Outlets are roughly $3 each. If someone is charging you $50 PLUS labor, then run for the hills. Common "job boxes" have roughly 10 outlets in them. For $50 you should be able to get enough to cover the whole job.
Link for price reference: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01M4HHM3Z/ref=cm\_sw\_em\_r\_mt\_dp\_U\_FOZhFbFMES11Y
(tamper resistant because of your comment on the little one)
The issue is do you have ground circuits running to them? If not, then how hard would it be for you to run a new circuit to that location? These are the questions to ask your electrician.
Based on your home inspection this looks like you should have ground wires in the box, or at least in the wire running to the box. I could be wrong, because the panel could be newer and you could have old style wire running from a junction box to the outlets, but that's not as likely as having the same style of wiring all the way through.