This is the exact PSU. With over 2000 reviews rating it at 4.5 stars and evga's BQ models being one of the most common PSU's out there I feel pretty good about it. While it's $80 new I'd definetly recommend checking out the B-stock on EVGA's website, every wendsday they refresh it with very compelling deals.
The ryzen 5 3600 comes with a stock cooler that should be fine, so unless it's for aesthetic purposes, you dont really need the cooler. I'd recommend getting at least like a 256gb ssd or NVMe ssd as a boot drive. Dont forget to also buy some case fans.This power supply is 2 dollars more, but is 600w and semi modular.
Just a quick suggestion, if you can I would highly recommend not getting that power supply. Not only does it not have any reviews, but the datasheet suggests it has no Over Current Protection. The PSU is the last thing you want to cheap out on. A crappy psu can cause you a lot of issues, or worse like killing components.
I dont know what is available in your region, but something like a Corsair CX series psu or an EVGA BQ 600w would be a much better cheap option.
I'd go with a mx500 instead of bx500, just has overall better performance
There is currently an evga 600w 80+ bronze power supply here that might be better than the 500w one you selected
I might also recommend a 5600x instead of the 3600, better performance for (at least right now) the same price as what is listed in you part picker list
Luckily if you do want to upgrade you should be able to find an acceptable power supply for no more than $50
EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply
EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply this is the Power Supply and I am not sure on what storage to use as I don’t know what’s compatible and what isn’t or what specifics play into it
Would this one be good enough?:
Really just want the bare minimum here since again this is the last upgrade I want to do for this system. I also don't want to invest in a good PSU and then transfer that to a new system with a few years worth of use on it in the future.
Thanks for reaching out!
Let me know if this gives you any information to go on!
If you don't plan on upgrading your cpu to the 5000 series in the future, you could go with a cheaper B450 chipset motherboard like the B450 TOMAHAWK Max and not lose any performance.
You could also go with a cheaper brand similar ssd like a sabrent rocket and not lose any noticeable performance compared to the samsung.
That 600 watt power supply should be fine, but it's on the lower end quality wise. I personally try to get at least 80+ gold rated and a 5 year warranty, but power supplies seem to be in short supply right now. This one
is significantly cheaper and similar in quality if you want to go with something similar.
I would also recommend a cheaper power supply from evga. This one from Amazon is almost $20 cheaper, still semi modular, and its 600w instead of 550w on the corsair.
1-Intel stock cooler sounds like a jet engine and will leave your CPU in 80s for any long gaming session. It also matches his color scheme much better than the stock coolers, and it has a higher TDP allowance than both.
2-Windows 10 and a monitor took up that budget, and I don't want OP to have a permanent watermark.
3-Do you think for gaming with a 6GB graphics card, he'll need more than 8GB of RAM?
4-It has 4.5 stars on amazon with 3,570 reviews, which is insane for really any product on Amazon, and the reason it's so cheap is that B&H has a price drop for it.
5-Included a Z370 board so OP wouldn't have to buy one for another $100+ down the line. It also has more features, another reason to get it for long-term use.
It is, found this one with the same wattage.
What is the difference between the B series and the BQ series?
Ah whoops sorry about that, I'm looking at this one because I have free student Prime right now.
I'm wondering if another issue I'm having may also be related... my internet seems to slow down intermittently as well. I can stream youtube/netflix in full HD for about 2 mins, then it drops down to like 144p and buffers, then works again, then stops etc. Doesn't happen with any other devices in the house, resetting the router doesn't help. Maybe it's loosing power to the wifi chip
> help
I have this one.
And I just reseated the graphics card and am in the process of reinstalling windows + all drivers.
Could it be the power supply?
I need help with choosing a PSU for a Vega prep build. I plan to build this PC with no card and wait for the Vega 56, but I'm stuck. I've heard that it needs 2 8 pin connectors to function. (I haven't seen this about the 56, but every other model.)
This is the PSU I was going with.
Good power, and semi modular. Good price CAD too.
But it only has one 6+2 pin connection for a card. Does anyone know if Vega 56 will only need one instead of two?
i5-7600k Z270-HD3 mobo Hyper 212 evo 128gb ssd 1tb barracuda Corsair 200r No card (for vega) Looking for decent PSU.
Same price on Amazon as well. You can save on shipping if youve already used the newegg trial.
Decent psu for 45$ new as well
EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply
I found it for the same price on Amazon with free shipping if you have prime.
If you haven't pulled the trigger on it yet, you can get this 600w EVGA PSU for the same price.
Thats a pretty crappy psu it's not even 80 plus certified and has a low amp output. try to run a single ram stick and switch slots. also do you have the cases power button cables in right the power switch and reset switch. make sure you have the cpu in right or that you didn't bend any pins as amd cpu's are fragile. also not to sound dumb but did you make sure you have the power switch on the back of the psu sometimes i have a brain fart and forgot to check that myself. if this does not work you want to try a new psu as apevias are bottom of the barrels and usually arent 80+ certified.
Did I not get a 600W?
Or you mean 600W is too much?
If you have amazon: EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply
If you prefer Newegg:
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It’s an EVGA 600w 80+ Bronze
To be specific it’s this one…
Heads up: Someone mentioned that this is on sale on Newegg as well for the same price. So I don't believe it's a great discount. I'll leave the post up for a little but then I'll take it down.
I'm not sure how good this thing is, but don't forget to add that power link.
I tried checking it out with the associate code, but the code didn't work for me. It might work for you though.
How is this PSU? EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply
And this?
Is there any more 600-700 Watt PSU for cheaper?
How is this PSU? EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply
And this?
Is there any more 600-700 Watt PSU for cheaper?
It is semi-modular. You should have got some peripheral cables for SATA.
See the 3rd picture on this product page.
simply lookup a basic computer building video and follow the steps for hooking all the cables and parts to it. i will link a few below. also its a good rule of thumb to look at the manual for a power supply and motherboard. when getting a new power supply best to look for a bronze to gold power one. depending on the load and the parts in it. best bet is getting a evga bronze or most gold from a good well known brand. i hope this could have been any help to you. i hope you fix your issues and if you need anymore help please feel free to ask
How is this EVGA 600w bronze? or should I go for gold??
EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply
A Ryzen 5 2600 is $150 on amazon, and would pair nicely with a GTX 1660 super which is about $250-300. B450m Motherboard would house them both for about $90 and then you’d need;
-600w PSU EVGA 110-BQ-0600-K1 600 BQ, 80+ Bronze 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply ($80)
-DDR4 RAM 16gb Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz C16 Desktop Memory Kit - Black
-SSD or HDD (an ssd will put a much bigger smile on your face)
Crucial MX500 500GB 3D NAND SATA 2.5 Inch Internal SSD, up to 560MB/s - CT500MX500SSD1
-a case of your choice!
(~800 bucks for these parts listed)
Swap out the power supply for this. This one is semi-modular so it makes cable management much easier. Other than that, you're good. Maybe something with more wattage for a batter gpu and futureproofing
so I found a different power supply. I could find a rating on the original one, so im going to return it. DO you think this is a better option?
430 watts is pushing it. what brand and efficiency is it this does sound like a psu problem as it may not be able to push out the wattage when your gpu or cpu ramps up in usage or clock speed I'd try to get this psu it doesnt break the bank and is 600watts and bronze 80+ certified you always want a minimum of 500 watt bronze certified or above white or no 80+ rating is not recommended. Also what are your temps this can also cause this if it's overheating.
The power supply, SSD, and video card are bad choices.
The power supply itself is fine, but it's $25 cheaper at Amazon and Walmart:
The Nvidia 1660 Super is $30-$40 cheaper, and significantly better performing than the 5500XT, That 5500XT is $199 with a rebate, the 1660 Super is $150-$160 normal price:
Over time, they find ways of making memory chips for SSD cheaper, not better. QLC is the cheapest and least durable type of chip, and it's found in the Crucial P1, Samsung QVO, Sabrent Rocket Q, and Intel 660*P*.
The Samsung Evo drives use standard chips, and the Pro drives use premium chips. SATA is an old technology, and NVMe is typically 4-6 times faster. May I suggest this drive from Micro center which is the same price, over 5x faster (3100 vs 550 megabytes per second), and lasts over 4x as long (360 vs 1,600 terabytes of writes):
80+ Bronze, Semi Modular, 600 Watt, all for ~$95 on Amazon.
Alright you're good with 600W psu, recommend my PSU which is a semi-modular EVGA BQ 80+ 600WIt will let you do nice cable management (Please for the love of God do cable management it helps so much) you think this is good? As i said im really new to this and i really want to get the best on my budget.
Why not choose this PSU over the EVGA 650 GQ? Wouldn't the BQ be just as functional?
im on a tight budget not trying to go over 1k but do u think i could just choose a different PSU ? same brand as one u were talking about just lower tier this is the link
I wouldn’t use a calculator, or any other product from Cooler Master, but that’s just me.
That power supply seriously sucks, though. It’s 100 watts less than recommended AND it’s not even 80+ White, while I consider 80+ Bronze a minimum. Scroll to bottom, 600w recommendation second to last line.
Here’s a solid choice at a bargain price. EVGA 600 BQ, 80+ BRONZE 600W, Semi Modular, FDB Fan, 3 Year Warranty, Power Supply 110-BQ-0600-K1
It’s tempting to skimp on the PSU, I know, but with a cheap POS you could lose everything in a single failure.
I say replace the PSU. It’s probably causing your problems now, but even if it isn’t, it will soon. Two weeks sounds about right for an underpowered non-80+ power supply.
EVGA 600W BQ bronze certified semi modular
This one.
That's a great psu or this from evga.
Dang they have a B3 now as mentioned here. That too :P
You need a new PSU most likely. I'd suggest getting a 600w PSU and a RX 480 (which is $40 more expensive than 1050 ti) to get around double the performance of a 1050 ti.
(NOTE: I would suggest a RX 580 or 570, but from the looks of it, they are out of stock on amazon, and its gonna be a long time before they are "Fairly" priced again).
Hey guys, i'm wondering if my build is all going to fit in my case (first built)
gaming pc
Component Price link
Case/coolermaster 54.99
Processor/I5 199.89
hard drive 65.95
RAM/corsair 164.99
power supply 85.99
gtx 1060 289.61
Gygabyte GA 99.99
Edit 1 : sorry for all the links, here is the pc part picker link !
Well... Do you want to save money? Get this while it's on sale: