>So you’re insistent on humiliating yourself by claiming that someone calling someone else who goes around calling people “triggered” an edgelord is a schoolboy taunt.
So you're insistent on humiliating yourself by attempting to futilely argue that edgelord isn't a schoolboy taunt.
This must be really fucking embarrassing. But I'm sure you're used to taking logically indefensible positions, given your political leanings.
I don't agree with OP's use of the word "triggered," and I do happen to think that he's an edgelord, but I also take issue with the other guy being a hypocrite and calling someone out for using a schoolboy taunt when he did the exact same thing.
Regardless of why the guy was calling OP an edgelord, the word still counts as a taunt.
Seriously, I can recommend you some elementary school grammar books on Amazon, if you want. I think they'll help you quite a bit.
You could use this. Free shipping.
> PvP games aren’t competitive by default lol
I'm sorry for your learning deficiency, hope it gets better. You should check this in the meantime
> I love how you will say that most players that play a game are casuals, who play the game casually, the game is designed to cater to those causal players but somehow the game is inherently competitive? Lmfao
Yes, this is how PvP games work. You're almost close to understanding how words work. I'm kinda proud. Being competitive doesn't mean it can't be played casually.
Go read that book I linked, it must contain the definition of competition somewhere.
> Imagine thinking people give a fuck about winning cod pubs lol people are grinding camos and shit, very competitive indeed!
Yeah, I'm sure that the 5% of players that actively do camo grinds instantly quit after completing them.
> I want to go back to the old sbmm system that was objectively much weaker and less manipulative.
There is no old SBMM system. The devs confirmed this. It always used the same SBMM. And again, you literally don't even understand what you're complaining about. Like use your fucking brain for a second. "Weaker" lmao. CoD uses the weakest SBMM possible.
There are a few reasons why CoD has become sweatier:
These are all verifiable changes that happened with MW19. SBMM conspiracies are not.
If you believe SBMM is the reason CoD feels sweaty, I'm sorry, you're just eating youtuber bullshit for breakfest. Content that's literally made to solicit clicks from gullible idiots.