I presume this book is mentioned in this sub frequently, but I highly recommend "Every Man's Battle" by Steve Arterburn.
I'm a late-30s man and I still frequently go back to this book.
It's the hardest battle if you're male. Reading a great book right now on how to become sexually pure coming from two men who have done it.
Falling into sexual sin is habitual so you have to develop the good habit of turning from it.
Men are visually stimulated so you have to get into the habit of "bouncing your eyes". Immediately glance away when you see attractive women, or see a gratuitous love scene in a secular movie.
You have to guard your thoughts and not dwell on lustful internal images (take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ, 2 Corinth 10).
Here's the book if you're serious about winning this battle. I'm half way through and I highly recommend it:
Well it looks like this book is NOT Christian based. Here is a link to it if you are interested. It's an 8-week long program I think. Every Man's Battle
>I wish I was Why not start learning about it today? You seem sad about that. Let me know if I can answer any questions or help you.
He needs loving help. Is there a Celebrate Recovery in your area? He will need your support and encouragement to heal.
Libido has nothing to do with it. He is getting sexual gratification from someone other than his wife. I also recommend the book, "Every man's battle" by Stephen Arterburn, https://www.amazon.com/Every-Mans-Battle-Winning-Temptation/dp/0307457974
God bless! You can PM me or my wife if you desire.
This was an awesome book on the subject. Everyone should read it, not just men. My wife was shocked. She had no idea this is what it's like for us.
Hey buddy, I would suggest picking up this book and reading all the way through. It has very helpful insights and actions you can take to help rid yourself of that stuff. Hope it helps.
If he's in any way interested in changing, he would try. He could start by reading
I did! I was your bog standard Christian indoctrination, mixed with an (un)healthy dose of every mans battle. Highlights included: biological essentialism, complimentarianism, and if you don't baptize your kids immediatly they are in grave danger.
Just about the only thing I would say was good marital advice was 1) don't go to bed angry, talk it out first and 2) be open with each other about your finances. But, literally any secular marriage counselor would tell you both of those.
At least the pastor doing ours was married unlike my catholic friends getting marriage counseling from some 75 year old dude whos never been in a relationship with someone over 13 in his life.
I advise you to read Everyman's Battle it's a Christian book about the struggles of porn and lust it has helped me on my journey https://www.amazon.com/Every-Mans-Battle-Winning-Temptation/dp/0307457974
Y'all might be simply incompatible. Or, you both might find a resource like this helpful:
Personally, I'm a Buddhist but I'll look to other resources when available, this book is based on a fair amount of Christian scripture. But it's used to the point of learning to respect your wife.
Yes, my wife caught me with porn and it was painful to see how it broke her heart. 15 years later, the issue still comes up for her. And this is in a situation where I sincerely take responsibility and apologize, and tell her I'm dedicated to being a solid husband. No more porn, etc.
Still young? Immature? It may take years for him to grow up, unless he puts in some work. See if he'll read this book.
A great resource. This helped me, I hope it can help you. God Bless. https://www.amazon.com/Every-Mans-Battle-Winning-Temptation/dp/0307457974/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1532673520&sr=8-1&keywords=every+mans+battle
Read this book. It will help you. https://www.amazon.ca/Every-Mans-Battle-Winning-Temptation/dp/0307457974
Hey man,
I have been recommending this book I have been reading to people lately who are struggling. I haven't finished it yet, but I know it can help you. Please consider renting it from your local library or buying it
Oh and definitely purchase a copy of every mans battle (http://www.amazon.com/Every-Mans-Battle-Winning-Temptation/dp/0307457974). It's a book with some great points and techniques to help you resist temptation. It is Christian-based but the points it makes are valid regardless of personal faith. If you have tangible evidence that you are making a change maybe she will be more merciful with you too.