I bought an ozone machine on Amazon. Worked great to remove odors from my car
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_BzpPBbNKET6QK
If posh denies the return (or you want to keep it), go on amazon and buy an ozone machine. Then run the machine in your bathroom or any small room you can seal off with the purse in the room. The ozone machine will smell like chlorine as it’s running so make sure you put a towel under the bathroom door or tape it off to avoid the chlorine smell permeating to the rest of your house. Run it for an hour then open the bathroom window and let it air out while keeping the bathroom door closed. Then get the purse and let it sit outside or in the garage for a few hours to air out. It might need one more round with the purse flipped inside out, but it might be good after only one round. I did this with a NWT Kate spade backpack and after 2 rounds the cigarette smell was completely gone.
Every single piece of fabric needs to go. Curtains, rugs, etc. All of it can absorb dog odors.
Clean and paint everything. Using a great quality primer like Kilz or B-I-N shellac can entomb a lot of that odor.
Also look into an ozone generator to neutralize the stench:
Ozone generator is the only answer and I use one on all my rental units between tenants. If you think garlic is bad then you should smell a curry house!
That is the exact unit that I own and recommend. It's a one time treatment and problem solved forever.
I give you my personal word that it will take the cat piss smell out of a cat lady's house and nobody will be the wiser. I give you a karma back guarantee on that device!
Sure can. I place it in the car, and run it with the AC on recirculate. After maybe 5 minutes, I turn off the car and run it for about 10 more. It doesn’t even need that long. It’s best to vacuum first. I have this one and think it’s very good and I’m pretty sure I paid more than that.
You may want to try and odor eliminator or consider a window fan that blows out (rather than in)?
But you should at least talk to your neighbors. They might be totally understanding - you never know till you ask.
You need an ozone generator. I use one on all my rental properties to get the smells of the previous tenants out. It will remove the strongest of cat odors. It's a one time treatment and the machine runs while the home is NOT occupied.
Below is a link to the exact one that I own and highly recommend.
Read all the reviews on that bad boy! It's as close to magic as I have ever seen.
Below is the ozone generator I use on properties that I manage between tenants. It's a one time treatment that's preformed when the home is NOT occupied. It's powerful and effective.
I would never be able to rent a home out after a cat lady or smoker tenant without this device. The effects are permanent and just read all the amazing reviews!
I bought an ozone generator in a panic last year when Covid started. Gonna put all my gear in my tent, seal it up, zip it up, and run it for a few minutes. The ozone should act like "air bleach" to kill off any remaining biologicals before my next grow begins.
Consider buying a small ionizer. Note that you will need to run it while you and pets are not home. It helps a lot. You will need to run it for a few hours for several days.
Edited to add a link. We have two similar to this that we have had to run in two of our rentals.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_aLGDFbR8FMTME
Not sure what to recommend about keeping dogs out but as for the smell an ozonator can’t be beat. My sister had a dead raccoon in a crawl space and just had to let nature take its course. The ozonator worked well and has been used many times since. Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_kfVsFbSPQXAAZ
I have an old 1990 Ford Ranger that I bought from a crabber. He kept his wet dog in there half the time. It was barley tolerable when the air was on. I ended up buying a ozone generator. I turned the air to recirculate and popped the generator inside. I left it on for about two hours. I then aired it out for about an hour. It will smell clinical in there........ But the rancid smell was mostly gone. I did a second treatment and it was completely gone. The hospital smell will go away after a week or two.
Ozone generators have come down a lot lately. I picked this one up from Amazon recently when I bought a used truck that belonged to a smoker. I only did a 30 minute treatment in addition to a good cleaning, but it really knocked down the worst of it. I'll probably do another 30 minute treatment once the weather gets consistently warm.
Ozone generators are very effective at killing smoke smells. I bought this from amazon for under $100 for removing cigarette smell from furniture and it works great. Just run it somewhere that you won't breathe the ozone.
I’ve been thinking of buying an ozone machine for this very reason. There’s a distinctly gamy odor that my boys’ room gets that I just can’t figure out (they’re 12 and 7). I figure I can also use it in my van, too.
I bomb my house with a commercial ozone generator weekly. This takes care of all smells.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodori... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_k-asCbJ6PC0KG via @amazon
It won’t fix the problem of the house getting repeatedly filled with weed smell, but if you have people coming over it will get rid of the smell till it happens again.
The trick to using it is that nothing alive can be around it while it’s working. No pets, no people, no houseplants.
If you run it 20 minutes then you have to wait an additional 20 minutes before you go back into the house (total 40 minutes) for it to be safe.
You should also vacuum and dust after you use it since it drops all the contaminants out of the air as dust.
I bought this one on amazon. I’ve used it so many times- vehicles, closets, freshening rugs and furniture, sanitize home, etc.
For what you’re doing there’s no better way to get rid of organic odors.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_Hbzo3R9IXltnc
This is the one that was recommended to me. I haven't bought it yet but the person that does uses it at least once a week and said they were very happy with it.
I would recommend this. It clears out any smells I've ever had to battle. The time you use it for might have to be adjusted based on how bad the smell is. Unlike other products, this actually destroys the odor with O3, it doesn't mask it like febreeze. I use this in cars, unoccupied rooms in houses, etc. Make sure you read the instructions properly bc if it is not aired properly it can be dangerous. Use it when no one is in the car. You don't want to breathe this in, it is bad for you.
I don't know the characteristics of the trash, I would also recommend getting it shampooed. If there is liquid on the bottom of the trash bag, with a simple hole, it might have seeped into the carpet. A shampoo and this O3 deodorizer will most likely get the job done.
They're not super expensive, but yeah you have to be VERY careful about not being in the house for the entire day after you run one. I had considered buying one pre-pandemic just to deodorize the kitchen/bathroom/car while we're out of town, but the stay at home 24/7 thing killed that idea.
You need an ozone generator. It's a one time treatment and it removes ALL odor. The devices are normally used by companies that specialize in fire and flooding home restoration.
Below is the one I use on all my rental homes between tenants and its effects are permanent. You don't have to take my word for it and just read the over 5,000 reviews.
Wash first, then put them in a big storage bin with an ozone generator, this is the one i've had for a few years and it's on sale now at amazon
just washing them won't do anything, you need to nuke them with ozone
just make sure you read the safety manuals, best to run the machine outside rather than indoors or the garage
What’s your experience with an ozone machine in auto detailing/ mobile detailing? I’ve never used one of these before for anything. A lot of people say they work well. I’ve got a customer coming up that says they have odors stuck in their vehicle. Obviously vacuuming up dirt and debris and then shampooing the seats and carpets will help but does the ozone machine help with taking away say cigarette smell or fast food smell that’s lingering? Is it even worth it? I was thinking about getting this small one on amazon Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_1PvhFbTCXCC0A.
You need an ozone generator and you can get one on Amazon. It's a one time treatment and the machine runs while the home is not occupied. I could write paragraphs on how much I love mine and how it has saved many homes, but you don't have to take my word because you can just read the over 4000 glowing reviews.
That's the machine that I own and the shit is pure MAGIC!!!!
We deal with that fairly regular with our rentals. Even though we have a strict non-smoking policy on all the properties, derps still derp and although we've tired, we can't evict someone just 'cause of their disgusting smoking habit.
If/when we encounter it after a tenant leaves I get my guys to use a whole house ozone generator. plug it in, close to an HVAC return duct and let run for >48 hrs or longer and leave the house. This takes care of anything airborne. The only way to remove the surface contamination is remove it. That means we get the property completely empty inc. disposal of all carpets/drapes/soft surfaces. Then we use wipe an ammonia based cleaner on all the wall/surfaces. In bad cases we get the ductwork cleaned as well as a paint job.
For rooms where your cat may have peed, you can also get a cheap ozone generator and ozonate the room. It'll help quite a bit.
It will kill anything living in the room though, so just be aware of that. Move plants, pets, and kids out of the room. Siblings can arguably stay.
I am responsible for cleaning several rental properties between tenants. Removing lingering smells is a job for a ozone generator.
Below is the exact model that I own. The results are permanent. The device must be used while nobody is home. The device runs on a timer so that it will shut off automatically. You twist the timer to 20 mins and leave your home for several hours.
When you get home open all your doors and windows to let the ozone out. Plenty of my tenants smoke and have pets. I would never be able to rent a place out without this device.
Fun Fact: The device is used by professional fire and flooding restoration companies to get the nasty smells out of damaged home. It's the closest thing to magic on this earth I have ever seen.
Wouldn't come out with O zone gen, Used Oxi and Bio enzymes but the ozone got everything in the end.
Something like this, Mine is pretty similar.
I use to sell ozone machines that cost 10x this and these commercial ones work great for auto usage.
Yeah, the wire looks aftermarket.
For the smoke, consider an industrisl ozone generator not just some product that has a wimpy ionizer Mildly injurious to plastics and seriously injurious to lungs in high concentration. But in low residual concentrations after the cat is aired out, it is equivalent to the ozone in fresh air. Run the heat and the ACon recirculate so it gets into the ducts and the heating/cooling systems. It will probably take 30-120minutes and it doesn't need to be all at once time. You must not be in the car while it is running or until it has been aired out. If it is allegedly safe to be in the car while the machine is running it isn't going to get the job done. Close the machine in the car with the windows shut. You can use the timer or control power with extension cord or hold your breath while you operate the controls. Then air your car out with the doors open.
Cost is about $70. This is an example.
Before using the ozone treatment, clean everything accessable with 70% isopropyl alcohol and paper towels and gloves to remove the tar and let dry before using ozone or operating anything electrical. Flammable. You might also use an upholstery cleaner and vacuum. Remove as much filth as you can.
If its algae/mold, get an Ozone machine. Put the roof back on, close all the windows and run it for an hour. It will kill and dry it out that you only have to vacuum it off.
Get a commercial grade ozone generator and run it in the room for a few hours. Make sure there is no one who wants to live still in the house while it is happening and for a couple hours after it shuts off. I have this unit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388
You can buy an Ozone Generator from Amazon. This is the one I have.
Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_2YEFVBEC18MQY6DS9JQ6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is not an air purifier. It is not safe to breathe. I repeat, it is not safe to breathe.
Place in car, turn switch to set timer, close door, then plug it in to start. Ensure no one can access your vehicle while it's running. Ensure the windows are up. Give it a few hours after the timer ends and then open doors and allow the car to air out. It is not safe to breathe.
You may need to run it for an hour and repeat, but these are very effective.
Did I mention, it's not a purifier and isn't safe to breathe?
Since the car is cleaned now, just get an ozone machine Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7VY2RYK8XT3N3J6EHPT4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
There are plenty of YouTube videos on how to use ozone machine for odor removal. Don’t waste your time buying/applying different sprays. It will not help. This is coming from someone who has OCD for cleanliness and severe problems with bad odors 😊
I moved into a rental house that reeked of wet dog, mildew and bacon grease. I cleaned it top to bottom, under, inside and behind appliances… had the air vents professionally cleaned, and it still smelled bad. This ozone generator did wonders at beating the smell. You can’t be in the house while it’s running, but I’ve put it in a room with the door shut and let it run for 20-30 minutes while I’m home and just leave it be for the day and it’s fine.
So I've never tried an Ozone Machine and it seems no one in the Falklands has one! Would you say this is an okay one to purchase? Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer O-777 Black Uk https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_WW4YX5KYY47KTWBX9JKR
Appreciate the help! Adam
If you want to neutralize the smell completely, versus covering it up with fragrances, you could get an ozone ionizer. We used to use them when I worked in the rental car industry, and cars would come back smelling like cigarettes or weed or unwashed dog or BO, and I got one for myself when I realized that I get fragrance triggered migraines. I don’t know that I could explain the chemistry of why they work, but they do! You don’t want to be in the house when it’s running, though, or your pets.
They’re under $100 on Amazon. Shop around, though, some of them are made for smaller spaces than others. Example: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_YEGH47HT05VQ73H83HFG
I have this one. Its 70 bucks. For the musty smell in the basement you may have to use it multiple times like every 4 days for 2 weeks. I recommend using a small fan as well to keep the air circulating. It works good to the point i dont have to run my humidifier to keep the mustyness under control.
Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_6V8YDZMGBFA40TF7RXK3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Ozone machine. Hands down. I have 3 or 4 posts about this but we got a strong cigarette smell out of my grandma’s car after she passed.
Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_CRQ7NVD8MAR3TEXQZQ80?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If you can afford one, an ozone generator will help - Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_79Q0V0SR0C9SDYWY0QA3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I used an ozone generator to remove the smell of rotten meat after literally every other trick in the book failed. It doesn't mask smell, it eliminates it through the magic of science. Just follow the safety precautions of airing it out after use and removing people, pets, and plants from the area before you run it.
Definitely get an air purifier (preferably more than one).
An ozone generator does a really good job of removing smoke odors, the caveat is that you can't run it while you're at home, or in the presence of pets/plants (you could probably run it in a separate room with the door closed, though). I also recommend air sanitizers like ozium.
I replaced my old B8 A4 headliner because it was grey and swapped it to black from a S4 and put together a thread on audizine.
For your situation, I’d suggest you try an ozone generator before changing the headliner. This process worked well for eradicating the cigarette smoke smell from my late grandma’s Mini last year.
Plug in the ozone machine and place it in the car Turn on the car with the AC on high Turn on the ozone machine with a timer and exit the car Close and lock the door Repeat if necessary
Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_MKH7PA0EP23NGFJTEJAE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This specific ozone generator pinched above its weight. I used it to get rid of animal carcass smell from a truck I bought from a hunter. Just buy this and blast the Prius daily until the smell is gone. Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388
Get a couple of ozone machines and run them every time you leave the house. Make sure nobody will be at home. No pets at home either. I am a landlord and have done this with units. It takes some time but it has been the most effective. We also have hired pro cleaners to wipe everything down including walls. Its hard but it can be done.
This is the one we have. We have two and set them out in different areas depending on where it smells the most and leave all doors open including cabinets.
Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SD85HXSAP5DEEVWB2BB9
Ozone machines are amazing!! All Airbnb hosts should have one on hand because you will inevitably have a guest that sneaks in a dog or smokes in your home without consent. My ozone machine has saved me many times and has taken any unwanted smells right out! Here’s a link to my favorite machine:
Pro Tip: Set your machine up on a smart plug so you can turn it on and off remotely via an app after guests leave.
FYI you can purchase your own ozone generator for less than 100 bucks. Like this one Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0DP53JXXQ70PS3XZSRZB.
They are quite dangerous though so do your due diligence.
These detail shops rip you off like everyone else in the auto industry.
After you clean the hell out of it and shampoo it to kingdom come, let me introduce you to this magic machine.
Plug it in, set the timer for one hour, and do it once a week or so. AIR OUT THE CAR in between! I had a cigar smoker as a previous owner and my car now smells like leather and CLEANLINESS.
I had a leak in the rear floorboard of my car. Smelled REALLY moldy! Sealed the freeze plug into place with caulk and used this ozone generator a few times. It fixed my problem.
I would try an ozone machine. You will have to leave the house and make sure all plants and animals are out of the space while it runs since ozone isn’t safe to breathe. Also consider your neighbors if you share a building or HVAC system.
Anyone having trouble getting rid of musty odors ought to try an ozone generator. Clear the area of people, pets and plants, then close all windows and vents. You can run a small fan in the room while the machine does its thing. When done, open the doors and windows and let fresh air in before you spend any amount of time in the room. This got rid of the stink in a damp room in my basement. It’s now usable! (It worked great in my two older cars, too.) https://www.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388
The ozium stuff will not work very well. Tried it. A detailer we used ran his machine and it worked for a bit but found it came back. Bought a small machine for $50 because I figured we have 3, almost 4 cars and will use it in those to freshen up things. The link below is the one we got but also look up scotty Kilmer and ozone machine. The link in his video is to one maybe $90
Ozone treatment. It really does work. Heck you can even buy ozone generator from Amazon and set up a side hustle de-stinking cars. Try an ozone treatments.
We’ve tried fans blowing & fans not blowing. All doors closed. Seats down/out the first time, seats in the 2nd. Ran the ozone 30 mins the first time per instructions, 1-1.5 hours the 2nd time. It is this machine: link After the ozone, we let the car air out for 2 hours. The car smells good for that day, then goes back to stinking the next.
I just redid my V berth, and stripped everything down to the bare hull. When I removed the old headliner and hull liner, the hidden sides were absolutely covered with mildew - nasty! Hired a boat upholsterer to make new mattresses with brand new mildew-resistant memory foam, it ran about $1000, but so worth it! If you can sew you'll save a lot of money.
I also just bought a Ozone Generator. Will be testing it out soon, but it has great reviews.
You need an ozone generator. I manage rental properties and I would never be able to rent a unit out after a smoker or cat lady tenant without one. It's a once and done treatment and they are normally used by fire and flooding restoration companies. It runs while you are not in the home for a one time treatment.
Below is the exact model that I own. I swear it's as close to magic as you will ever encounter in your lifetime.
I manage rental properties and I would NEVER be able to rent a unit out without an ozone generator. The results are permanent.
I could write paragraphs and pages on how amazing my ozone generator is. but I don't have to because the almost 10,000 - 4.5 star reviews speak for themself!
One time treatment while the home is NOT occupied.
As others have said the ozone generators work well. We used something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3pWDBhB3EiwAV1c5rHhUi8vSN3u2popKPRfftxu4Tj5--as-6Qti1kvuv_HPsIXS4c6WihoCRVkQAvD_BwE&hvadid=409982568929&hvdev=c&...
Be sure to read the directions though, no one should be present while it's running. Humans and animals cannot breathe ozone so it will suffocate living things. Let it run for a few hours then let it air out for a few hours. A couple cycles of that worked well for us on a house that smelled like cigarettes and cat pee.
But also, as others have said, might be worth a coat of Kilz on the ceiling as well.
That’s annoying that Turo doesn’t do more to protect hosts. I ended up purchasing this ozone machine:
Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_74VMWSWTE6ZN2FNEE5D5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I haven’t used it since both my cars are out currently and only one has the smoke smell. But my cars have the Nav screens and other normal electronics like window button etc. Can this damage any of that?
Im assuming it won’t since everyone uses this to get smoke out
You could try an ozone generator. A friend of mine swears by them. They used it to remove the smell of cat piss in a house they flipped. Rather then replace the carpet they just had it cleaned and ran an ozone generator for a few sessions.
Just make sure you arent in the camper when you run it.
An ozone generator may be worth the investment
Just read up on how to use it safely as it can be dangerous if you do something like lock yourself in the room with it but I doubt anyone is that stupid.
It will absolutely remove any and all odors from anything and everything.
Make them use a ozone generator inside the car. And spray febreeze through the ac vents. This will 100 percent get the smoke out. I've done this before for the same reason
You can get an ozone generator on amazon for $80 or less. It will destroy any and all odor. Make sure you read up on them and the directions since they are dangerous to you, children and pets. (Don't worry too much it's basically don't be in the room when it's running and open the windows after)
This one is highly recommended and on sale right now
as u/Hamburgertime604 suggested, the only long term solution is an ozone generator. They're pretty cheap on Amazon and, for what you'd spend constantly trying different air fresheners and enzyme cleaners, you'll save money.
Read all cautions though, as Ozone is dangerous.
100%! I bought this one on Amazon and have used it in 3 cars now. One of them was for my 16 year old and was really dirty and smelly so it took 2 treatments but it smells so clean now! Takes a week or so for ozone smell (which smells clean) to wear off leaving NO smell.
Also inherited some tools and the soft tool bags smelled like smoke (really strong). Put them in a big container with the ozonator and good as new.
I used this one from amazon: Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_mr.BDbYXY10SY
To be honest there are so many to choose from. It does sound like you did the best that can be done thus far. Good luck!
I used this one from amazon: Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_mr.BDbYXY10SY
It still works and I have about 25 hours of use on It.
To be honest there are so many to choose from. It does sound like you did the best that can be done thus far. Good luck!
we did two things that seemed to help:
installed a large de-humidifier in the basement. this got humidity out of the air, which holds scents etc. it also de-stresses the AC in the summer
periodically we run a ozone generator (Amazon link to ours) make sure to take pets out of the house and open the windows for an hour or so when finished, and you're good to go. it's a pretty amazing device.
I bought one and used it in my basement to remove a musty smell. It worked but you're not supposed to use it around people, plastic or pets. I paid $60 on Amazon
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_4LT7DbH9KX7KF
I went through almost the same thing that was hidden at first by a new coat of paint until the walls starting to ooze tar and once the deal is done there are very few things you can go back to fight over as it is on the buyer to inspect the house.
To start with you are going to want to get an ozone generator and run it when you are not home with some fan setup to move the air around. This does require having a window open to allow some fresh air in so I recommend turning your AC blower fan on but not the AC portion (this will also help with smell in the ducts ). You are going to want to get an AC company to come out and inspect your evap coil as they can get pretty nasty around smokers and will likely need to be cleaned if you can't do it yourself.
That should take care of the immediate issues but next year when it starts getting hot again you are likely to have issues with it bleeding through the paint, although if you ozone treat heavily it won't smell, so you will need to use an oil based product like KILZ specifically designed to lock that crap in the wall and then paint over it.
I bought this 5 years ago and it works really well. The only problem is you or pets can’t be in the room when it runs as it irritates when you breathe. But otherwise it works well. It’s a bit old now but I’m sure there are other similar items that do a good job.
I swear by my ozone generator and I cannot say enough good stuff about it. I need it for my rental homes between renters.
No matter how good you clean a cat lady's house or a smokers house the smell will never go away because it is impregnated into the materials of the house. Only an ozone generator can remove the deep lingering smells.
Below is a link to the one that I personally own and without I would never be able to rent a house out again after a tenant with pets.
It's as close to magic as I have ever seen in a device.
Cheap ones are about $100 on Amazon. This is the one I got.
It's an investment. Since I live in a humid climate and would otherwise have to change air filters and spray cleaner foam every 3-4 months, I figure this will break even within a year.
Also works great to remove odor in your house. Just make sure to watch a few videos and be aware of safety. Try avoid breathing the ozone!
Take care of yourself OP. If you start to have breathing issues, go back ASAP!
As for your car, there are a few options. Chlorine dioxide can be purchased in liquid form from Amazon (VitalOx is a common brand, but there are several). You can use it in a spay bottle on fabric surfaces and it's pretty effective against viruses. Test it on an out of the way spot to make sure it doesn't damage any fabric you want to use it on, but in my experience using it, it's usually won't cause staining/bleaching. Dimethyl ethybenzl ammonium chloride wipes are a good choice for hard surfaces. Something like the purple PDI sani-cloth wipes (also on amazon and currently in stock). They are also about 50% alcohol so if one doesn't get it, the other should.
Another option is to get an ozone generator, something like this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAP7388.
Run it a full cycle after cleaning the surfaces in the car. Just be warned you don't want to use it often, it will start to damage plastics (like wiring insulation). Try to point the output away from anything close by to prevent damage. Allow a few hours for the ozone to work and degrade before getting back in. It's pretty damn unpleasant/dangerous to breath and won't do you any favors if you are already sick.
If you can leave the house for a few hours, rent or buy an ozone generator. Pretty good at eliminating odors of all kinds:
You should not be in the house while it is running.
buy an ionizer. they work great. My basement gets musty when it rains. 10 minutes of this and it takes the smell away. Just shut the door and let it do its work.
AmazonSmile Link: Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black)
^Use AmazonSmile to donate 0.5% of your purchase price to a charity of your choice at no extra cost to you.
This is an extreme solution, you probably wouldn't do for a one off item but if you're trying to refurb stuff that smells like smoke to sell it can pay for itself.
Purchase a shock ozone treatment device like this: Ozone Generator
Enclose in large storage container. Hole in side for power. Seal with plumbers putty. Seal lid with weather stripping gasket. Run for about 30 minutes.
Works wonders pulling smells out of about anything.
Would suggest further research before you go this route but it's a pretty effective solution.
We contain the devices in large plastic tubs and run an ozone machine in them for 30 minutes. The room where we do it is quarantined overnight afterwards to allow he ozone to dissipate.
We use machines like: ionizer
Get an Ozone generator of amazon make sure its at least 4500mg/hr. Close all windows in the car and the doors. Turn it on for 2 hours, come back at around 1h 30 min and turn on the car, max ac vents set to recirculate. Let that run with the ozone generator on for the last 30 min. Take the ozone generator out when finished, leave the windows closed and the car on with vents blowing for another 30 min. Turn off the car and open all doors to vent the ozone. Done
After using a primer like Kilz, and removing the carpet and any curtains, etc. you can get an ozone machine. I did a ton of research recently because I am buying a house with water damage (mold) and came to this one as the best option:
WARNING. Under NO circumstances should you run an ozone generator in an occupied room or house. DO NOTE BREATH OZONE AS IT CAN CAUSE PERMANENT LUNG DAMAGE. Otherwise, it can help a lot.
In your case, you could do one room at a time - seal the door with plastic sheeting, and turn off the HVAC. Then leave the house.
Any thoughts on this model?
It costs a bit more for less ozone output, but has a built in timer and fan. I like the simplicity. Would running this on a 2 hour timer when leaving for work allow enough time for the room to be safe when I got home? The has an opening to another room without a door, and would run the ceiling fan to help circulate.
It has performed well, but is maintenance intensive. I have replaced the plates about once a year due to the humidity here on the Texas Gulf Coast. Other than that, it is great! It works well for removing the smell of smoke in my truck as well, just run the truck with the AC on recirculate for 20 minutes and it smells like new. If you run it too long in a small room or vehicle, it builds up a film on your windows and other surfaces.
It has performed well, but is maintenance intensive. I have replaced the plates about once a year due to the humidity here on the Texas Gulf Coast. Other than that, it is great! It works well for removing the smell of smoke in my truck as well, just run the truck with the AC on recirculate for 20 minutes and it smells like new. If you run it too long in a small room or vehicle, it builds up a film on your windows and other surfaces.
The folks mentioning ozone treatments are correct. It works amazing. You don't even need to take it to a detailer. Just buy the right air purifier on amazon. This one looks like it is about $90.
You could try renting/buying and ozone machine. From the sounds of everything it just looks like you have some mildew/mold growing in your HVAC system, an ozone machine should would fix the issue. You could also try using Odoban instead of Lysol, I've had much better luck with it killing mildew.
Got it this one looks more like what you're talking about it. I'd never heard of that, looks awesome.
Get you an ozone generator like this one: https://smile.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388
Please be cautious with it. Ozone is dangerous if not used correctly. Depending on how many floors you have you would set this up and run it for say 2 hours with the home completely closed up and NO-ONE in it and the HVAC fan running. Then shut it off and air out the house, windows open, for 4+ hours. When I run mine I place it near an AC return vent so it will ensure the ozone will get to all of the rooms. These things work INCREDIBLY well.
To re-iterate you cannot be home when it's running. No pets either. I hook mine up to a timer so I don't even have to go into the house to turn it off.
If the smell is just residual odor this will nuke it once and for all.
ionizer. Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_zUGeBb7N8CRY8
Here you go
Ozone generator.. you can get one at Amazon
Enerzen O-777 - 11,000 mg/h Industrial Ozone Gene... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_QKJWZE90VMQATCR6YH4F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000 mg/h Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HZH6GX78Y7HQYASA9DZ6
$60 https://www.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388
Similar to what I have, it would absolutely fuck you up being in a room with this thing running.
FYI for the cost of renting you could likely buy a unit on Amazon
OK. These should be used when people are not in the room. So if you buy one, set it for a 1/2 an hour when you are both away.
Hotels use these to get rid of smoke odor and other assorted human-generated scents.
I've read similar posts and apparently an Ozone Generator is the way to go. Check them out on Amazon and read the reviews.
Edit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_QkvkBbV07GEGM
It will absolutely remove the smoke smell and any other odors, for good. I have an older Volvo that had the musty old car smell despite taking really good care of it, I washed the carpets, changed the cabin air filter and ran my ozone generator for 45min and could not believe how effective it was. It’s the best the car has smelled since it was new. This video gives a good rundown of what they are and how to use them, and this is the one I got if you’re interested in getting one.
Amazon Prime!
Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000 mg/h Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_19775J55FJXH9AZZMVM0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Oof. I want to purchase one, never used one though. I've been keeping my eye on this one though
I had a similar issue - I ordered an ozone generator off amazon for about 80 bucks, sealed the place up, and ran it for about a week. Got rid of some serious cat odor. This place did not have carpets though - you may end up having to replace carpet/pad. Note: Ozone is a lung and sinus irritant, and not good to breathe, but it dissipates quickly once the unit is turned off (it actually also just has a timer if you want to run it a short time and let it shut itself off). I just held my breath, went in, turned it off, went out, waited a few hours with the house fan running. This was a stand-alone house, I would not recommend it for an apartment or duplex if there are other occupied units.
How it works: https://www.randrmagonline.com/articles/86744-ozone-101-using-oxygen-molecules-for-odor-removal
After extensive googling and research here are the accessories I bought.
I bought the ozone generator, very happy with it. 60$
GPS system 77$, 8$ monthly. Read lots of reviews and lists we will see if it works out.
For keyless access I got a Mobokey device. 110$ Apparently this is integrated with the Turo app somehow to provide contactless access and I just don't feel like having a key in a lockbox is secure enough.
Wireless charger/Mount for phone. 36$ got this to avoid universal cables and get a phone mount at the same time.
No smoking vinyls stickers. 9$
Since you're not living in the house, I would suggest a Ozone Generator. Close every window and let it go full blast. They are fairly cheap now.
For Example:
I am NOT recommending this one, it's just an example.
This is what I use on my cars
Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Enerzen Commercial Ozone... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I would place it into an enclosed space like a closet with an ozone generator, then let it air out and see if that helped.
It will cover up to 2000sq.ft
That smell and the stains will be gone forever.
Maybe an ozone generator:
I had a very powerful gas smell in my car thanks to a faulty fuel pump. I bought an ozone generator after the pump was replaced and the smell just wouldn't go away, and it worked like a charm. Just follow the directions and you should be good to go.
Here's the one I used: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
Put it in a sealed container with an ozone generator. Just make sure it is unplugged. Ozone generator like thus:
after you clean, this is by far the best option...if you can find one in your budget
worst case, in the future you know this thing exists. The other cleaning solutions work but do take a great deal of effort and detail.
Not sure how much you want to spend, but ozone generators work great and this would be handy to have around after you solve your problem: https://www.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388 .
Turns O2 to O3. Basically resets O2 particles. Therefore gets rid of any smells attached to those particles.
I've owned some stinky places in the past (Investment homes)... Cat/Dog Urine/Poo, Smoke.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Enerzen Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial O3 Ai… | $67.98 | - | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Sorry amazon.
This is the one I bought: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAP7388/
It has gotten rid of all smells in my house. I have two stinky kids.
Ozone generator like this one
As long as you don't have any living animals in your apartment, you can leave an ozone generator running in your place while you are at work.
If you can, get an ozone machine to help remove some of the cigarette smoke smell. Please be careful when using it but this really helped my mom and I remove all the weed smoke smell from my sister's car. This is the one we used (https://www.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=car+ozone+generator&qid=1635529808&sr=8-3) and it worked moderately well. Took several treatments to get rid of the majority of the smell but not everything. If you kept trying you might be able to make it unnoticeable. Also, if you spend a few hundred on getting the interior detailed and fixed up, you'll increase the resale value a lot.
Look at buying or renting an ozone generator:
I would try one of the electronic ozone generators, it's what auto detailers use to get cigarette smell out of car upholstery.
THIS. I used this one for a job when every other thing failed to do the trick:
Clean the rooms as best you can and use an ozone generator to remove the smell. I used this one: https://www.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388 to remove a horrible rotting meat smell that permeated a house.
Get one of these, they’re amazing for getting smells out of cars that have sat.
I used this ozone generator to eliminate the smell of rotten meat. It works -- but follow the safety precautions.
I used this and it worked:
Maybe an ozone generator will deal with this:
Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000mg... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388
Here is the product
Try an ozone generator. They definitely work on difficult odors. Make sure no people, pets or plants are inside while running it.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_JEjtHfSZuyyjd
An ozone generator works wonders for the stink.
Almost everywhere, also on Amazon:
It generates O3, oxygen with an extra O that easily binds to different substances. Don't breathe it in. The smell after a thunderstorm is wet soil from the rain and ozon in the air.
I'm currently using this.
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If you don’t have success with the variety of enzyme cleaners, your sure-fire last ditch effort should be an Ozone generator. It will remove that smell for sure
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I second this. Lots available on Amazon or ebay. I got this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAP7388/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 works well..
Avoid this style: https://www.amazon.com/Estink-Generator-Purifying-Deodorizing-Sterilization/dp/B07KYN1SBM/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1549438892&sr=8-8&keywords=ozone+generator I used one of these, I left the apartment(because you can't be there while they run) I had to return 5 minutes later I forgot something... this one was melting on the table where I left it... I don't want to know what would have happened in another 5 minutes.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BZSjFb7X9G30X
Wrong, it's easy.
Use an ozone generator. Clean out air ducts using febreeze.
I did this same thing to a used car I bought last year.
I have this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAP7388 she's got some damn power. Damn near gotta leave the house when it's running full chooch.
I was looking for this comment. The tar etc will be there to stay, unless you pull your hvac ducts apart and manually scrub them down.
Honestly dawn dishsoap works amazing with a brillo sponge thing. I smoke, not in my house, but in my 3 season patio. Every summer it takes me about 6 hours of scrubbing to get all the tar and crap off all the windows, walls, ceiling, fans, etc. I should mention I have 24 windows floor to ceiling on my patio, one reason it takes so damn long.
On the topic of ozone generators in general. I had a small unit that was an "air purifier" and ozone generator I got off ebay. The "air purifier" I'm pretty sure was just a fan that literally did nothing. I have cats and their litter boxes are in my basement, so I would have the ozone generator go off at 4am for 20-30 min a few times a week just to cut down litter smell. I ended up buying this after it crapped out on me https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAP7388/ just want to say, HOLY CRAP this thing is powerful. It's almost too powerful to use for me. It will wake me up in the middle of the night 3 floors up with the smell of ozone. Maybe close up all the windows in your house, take your air filter out of your hvac, shove the o3 generator in there, turn the hvac fan on continuous, and leave for a day.
An ionizer can do wonders:
I have used an ozone generator on a smoke filled car of a family member and it worked great in the end. I had to do a couple treatments with increased time toward the end to finally get all the lingering odor but it got rid of it all! used this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAP7388/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Note: detail car well first to get any loose dirt/particles, and run the AC and heat during one of the treatments to get odor out of the vents.
Can't recommend the ozone enough!.
I have this one and it works well. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAP7388/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I bypassed the 2 hour timer and put a 24 hour one on. Now I can run 2 hours on 1hour off until I unplug it.
These are used by industrial odor removal companies: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_dp_BqpQzbWX9R0YM
Read the reviews, it's pretty impressive, even works on pesky dead body smell.
Definitely look into an ozone generator. I have this one in my Amazon cart, just need to pull the trigger.
I think he's going to pull the trigger on this one. What do you think?
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 3500mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_YJF5wb5SMTQN5
Everyone who spends time in their van should own an ozone generator. It’s what car dealerships use to give vehicles that “new car smell.”
Essentially it kills all mold, mildew, and viruses, leaving the smell of ozone-the scent of an incoming thinderstorm. Use it once every couple of weeks and you’ll be the freshest around. DO NOT USE IT WHILE YOU’RE IN THE VEHICLE.
This is the one I use. Gets rid of all odors. Mold snd smoke remediation companies use these to restore homes after fires or toxic mold. Your van and nose will thank you.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_OPmNFbPXV5ABX
Hence the manufacture rating of 10 grams per minute, was likely a calculated number based on how much ozone should be generated.
If you know the grams per minute output and the room size you can easily calculate the ppm saturation point.
You realize propane is measured in pounds? No one's talking ppm or volume because weight is what dictates that
Oh look a grams rating on a professional machine.... https://www.amazon.com/Enerzen-Commercial-Industrial-Deodorizer-Sterilizer/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=asc_df_B00JAP7388/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198069522648&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10088451156028864585&hvpone=&hvptw...