> I can't use anything with hormones involved
Localized estrogen (local where it stays in your vagina) does not carry any risks....in that it does not travel throughout your body like estrogen pills/patches do, therefore there's no link for breast cancer risk.
Also have you read Estrogen Matters? Written by a Medical Oncologist, whose wife had breast cancer.
Symptoms crop up much earlier than expected, and those symptoms are ones that are rarely recognized as being due to hormone fluctuations (peri). Not like the classic 'hot flashes' that we all hear about, but more odd things, like random joint inflammation and pain that comes up out of nowhere. In my 40's I felt like I was constantly going to my doctor for things that had no explanation. No reason was ever found, but it's only in hindsight that almost all of it was likely due to fluctuating/declining hormones.
Not everyone experiences irregular periods as the first symptom. I was regular right up to 55, but had other symptoms long before that.
Vaginal atrophy is experienced by 80% of women, and we don't talk about this.
Estrogen Matters. Sure menopause is a natural process, one in which we will all experience, but going without estrogen affects just about every aspect of our mind and body. (Recommend everyone to read the book <em>Estrogen Matters</em> and The Menopause Manifesto by Dr. Jen Gunter)
Read our [Menopause Wiki](/r/Menopause/wiki/index)
First I have to say that I'm not quite clear on why it's any of his business if you want to go with HRT?
anyway maybe this book could help https://www.amazon.com/Estrogen-Matters-Hormones-Menopause-Well-Being/dp/0316481203
I don't know what your threshold for "wordy" is but it's a good one imo.
Lots of information here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/wiki/index#wiki_what.27s_the_difference_between_bio-identical.2C_synthetic.2C_pharmaceutical_and_compounded_mht.3F
Also this book is recommended - https://www.amazon.com/Estrogen-Matters-Hormones-Menopause-Well-Being/dp/0316481203/ref=sr_1_1?crid=DXS24PIC71F6&keywords=estrogen+matters&qid=1641009769&sprefix=estrogen+matter%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1/
The host of this podcast is Peter Attia, M.D., with Avrum Bluming, M.D. and Carol Tavris, Ph.D. as guests. The episode is about Bluming and Tavris' 2018 book, Estrogen Matters. This book criticizes the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) and other clinical research on menopausal hormone therapy, arguing that it has a better risk–benefit profile than has been portrayed. They particularly take issue with the notion that hormone therapy increases the risk of breast cancer. Peter Attia is a controversial figure and Bluming and Tavris' claims are controversial as well. That doesn't mean that they're wrong here and I do think that they have valid points, but just something for people to be aware of.
Here is the full citation information for Bluming and Tavris' book:
Here are some relevant reviews and publications by Bluming and Tavris:
And here are some articles by them in the popular press:
Have you seen the new book “Estrogen Matters” with all of the latest advice about HRT and breast cancer? I don’t know anything about breast cancer but I do know that some of the avoid-HRT advice is now seen as out of date. Also check out Peter Attia’s podcast on HRT. I’ll try and add the links below. estrogen matters. Peter Attia podcast