The book I see recommended most frequently these days is Engineering a Compiler by Cooper and Torczon (Amazon link). But compilers isn't really my specific area so I don't keep up to date with every possible recommendation!
Due to the nature of the problem at the time though. Eh, I find Engineering a Compiler to be significantly expressive and concise, which is a complete pile of unfinished shite).
I would love to contribute to GCC but I don't have a solid compiler background. Where do you guys suggest I start? Something like this book? Just jumping in and seeing what sticks?
This is the book my compilers course used, it gets into optimization a good bit. You can find pdfs of this online pretty easy.
Foge do Dragon Book, por mais que ele seja um clássico hj em dia ele é ultrapassado e pula várias partes peculiares de implementar um compilador. Livros que recomendo no lugar:
(esse aqui tem em várias linguagens mas li o do ML, comparei com o java e achei relativamente iguais, porém java é mais feio pra esse tipo de problema) this is a good resource as well
Instead of the Dragon book, I actually think Cooper and Torczon is an easier introduction.
Then I don't get what are the columns then (hence my running total aside the input column).
This is the book you're referring to ?
Eh, I find Engineering a Compiler to be significantly better.
Thanks a lot for your reply /u/combinatorylogic, awesome materials list, I have heard about some of them but never read nor studied them before, it looks like now is a very good time.
My primary studying material is the Compilers Theory course, given by Stanford:
In addition to reading two books:
1) Engineering a Compiler, by K. Cooper & L. Torczon, 2nd Ed.:
2) Basics of Compiler Design, by T. Mogensen:
Do you think these materials are good for a start? I am planning to delve deeper into the topics of Compiler and Interpreter Construction.
EDIT: formatting.
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