I carried porn into our marriage. At about 3 years in I realized that it wasn't just a serious problem, but that I would forever break my wife's trust and lose her because I had to shut off that part of my heart to her.
I treaded it like an addiction and got sober, did a lot of inner healing, detoxing, and rewiring.
Took about 6 months to feel like I could win that battle. But now, 8 years later I can see it all clearly.
Porn is like really delicious poison. You use it to feel good which in turn makes you feel gross and bad...so you look to feel good again, but the only way you know how is to look at more porn. And on and on we go.
I had to stop using porn...which meant I just felt shitty for months and months. I had to learn how to be happy without it. And I did. But it takes time and support.
I'd say 75% of men (yes even Christian men) struggle with porn. Marriage does not magically fix porn addiction.
You aren't married yet, so you have a couple choices: 1. Break it off and hope you can find a man who doesn't struggle with it. 2. Ignore it and move forward with the marriage. 3. Confront it and be relentless about your terms, "I love you, but this has to stop or it will tear us apart...you can't have a secret world of we are going to be married. I get 100% of your world. Get help to figure out why you look at porn."
If he lied to you about the porn, he's probably using it to cover up a lot of pain from something else he's been thru. Until he heals from whatever that is, porn will always look like an option.
Couple good resources:
Great book for Christian men: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0525653511/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_3T7EDMJKQM0M3BRFKETR
non-Christian resource for sex addiction: https://www.drpatrickcarnes.com/am-i-a-sex-addict
Great husband & wife sit-down about pornography. https://youtu.be/u0kHlMCYEWc
God bless!
Here are some actionable steps you can take:
1) Talk with your pastor. I know it's embarrassing, but the enemy wants you to hide this sin instead of bringing your problem to light.
2) Understand that ALL of your sins were paid for at the cross. Guilt/shame are the consequences of sin, but stop focusing on your sin, and focus on the Savior.
3) Download Covenant Eyes on all of your devices: https://www.covenanteyes.com/
4) Find an accountability partner that you can have keep you accountable, and who is willing to receive covenant eyes email reports on your internet activities. Not one that is going to be a drill sergeant, but one who will be there to encourage you when you fall, and keep you going when you need help.