This is going to sound weird.
I pick up litter.
A few months ago, I got a litter stick from Amazon. I put a few trash bags in my pocket, put on gloves, and went out into my neighborhood and got started.
The neighborhood was frankly trashed; most places in my city are these days. Decline of services and all. I can't do this most days, because my health is pretty poor, so it took me a while to finish my first pass. Now, every few weeks I can clean up my neighborhood in a couple of trips.
I fully realize that this makes me the crazy old guy in a hat and gloves on the side of the road, looking vaguely homeless. I don't care.
There are kids in this neighborhood. There are churches. People walk along these sidewalks every day. And now they don't have to think about what a dump the neighborhood is. They don't have to worry about walking around broken glass. They get to think about other things, hopefully better things.
It's changed my relationship with my neighborhood. I know it better. I know people here now; I've got regular stops on my route where they've invited me to use their trash cans. I've had some fun conversations.
And this might be my ego talking, but I think I see more people in the park lately.
Whether this is all coming to an end or not, there are people all around you. They're no less important than they've ever been. I'd argue they're more important than ever. Some of them need your help.
The only happiness I've found is in service to others.
I totally understand this. Is there anyway you could ask him to use one of these pointy sticks to pick up trash? Cigarette butts are especially gross to pick up because they have been in peoples mouths 🤢. You are not out of line for being upset.
This one worked great today! It really stabs the debris and is easy to get the trash off of the stabber and into the bag 😃 trash stabber
I've done this kinda informally on my runs.
I've actually wished that I could get a palm-sized trash spike (something kinda like this but a whole lot shorter, like just a palm grip+spike) to take on my runs so that I'm not actually grabbing the trash with my hands. As far as I know, no such thing exists, though.
Ah, see I was picturing these.
Nice! Was it buried or just nearby? I bought a trash stabber to help me locate buried stones. Found at least 20+ so far!
There is this one for $9 on Amazon.
Combine it with the LPT from last week and carry around a Trash Spear
Fuck that shit. I've seen TWO takers Rattlers on sidewalks, of trails just in corners of guardrails and such, were people walk by in crowded areas. If I hadn't of seen it, you'd have never known it was there cause it was so blended in. Didn't make a noise.
They're predators, period. They're looking to bite big mammals, period. We need to see them as much. But unlike bears and cats, we can actually defend ourselves against them.
Ettore 43-inch Trash Pick Up Tool with Sharp Stainless Steel Tip That's why I'm gonna get me this, but I'm gonna add two more spikes to the end of it. For for security.