This is a scan from the art book of 世界樹の迷宮IV, better known in the west as Etrian Odyssey IV. Amazon link.
EDIT: The character artist is Yuji Himukai, the background artist is Nizou Yamamoto. Thank you for the silver!
To be forthright, this is not what the original image looks like. I own this art book, it's right on my shelf. But I was not able to find any competent high-resolution scans (nor do I own a scanner). In addition to that, all of the popular scans I was able to find were far too green-tinted or dark!
But I've always loved this picture, depicting the game's adventurers in their casual outfits doing day-to-day errands, and I wanted to share it with this community. So I tried my absolute damndest to fix what I found, and I've outlined the process below for the curious.
I know there are neural network tools nowadays that specialize in upscaling images, and I was able to find one that caters to anime artwork. This wasn't the best scan I could find, but it had the crispest lines and least jpeg artifacting.
This is the result of upscaling the image done by the neural network. There is jpeg artifacting from the imgur upload, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with it.
Same image, cropped to remove the text. I've decided to settle for cropping because I couldn't find a decent scan of the two-page spread.
This is the image slapped through photoshop's autocolor, because I was initially lazy. It's too red-tinted.
This is the cropped composition overlaid with the only high-resolution scans of the art book I was able to find. As you can see, they're in no condition to attempt stitching the image together. I used the colour information (along with staring at the physical art book) to inform my recolouring decisions.
And finally, the image in the post. I also removed the 4 in the corner.
Honestly, I understand that it's sleazy to edit someone's artwork without their permission. But ultimately, I do think that the image I'm presenting here is closer to the art book than any scan I was able to find online. I hope y'all can forgive that.