture HD can accomplish what you're looking for. The HD60 has HDMI input but the original HD has RCA/composite inputs.
This guy: https://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Systems-Capture-Definition-Recorder/dp/B00840353W/
I've been using it to capture footage off older consoles for some time and am pretty happy with it. Software is straightforward.
If you you just wanna capture old game footage and the Framemeister is too cost prohibitive, the Elgato Game Capture HD has classic S-video or composite inputs so you can capture the old consoles. It captures resolutions lower than 1080p at 60 FPS too.
Elgato is well known in the industry. This is the one I have, I use it with my xbox and Mac/OSX. I wanted one that supported OS X as I don't use windows. This one supports both windows and OS X so if you ever needed the OS X option, you may want to consider this one so you have both platforms. Been using it for well over a year and still using it as early as yesterday. I don't do streaming but it has streaming options.
They expensive, but it is worth it not to have to deal with the pain, took me a while before I decided to bite the bullet and spend the money and I have not regretted it. Try find it on sale.
You would need a computer that is capable of streaming, and a capture card.
You will need a capture card that isn't HDMI only (many of the newer ones are).
I suggest the Elgato Systems Game Capture HD:
Ok, so let's just say I want to record gameplay only to import to my laptop and edit into a video. Is this what I need?
Thank you! I am trying to use my laptop as a monitor to view what my a6000 records since the screen doesn't flip to face me.
I was able to check on amazon, and do you think the product I listed below would work?
I don't stream, in part because of the audio delay between what I might say on the mic compared to the video and also because my computer can't stream at a good frame rate. But I do have the El Gato (Not the 60). It can do 720p at 60 frame and 1080p at 30.
Try the Elgato Game Capture, they say it works with:PlayStation 4, Xbox One & Xbox 360, Wii U, as for tablets and phones it will work with them as long as they have a HDMI out cable.
All that said, if you don't care about capturing component and the delay introduced by USB 2.0, and need something that can capture composite and HDMI, then my suggestion is the Elgato HD60:
I use Game Capture HD60 High Definition Game Recorder from Elgato. It is 130 $ but looks really nice and is super easy to setup.
Thanks for helping out. For the mic, I'll probably go look for a headset suggested by ShadowNick because I need to get one anyways and is a good substitute temporarily.
For the capture card, I was thinking about this one.
What are your thoughts?
For the money aspect, I haven't made a definite decision of how much I am willing to spend. I want to say $300 at most. I also will probably try to get a green screen.
I would say give it a shot, worst case its not too great and your out a couple of bucks.
If your looking for a great way to stream in high quality I recommend the Elgato Capture Card, I use the older model here: http://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Capture-PlayStation-gameplay-1080p/dp/B00840353W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447306112&sr=8-1&keywords=El+Gato+Capture+card
Although it is a lot to pony up, I cant recommend this enough due to the quality, I would link some of my videos but that would be tacky, a simple google search should show you some video clips.
Another great thing is the software that's included, its easy to set up and it includes an easy way to connect your twitch account.
I will be wired. Speed test is as follows: Download: 62.05mbps Upload: 6.29mbps
I would be happy with 760p/30fps. The ability to upgrade to 1080p/60fps in the future would be nice though.
I have the Elgato Game Capture HD from amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00840353W?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
I appreciate your help so much. Thanks again!
I also saw this box, which seems to do something similar to what I want, but it's way more than I'm willing to spend on this. I just wanted to mess around with mirroring my phone screen =)
this? I assume you two are referring to the Flashback recording feature for recording older systems like what I want to do right? Or is this not quite the right model. I want to make extra sure before buying what will be my third capture card.
Also I'm not finding a lot of information on the Framemeister. What exactly does it do?
Yes. Elgato. It won't break the bank and it works like a charm. Definitely worth it even if you're not planning on being a regular content creator.
EDIT: It's only ~$135 on Amazon and $150 for the glorious 60fps version if you're into that sort of thing.
you can buy this:
It comes with a software that has an option for live twitch streaming so you don't need any other equipment to stream. All you have to do is connect that to your console and then download the software from their website and you're good to go
You would need a capture card for that, but yeah the Y40 would be able to handle that.
What is on your TV that you want to capture? Is it something you can get online?
To capture an input that is going into your TV, you need a capture card or device. For HD capture devices, you're looking at about $150-$300 for the device. Something like This capture device.
No don't get the EZcrap. If he is wanting something for Youtube or something, don't cheap out for quality because no one wants to watch a 360p quality gaming video.
I recommend the elgato http://www.amazon.com/Elgato-10025010-Game-Capture-HD/dp/B00840353W
If you're speaking of connecting to a PC and capturing. I have an Elgato Game Capture HD. There is no AV, though, it has component and HDMI; and can also capture iPads and stuff. (You'll have to find an adapter or converter for AV. I'm working that way as well).
It was really easy to use and set-up and it can broadcast Live as well.
It is also not too expensive..... Honestly I was looking for PCI card to capture but I'm glad that I decided for the Elgato instead.
It's not at optimal settings nor was a running a powerful console (a PSP game), but I have my recording test here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXGzWraRVBs ..and that was my first time using the device. xD So it was really easy to use even though I need to tweak it more...!
And I just checked, it's currently on sale on Amazon for $134 as apposed to its normal $179. http://www.amazon.com/Elgato-10025010-Game-Capture-HD/dp/B00840353W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1428431495&sr=8-1&keywords=elgato+game+capture+hd
It also has high reviews there as well...!
You're looking at $140 or so minimum however you can also use it with your other consoles for a higher quality stream (YMMV).
Cheaper 1080p 30fps capable. | Amazon Link
Slightly more 1080p 60fps capable. | Amazon Link
Unfortunately, USB capture devices are quite a bit more expensive than an internal card you can put in a desktop PC. You'll have to decide for yourself if it's worth it to you. Realistically, you'll probably never break even with ad revenue.
edit: You'll also want to make sure you have a powerful enough Mac. Encoding HD video real time can be quite demanding for a computer. You may have to knock it down to 720p...
Thanks for the help. I am a total noob, so I have to ask: how the hell do you hook up a console to this thing (Datapath E1)? I get that the VGA port goes into the PC, but where does the console go?
Also, I came across another recommendation, the Elgato HD: https://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Game-Capture-PlayStation-Definition/dp/B00840353W/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=elgato+10025010&qid=1632811806&sr=8-1
Would this be an appropriate way to capture games? Also, I'm using a consumer set, not a PVM. Thanks.
Well, I didn't have that problem with my older DirecTV box. Don't have it any more, so I can't offer the model number. But, in any event, might be worth the try for a $20 outlay.
I used this Elgato: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00840353W/ref=pe_385040_30332200_pe_309540_26725410_item
It took crazy long to try to render a full movie on a middling laptop. Prohibitively long -- so I only ended up giving it one try. I wasted $155, but maybe you can waste only $20. Anyhow, copy protection wasn't the issue. It was the rendering.
It's this card. I got it a few years ago not too sure why the price is what it is I got it for way cheaper than that. But you can see in the images the A/V in I'm talking about.
Here is the item you're referring to, right? https://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Game-Capture-PlayStation-Definition/dp/B00840353W/
Another just quick question. Is this the one you mean https://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Game-Capture-PlayStation-Definition/dp/B00840353W
Capture cards m8, if you want to record on console and get video quality that isn’t garbage then here’s a random card I found on Amazon.
> el gato HD Is this the one you're talking about? https://www.amazon.ca/Elgato-Capture-PlayStation-gameplay-1080p/dp/B00840353W/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1516987017&sr=8-2&keywords=el+gato+hd
Most capture devices don't have a built A/V in port anymore. A few months ago, I got an Elgato Game Capture HD. It's the oldest model of the Elgato devices, but it was also the last one to have an A/V in port built-in. I stream old consoles as well, which is why I opted for this model. However, they've stopped making it since I got mine, so chances of getting one are hit/miss.
That said, a newer model of Elgato is something like the Game Capture HD60 S. This model (and newer ones) don't have A/V in built-in, so you'd need to get an AV/HDMI adapter like this.
These options are sort of pricey if budget is a concern, though.
Most laptop only have HDMI/VGA outs, so no you can't plug a cable in there and use it as a monitor. Some laptops have ins in which case, lucky you, you can use your laptop as a monitor. Check your specs in case you do have an in.
If you don't have an in, you can buy USB capture cards so you can connect a PC's out to your laptop. The ones that accept RCA/S-Video are cheap enough but you'll be limited to 480i/576i and will need to convert the PC out to RCA/S-Video. Overall not an ideal situation.
There are USB capture cards that accept HDMI/DVI but for half the price of the more common ones like an Elgato Game Capture HD you could get a decent monitor.
While writing that though, I found this. An HDMI USB capture card for $20. Honestly seems too good to be true as in it's probably fake.
Something like this?
This doesn't have composite cable hook ups though.
Capture card not PC. Please see this as an example.
Do not take this the wrong way but you're asking someone about a random product on the internet that has 0 reviews. However, looking at the straight design of this "capture" product, how would you play your game if you plug in your A/V and it only has USB out? The lag alone would make your game unplayable. May I offer a tried and true solution, the Elgato HD. The price is rather high however, I feel the reliability of the product is worth noting. I mention this because there may be some issues with a no name solution and I know from experience that Elgato's products work. Next I may point you to Component cable solution; should you not have your own component cable this may help. The last couple of product I have not tested but it seems to have decent enough reviews. Also, if memory serves correctly you can plug in a PS2 AV cable to a PS1? If not you may wan to find a composite solution but if you can stick with component. Hope this helps and happy streaming!
I've got one of these laying around:
If you're interested send me a pm.
I, in no way suggest the Hauppauge HD PVR 2.
When this device first came out, it blew everything out of the water. It's not the best for the price anymore.
I struggled with this card non-stop. Weird glitches, hardware would just shut off and turn red, or it would start blinking (still no idea to this day what that meant). Several emails with their support, and a replacement later. I ditched that and upgraded to a Elgato HD 60 Pro.
For your scenario I would highly sugguest the XCAPTURE-1
If you are looking for a more budget friendly card.
It is not the HD 60.
Elgato Systems Game Capture HD High 1080p Definition Game Recorder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00840353W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_8b4NxbN1H2TST
...Are you serious? I very clearly, obviously know the difference between the HD and the HD 60.
This is the Elgato HD. It is 129 on Amazon.
This is the Elgato HD 60. It is 151 on Amazon.
The HD came before the HD60. It's an older model. His POV was that the HD 60 goes used commonly for 60 dollars, and that my price for the HD for 75 was therefore too high. I showed him Amazon's used list for the HD 60, and he deleted his comment.
>you thought the guy had no proof, I showed it.
I didn't think the guy had no proof. The guy had no proof. It was not included in his post. YOU provided proof, but my claim that he was not able to back up his own claim is 100% correct.
Now, if you find an Elgato HD (or an HD 60!) for a lower price than mine... like I said, feel free to buy from them instead of me. I'm not budging. That's the point.
There are several routes you can go, but you will have varying amounts of success depending on how much you spend. First off, I agree with /u/Louis_ , your best bet for consistent quality is to get a capture device like the Elgato Game Capture HD. With this device, you can feed the Gamecube's output directly in, and output via HDMI through to a TV or your HDMI enabled monitor. You also have the ability to output to OBS on a PC, or just use GameCapture HD's proprietary software. Furthermore, this option gives you the ability to capture and stream your content if you so desire. Lots of great functionality for the price. Furthermore, if you go this route, I suggest getting Elgato's Analog Video Adapter and a Nintendo S-Video cable.. S-video will greatly improve the visual fidelity of the Gamecube's output, and is well worth the extra money. The Gamecube's component cables would obviously be better, but they are absurdly overpriced.
Now then, another option would be for you to invest in an analog adapter that would plug directly into your monitor. I assume your monitor has HDMI, and probably VGA and/or DVI as well. There are a wide variety of options for adapters like these, and I don't have enough personal experience to be able to give you a recommendation for quality. What I can tell you is that adapters like these often introduce a bit of input lag, and don't always display the signal the way you want. You may have to do some trial and error before you find one that works the way you want. If you go this route, I still recommend buying the Nintendo S-Video cable I linked above. Then, do some research on Amazon, searching specifically for S-Video to (insert connection here) adapters. S-Video input is critical. These adapters aren't two way streets, so S-Video output won't help you. Hopefully this sheds some light on things for you. Let me know if you have any questions.
EDIT: Forgot to account for sound. If your monitor doesn't have speakers, you'll need to route sound from the Gamecube another way. Feeding the white and red cords to speakers instead of through the adapter could work, though it's possible there would be some delay due to the adapter.
Thanks... so now this is way over my head.. is this something I buy and install in the xbox? Is it an external device?
Never mind. I found it, thanks: http://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Systems-Capture-Definition-Recorder/dp/B00840353W
is it the Elgato Hame capture HD? Because that's the one I had.
Just this one right? Looks like the same one as in the video, but it's not exactly the highest video quality and he didn't say anything other than "Elgato" :P
Something like this
Hi there,
First of all, you need a means of getting your video output from your PS4 to your Mac. The Elgato HD is one such card, though other options do exist as well.
As for OBS configuration, I believe you'll have to set the Elgato as a Video Capture Device. Once that is done, you will need to configure OBS to settings that are suitable for your connection and computer hardware. You can find more information on that here!
The Elgato Game Capture HD (~$134 USD) paired with Open Broadcaster Software might work for you.
Built as a capable overall system. You can ditch the GTX if you think you'll never use it for anything but a capture box. i7 4790 includes a GPU capable of displaying the OS GUI, but not much else. XON 310 is quite small, but not so tiny as to be hard to build in. Good balance of compact and usable.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type | Item | Price |
CPU | Intel Core i7-4790 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor | $288.99 @ NCIX US |
Motherboard | ASRock H97M Anniversary Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard | $67.89 @ OutletPC |
Memory | G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory | $59.99 @ Newegg |
Storage | Crucial BX200 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive | $64.99 @ Amazon |
Storage | Western Digital BLACK SERIES 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive | $149.89 @ OutletPC |
Video Card | Gigabyte GeForce GTX 950 2GB OC Edition Video Card | $144.99 @ NCIX US |
Case | Xion XON-310_BK MicroATX Mid Tower Case | $30.98 @ Newegg |
Power Supply | EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply | $38.49 @ SuperBiiz |
Other | Elagto Game Capture HD | $150.00 @ Amazon |
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts | ||
Total | $996.21 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-17 14:06 EST-0500 |
I am currently looking at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00840353W?keywords=elgato%20hd&qid=1451332461&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
So it looks like my green line on the diagram could be USB to the PC.
Elgato Game Capture HD, for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360, or Wii U gameplay, Full HD 1080p https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00840353W/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_wL9qwbND86VPV This is the one I have. There are newer versions though.
I bought this device on Amazon.
Depends on your needs.
The cheapest, entry level model is the simple GC HD, for $130. This offers a max of 30fps video capture at up to 1080p over HDMI, as well as an AV port for older consoles (PS2 and the like).
The next step up is the GC HD60, which is a $30 step up in price and adds the capability for 1080p, 60fps capture. However, it also removes the older AV compatibility.
The final step up, for an additional $40, is the GC HD60 Pro. It also supports 1080p 60fps, and communicates over PCIe x1 instead of USB2 (meaning you'll need to have a free slot in your PC). As far as I can tell, this adds the ability to encode 1080p60 video in real time with a lossless format (H.264) for streaming, while the HD and HD60 can't stream in real time unless they're tuned down to 720p and/or 30fps.
It might be because you're using so many adapters/splitters. Maybe work on trying to simplify your setup.
If you have any money available, check out Elgato.
I did some searching based on your comment and found this. Seems like a reasonable option, thanks.
Depends on your level of budget, but the last generation model of the Elgato Game Capture should do the trick. It looks like you could get one used from $99 and new from $139. Good for recording and streaming. Amazon Link
This is the device I have, from Hauppauge, and it works pretty well. Recording is great, streaming is nice too. Same price range. Amazon Link
Should be noted that these are 30fps devices, at least, at 1080p. I think they can do 60fps at 720p, but I am not entirely sure (haven't played around enough/researched enough to find out).
If you're looking for anything less than $100... you'll have to snipe a deal on eBay or wait for a price drop. That is, if you want HD recording. If you don't care about the quality, you could always pick up a Dazzle for $70 or less.
generally any USB one will do @720p30/60. As far as recommendations, I can't say as I don't use them though I guess something like these will do
You'll need a PC, a PSTV, plus this:
and this (to bypass HDMI protection):
For capturing cards, you can use one that connects directly to your PC, a real capture card instead of Elgato. I don't have experience with those so I can't recommend any.
That sounds awesome bro. I am using the Elgato HD capture run through an HDMI Splitter, for some reason that lets me use the HDMI cable instead of the cable they provide ;). I used Final Cut Pro X for the editing, made the spinning logo via Motion 5 and encoded it for YouTube with Compressor 4. I love making these videos and and currently working on some sweet animations for the crew. We have to talk so we can plan some things, you know as I do, the more footage you have the better. Hit me up.
I had to mute the mic I was laughing so hard!
I use this, with a "special" splitter that lets me use the actual HDMI cables.
You would have to use a HDMI Switch with HDCP support and a capture card. There's quite a few out there that work but some burn out after awhile. I use a View HD splitter and the Elgato Game Capture HD. Until the HDCP protection is taken out look into that.
You will be able to use the elgato game capture HD: http://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Capture-PlayStation-Recorder-10025010/dp/B00840353W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1386703809&sr=8-1&keywords=elgato+hd
Or something similar.
If you're really into recording your game play you can always get one of these.
As a side note, turn on annotations so you don't miss any notes or additional commentary that was cut off during the recording process. In hindsight, I should have looked up level requirements for the guns used, but... hindsight is 20/20 after all.... I used the Elgato HD game capture to record this.
Ohhhh PS4! You'll need a video capture card/device then. It takes the PS4 as an input and connects to your PC. Can be kind of pricey though (there are cheap ones but the quality of the video is poor). Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Elgato-Systems-Capture-Definition-Recorder/dp/B00840353W?ie=UTF8&keywords=video%20capture%20card&qid=1464469487&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2
Simpler than it sounds.
You put a capture card in your PC(if you're unfamiliar with putting hardware into a PC, have a pro do it or watch a Youtube video, simple process). There are also external ones that just hook up via USB.
You hook the Xbox to the Input on Capture card. The capture card should also have an output to go to your TV that you're using, so you could record and play simultaneously.
Open software on PC that comes with the capture card, start playing your console, hit record on your software on the PC.
This seems to be a very popular one. http://www.amazon.com/Elgato-10025010-Game-Capture-HD/dp/B00840353W
Might I ask, what kind of laptop are you streaming off from? If you're using an off-the-shelf laptop from Best Buy, the quality of your stream will take a significant hit. What I discovered when streaming from an older laptop is that your stream will get choppy and at times, disconnect. Also, adding a webcam to your stream is out of the question as it will cause Windows to crash 88% of the time.
> What are the best (and cheapest) tools to stream other consoles?
I use an Elgato Game Capture HD to stream from my PS3 and XBOX 360 coupled with their streaming software. You can use an open source solution in OBS as well. Both pieces of software are free.
Editing is not really something a guide can teach in a set time. Good editing requires a mixture of both animating and timing which is mostly acquired through experience.
To get the footage, you would download them from the youtube video or twitch VoD. If you're recording your own, the best device for that is the Elgato.
I use Adobe After Effects CS5 for editing, but a lot of people may also prefer software like Sony Vegas or Adobe Premier. You can look up respective tutorials on how to use it (masking, keyframing, etc) and then you're on your way to start editing!