I just purchased these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D9R5JFK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1.
I have never used it. Do you know the procedure?
This one has the 4 cables labeled: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D9R5JFK
+5v, gnd, TX, RX
Look on the 2nd page at the 8th post. Has posts showing the pin outs.
If you have a USB hub, why not just get a USB to TTL serial cable like this one:
The logic levels are compatible so you'd just connect the cable to the chosen UART's TX, RX, and GND pins directly (flipping them of course TX->RX and vice-versa) and then opening another serial terminal using PuTTY or another terminal app.
I may be reading this incorrectly but with coreboot, the boot process does not appear on the screen so you want to display the logs on the screen that is not displaying anything? This is low level development, if the screen does not display coreboot, it does not know how to display logs. Sorry.
The "serial stuff", is a USB-TTL cable (not sure if PL2303TA is required, preferred or simply an option, here is what I purchased) and a FT232H breakout board like the one from AdaFruit. Please double check either on the coreboot IRC or someone else here but you may also be able to use FT232RL breakout board like this one. I own both but can't remember if I have used both to read the coreboot debug logs.
I've had success with these
They work well on both my Beaglebone Black and my RPi 3.