I wish this was just a joke, but its on Amazon - this review is chilling:
"I had planned on reading this book with an open mind, but only made it as far as page 10, when my mouth literally dropped open with this quote: "We believe that the widespread acceptance and legal recognition of homosexual behavior will lead to the exploitation of children by adults. As homosexuality is integrated into our society, adult-child sex will become more common." The authors then spend 2 or 3 more pages defending this outdated and horribly disrespectful and homophobic opinion. The rest of the book is filled with similar outdated ideas, such as that homosexuality is caused by a distant father and an overbearing mother. If you're a parent looking to help your child, what you will learn from this book is that it's mostly your fault your child is gay and that he is likely to grow up to be a sex offender"
an amazon review:
" "I had planned on reading this book with an open mind, but only made it as far as page 10, when my mouth literally dropped open with this quote: "We believe that the widespread acceptance and legal recognition of homosexual behavior will lead to the exploitation of children by adults. As homosexuality is integrated into our society, adult-child sex will become more common." The authors then spend 2 or 3 more pages defending this outdated and horribly disrespectful and homophobic opinion. The rest of the book is filled with similar outdated ideas, such as that homosexuality is caused by a distant father and an overbearing mother. If you're a parent looking to help your child, what you will learn from this book is that it's mostly your fault your child is gay and that he is likely to grow up to be a sex offender"
It's not. I've held one in my hand at Seagull Book. You can find it on Amazon.
Encouraging Heterosexuality https://www.amazon.com/dp/1932597662/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_Mdk5CbRV1N1K7