A normal scarf shouldn't, but the point of the material I'm talking about is that it gets cool again if you put more water on it. It evaporates the water to get cool or something like that.
Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Ergodyne-Chill-Its-6602-Evaporative-Cooling/dp/B001B5I57I/
I got this as a gift and have had no complaints
Up where we live (Sonoma County, California) heat waves bring wildfires. Half of California's forestland is federally owned, and the other half is privately owned. Neither BLM nor the owners perform adequate brush reduction, so the fires rage hard, fast and hot.
So, heat wave preps are also wildfire preps.
We have two vehicles we keep at least half fuelled, carriers for the pets, go-bags, and two BOLs.
We also maintain the seals on the house, so it's almost entirely smoke-proof, and have three Winex HEPA air filters with their Plasma Wave feature (which synthesizes OH radicals, good for eating up airborne contaminants).
We keep our modest two acres free of dead grass and wood, and the house's roof uses fiberglass shingles. Embers from a wildfire can drift for hours before landing somewhere. If they land on our roof, I don't want them to find anything that can burn.
More generally for the heat, we keep 2L bottles of water in the freezer, shade fabric we can pin up outside the house, and cooling towels which evaporate water rapidly -- https://www.amazon.com/Ergodyne-Chill-Its-6602-Evaporative-Cooling/dp/B001B5I57I/ -- they're cheap and work amazingly well.
Also a kick-ass air conditioner and extra gas for the genny. Which reminds me, I still need to rotate the fuel stock.
I know you want to want to cool your room but whatever solution you go with I would also suggest pairing it with a personal cooling towel that you put around your neck/on your head. I have a few for hiking/camping/park days etc... and it works really well assuming you have access to cold water/ice water.
You might want to consider getting yourself a cooling towel for hot days. It's a quick way to cool yourself off when you notice symptoms coming in. Draping one, or any cool towel, around your neck when you need to be in the heat can help you get your body temperature down faster.
Cooling towels retain the moisture longer. Here's one on Amazon, but you can get them at a lot of retailers. It's an Amazon Smile like with proceeds going to the US MS Society. Ergodyne cooling towel
I'm usually cold and have become very heat intolerant so I have the exact opposite problem.
That being said, wrt to getting sweaty it sounds a lot like hot flashes. You can buy this thing and I promise you it works. Wet it and put it around the back of your neck. You will cool off. https://www.amazon.com/Ergodyne-Chill-Its-6602-Evaporative-Cooling/dp/B001B5I57I/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=chill+it+cooling+towel&qid=1574111011&sr=8-4
Get that brand "Chill it". I've gotten others and they don't work nearly as well. Good luck!
I always have water, some sort of food, change of clothes, a bridal emergency kit that was mentioned earlier, of course spares for all equipment, baby wipes (these suckers take off damn near everything), and cooling towels.
I have a bunch of these. They are great to cool off or wiping yourself down.
Staying inside in the AC. Being a homebody helps.
Cooling towels might help your mom better than the wet washcloth due to the slow drying time.
Drink water with lots of ice.
Its most likely a cooling towel. You get them wet, wring them out a bit and then snap it and it provides a cool moist towel great for hot rounds. I use mine a lot on the sidelines during Summer Ultimate games Example
You can use evaporative rags on your neck actually. They do wonders to cool you down:
That + fan behind you can even make you cold sometimes in a Georgia summer (which is freaking weird the first time it happens).
>my bedroom windows are covered with a heavy black blanket
Foil with the shiny side out, works even better and is more opaque.
If you want to be kind to people looking at your house, layer white paper, such as printer paper over the window first, then the foil.
Also: buy one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Chill-Its-6602-Cooling-Towel-Blue/dp/B001B5I57I and a nice fan. It takes me through August in Atlanta walking outdoors without issue.
Additionally, you can buy a A/C for $299 at costco this week that's portable.
I assume there may be a french amazon equivalent but: https://www.amazon.com/Ergodyne-Chill-Its-6602-Evaporative-Cooling/dp/B001B5I57I I use these for fevers with kids but they work great for keeping you cool too. You wet them and then they just stay cool, then you lay them on babys chest or back and they don't warm up to body temperature like a regular washcloth would, so they will keep you/baby cool. I love them. Super great for when our AC broke and most recently for when my 2yo had a fever of 103.6.
Get your self one of these cooling towels. I get about an hour and half to two hours from that brand. Have one for my Greyhound too.
I work in Hawaii and the sun and the humidity is super brutal. The best stuff on the market in my opinion are the "Chill-its", they include bandana's, neck towels and neck shades. Other than that bring a ton of sun block and water.
Here is an amazon link for the products.
Or a pack of bendy straws.
This cooling towel is great! Ergodyne Chill-Its 6602 Evaporative Cooling Towel, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001B5I57I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_E9S15EET2ZDK25WD9ATX
Had two of these cool towels in a bin for years. Finally busted them out in 2019 and realized how foolish we had been for not trying them sooner!
I can't speak for the whole class but these things work very well
Ergodyne Chill-Its 6602 Evaporative Cooling Towel, Blue https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B001B5I57I/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_SRYZJ6ZY1AT98A9A2ED9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
A couple good shade hats. And a cooling rag for when the heats too much. I'm still kind of giggling at that fan.
Cool Towels are a cheap way to help keep cool.
This helps keep you cool: Chill-Its 6602 Evaporative Cooling Towel, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001B5I57I?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
This is why I wear these:
I'm not taking the chance of my sweaty face rusting off $800.
And I tell especially sweat-prone people when i demo to at least wear a cap or something similar, and swap the foam everytime.
Look into evaporative cooling towels and wraps. As long as they're wet they will be cooler than the ambient air. Soak them in cold water for 10 minutes and them place then on your head, around your neck, on your chest, etc.
Ergodyne Chill-Its
Frogg Toggs Chilly Pad
Neck wraps and in many colors
Most will come in a plastic case. Keep that case. These things get hard when they're dry and need to be wet again to move like normal fabric. The plastic case helps keep moisture in so they stay wet in storage.
What are people's thoughts on cooling towels like this?