So, you have no response? You don't need to take my word for it, I highly recommend you read Lori Garver's book escaping gravity, she details how congress continually worked against presidential directives to lower cost to orbit in favor of pursing more pork projects for their district.
Not so nice things to say about him. He’s living in a different era.
I recommend buying her new book:
Former Deputy Administrator of NASA (2009-2013) during the Obama Administration, controversial (but vindicated now) for her efforts to push NASA to pursue fixed cost commercial procurement programs, like Commercial Resupply Services and Commercial Crew. She was a key supporter of SpaceX early on at a time when there were a lot of skeptics about it at the time.
Anyhow, she has a new book out this week about the whole thing. The OP was clearly inspired by the new Off Nominal podcast with her earlier today.
I think it comes out on June 21^st.