Whipped cream, my friend. There's these nice canisters they use in restaurants where you fill it with cream, and they have a little compartment for a nitrous cartridge that looks similar to a CO² cartridge (like this one right here) and it works just like a can of whipped cream you buy at the grocery, just a little tastier. At least, I'm guessing that's the relevance. I can't think of any other way one would claim to use nitrous for sex without coming right out and saying "i like to get high and fuck".
Yeah. It's really easy of you get one of the can aerators. EurKitchen Professional Aluminum Whipped Cream Dispenser - Leak-Free Whip Cream Maker Canister with 3 Decorating Nozzles & Cleaning Brush - 1-Pint / 500 mL Cream Whipper - N2O Chargers (Not Included) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017XZYC2Q/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_79Y3ZV2HZ5X176NPY0CS
Cool. How is yours better than this $30 one from Amazon?
EurKitchen Professional Whipped Cream Dispenser w/Leak-Free Reinforced Aluminum Threads for Max Durability and Safety - 1-Pint (Black) - Cream Whipper Uses Standard 8-Gram N2O Chargers (Not Included) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017XZYC2Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_HXvVBbNSHR2MW
EurKitchen Professional Aluminum Whipped Cream Dispenser - Leak-Free Whip Cream Maker Canister with 3 Decorating Nozzles & Cleaning Brush - 1-Pint / 500 mL Cream Whipper - N2O Chargers (Not Included) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017XZYC2Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6W1EC4FD2BXN3RCMCQ9X
you mean like one of these things with the nitrous cartridges? I would assume that's the whole idea. Or like the kind you use for soap? I would assume probably not, you'd get like slightly bubbly cream or something.
I have this one. I just got the aluminum one cause it was cheaper, and it can hold 2 no problem. Apparently it can even hold 3 but I have no desire to push its limits.
The strategy me and my friends have developed to do 4 at once/in a row is to load up the canister with two, fill a balloon up with those, then put two more into the canister. Then you can hit the balloon and then the canister to get 4 in a row. I'm afraid to unpinch the already filled balloon in case I fuck up and let it go, but you could just fill more balloons.
Amazon. Just a standard whip cream dispenser. https://www.amazon.com/EurKitchen-Professional-Dispenser-Reinforced-Durability/dp/B017XZYC2Q
They’re a nifty kitchen tool - make whipped cream or mousse instantly, infuse oils, or even infuse oils into something...there are a lot of cool uses for them. Chargers are relatively inexpensive if you buy a few dozen.
I've had no problem using displosable CO2 cartidges in whipped cream dispensers like this one that are intended for N2O, so I would guess that nitro cartidges would work equivalently well in that quick charger as long as they're the right size.
I have a whipping siphon (the canister thing that coffee shops and other places use to make whipped cream). You just put in the fruit you want to carbonate and load one charge and fully discharge it and put in another charge and let it sit in the fridge under pressure. The longer it sits, the stonger the effect. Some fruit works better than others.
Some Amazon links if anyone wants to try it out:
Whipping Siphon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017XZYC2Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_HrdkFbGHBK21X
Charges: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A9GHPZS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_0sdkFb9FB9RBY
That is fresh whipped cream from a whipper like this. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017XZYC2Q/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ACZ974A1YN5TYZAZJW46
If you do end up buying those, ping me and I can instruct you how to use it properly.
Dispensers incur a high upfront cost, but they do make really decent whipped cream, so it's not a total write-off. And they make for a much better nos experience.
Oh. By the way I saw someone recommend the Eurokitchen. I know this ain’t the link. But if anyone has input 🙏 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017XZYC2Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_M-UtFbWHZ6K0V
P sure that’s a rip off of another I saw today. But also, saw Mosa as a food name, bud they have so many in the $30 range j have no idea on RBI’s stuff. Mosa TW Whipped Cream Dispenser- Full Pint Solid Aluminum https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D98RGEI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0aVtFbSXMFQ8M
Peace and love to all
Word this one?
Trying to think outside the box a little. What about a whipped cream dispenser and/or an ice cream maker.