Warning: Ozone is harmful to breathe. Room needs to be completely uninhabited by plants and animals and should be thoroughly ventilated afterwards.
An ozone machine will help to get rid of the scent and kill the mold, if you get a good one (about a hundred bucks on amazon) just let it run With the car closed for a day or two. Then throw on a mask and wipe up the mold the best you can. Then ozonate it again.
This one should be sufficient
Enerzen High Capacity Commercial Ozone Generator 9,000mg Industrial Strength O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (9,000mg - Gray) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7VOSH1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_SaEXBbZZ4MBG0
but you may run it multiple times to be safe, since mold is dangerous.
I use an ozone generator. I've had the same problem as you with non-smoking smokers in a unit.
Do not buy one of the pretty looking ones you see in a retail store. Get a commercial one that are way stronger. I've attached a link to what they look like, but this isn't a recommendation for this particular one.
DO NOT stay in the room while it's operating, or even in the apartment or house. For every hour the machine operates, add another hour to the time before it's safe for you to go into it.
Ozone is what's unhealthy, doesn't need to be "in combination" with anything. I think the wait time is like an hour or so but whatever you get will list all that out in the instructions and warnings.
Get a commercial unit like this example, not something with an air filter and "ionizer" button.
I had this situation on my last rental. Guy said he was at an art show, and he stored his paintings in my Tahoe, and they “held on to the smoke.” Lol yep. That’s where empty vape canisters came from.
I have this Ozone generator (Enerzen High Capacity Commercial Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial Strength O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Gray) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7VOSH1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_tgHUcLdJj7NQy) that I use between trips.
To fully remove the smell, I had to do this:
After ozone, I opened all of the car doors outside and let fresh air in for about 2 more hours.
I charged him the $150 Turo smoke cleaning fee.
I’ve dealt with it as well. It always comes back. Sometimes within a week or two. I also bought an ozone generator and run that into the air intake in the frunk with the windows open for 20-30 mins.
Enerzen High Capacity Commercial Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial Strength O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Gray) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7VOSH1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_HjSERsgrXn2id
This is the kind of zone generator you want. I use one to sanitize a room for covid or any other virus particles that may be in the air. It completely destroys it at s molecular level. Issue is it also will destroy your lungs in the same way.
You want to keep all your doors and cabinets open, and set the timer for it first before plugging it in. I set mine for 30-45mins and then use an extension cord so that I when I plug in the unit to the extension cord it turns on automatically. I set ac unit to fan/recirculate and set the machine at an intake vent (if you have it) if not just place it next to the front door instead. Plug it in and immediately close the door and do something for 45mins.
When you come back hold your breath, make sure the machine is off and let your front door open for a bit. Then come back out take another breath of fresh air and get a window open. Your ac should still be on fan only mode and now the fresh air will replace the ozone. Do this for about 20 minutes and the air should be good to breathe. If you feel like the air as a "spicy/bite" to it that's ozone, leave and come back later with the door and window still open.
Its a bit of a hassle sure but its the best way to completely sanitize a room and also eliminate any smells.
You could combat most smells with a ozone generator. Cheap and very effective for more than just car use.
Enerzen High Capacity Commercial Ozone Generator 11,000mg Industrial Strength O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (11,000mg - Gray) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7VOSH1/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_PDVE7RPGXVFN2BY847GB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
you can rent an ozone generator at places like Aurora Rents (you can also buy one but it wouldn't really make sense if you're only using it once)
it's what professionals use to remove the smell of smoke from fire damage.
it's a lot like fumigation though, you'll need to remove yourself and any pets from your house for a couple hours while you run it.
I highly recommend them. It works amazing for cigarette smells and i've also used it to get rid of animal/unpleasant smells. They are pretty cheap to get on amazon.
1)Buy the strongest one on Amazon (only like $120ish)
2)No. Just make sure you/your animals aren't in the area when you're running it.
3)Keep running it for 2 Hour increments in different spots of the house until smells have been neutralized.
It will result in a slightly bleachy/neutralized smell but after about 5 hours it smells fresh & clean!
Don't use ozone generator. It will fuck all the plastics. Very corrosive.
If you still want to use it, I'll sell you one for half off retail. It's brand new (used for 8hr then never again). It's this one.
Try using an ozone generator.
Not pertaining to your question but if you want to eliminate the cigarette smell something like this will be your best option example
Look into getting an ozone generator. Best option out there - though the most expensive
Use an Ozone machine. Breaks down smells on a molecular level. Works wonders.
Plus https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N9J2GYI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_IXnfAbYT6BGDQ
Plus a new in cabin filter probably gets you to where you want to be