Congrats man! I don't start my EMT class until February but I'm pumped. I can't wait to hopefully get a full time job and then work towards my medic license in a year! And don't sweat the computerized test. It wasn't too bad. I like how it can be short if you answer the questions right and the computer feels 95% sure that you are competent enough in the subject. There is this book on amazon that helps you study for it.
Here's a few more links to things I also found on Amazon
* EMT Flashcard book
* 12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation (We used this book during my cardiology semester of Paramedic school)
* EMS Pocket Drug Guide
* BLS Field Guide
* ALS Field Guide
* Emergency & Critical Care Pocket Guide
* PALS Pocket Reference Card
* A Quick Study Guide
* A book called "Fresh Out of EMT School" (I haven't read it but all of the reviews were positive and said it was helpful)
* A book called "Lights and Sirens: The Education of a Paramedic (Also haven't read this one, but I was recommended it and have heard good things)
Has to be. I think it's the same picture as this book, maybe that's what they're selling?