I used this one for about 8 months straight or so. Works quite well and is under $100. I lived in a tiny garage apartment built into a hill and was really damp. That dehumidifier really sucked a lot out of the air.
Basically they printed a new case for this: http://www.amazon.com/Eva-Dry-Edv-2200-Eva-dry-Dehumidifier-Mid-Size/dp/B001QTW6KQ
Which, by the way, is a great solution to keep the humidity down in your print/filament storage area.
"Eva-Dry Dehumidifier" on Amazon. You can also try "Gurin Dehumidifier" http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=eva-dry+humidifier
I have this one (it's not too big: 6.8 x 8.5 x 14)
Smaller one (which probably means it's takes longer to lower humidity)
To give you an idea what to expect when the dehumidifier turns on, here is a chart -- I have a bunch of temp/humidity sensors connected to an Arduino that uploads to the cloud and keeps history :)