A grinder will get the work done. That said you will have a lot of hand sanding work to do after the fact. I mean there is always hand sanding but going through belts on a belt sander reduces the amount. If you can afford it this will help a ton
And the belts are fairly cheap. They are not made to hammer inches off metal, but they will work for shaping a knife. I use one, but I am going to build a 2 x 72 soon.
I got mine on Amazon. I still have the link I'll drop below. I've made 11 knives so far and it's going steady. Def plan to go to 1 x 72 asap though.
EX ELECTRONIX EXPRESS Mini 1 x 30 Belt Sander 3400 RPM https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004D96ZCG/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_O37LEb533RX6Q
im only on my third blade, and the first sander i bought was a 4x36 thinking the same thing. It ended up being a bit of a pain. I still use it for flattening all my edges and surface grinding. For actually grinding by bevels i have been using this https://www.amazon.com/Generic-Mini-Belt-Sander-3400/dp/B004D96ZCG/ref=pd_sbs_196_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B004D96ZCG&pd_rd_r=BPYN0PVP11225WJZWP2Z&pd_rd_w=MEfYN&pd_rd_wg=H7m3J&psc=1&refRID=BPYN0PVP11225WJZWP2Z and its fantastic. plus, in this size you can search amazon for belt packs and get a set of various grits from 60 all the way to 600 in one package. Its also not gonna break the bank for your first grinder.
Oh yeah, I thought 1095 was stupid expensive until I found it on texas knifemaker supply for $8 per foot... so yeah, I'll be getting some of that. I need a belt sander, but can't get one at the moment. Do you think this is a good sander? Would it be useful for grinding bevels?
Hello, I want to make a simple knife. A balisong to be specific. I have no tools that I could make one with, and frankly I don't know what tools I would need. So I have lots of questions. Where do I buy my metal at? What type of metal (I don't need some super high-quality metal just something that won't bend if I drop it on the ground once or twice). What would I use for drilling holes, and lastly what would I use to shape the handles/blade(Would something like this work? http://www.amazon.com/Generic-Mini-Belt-Sander-3400/dp/B004D96ZCG/ref=lp_552878_1_19?s=power-hand-tools&ie=UTF8&qid=1462267395&sr=1-19) Thanks for the help in advance!
Do you like building stuff with your hands. Buy the parts to make a knife. Its really easy, and very satisfying.
$11 Knife Blank (this is a very thin knife that is great for in the kitchen. The same brand makes a beefier belt knife blank)
$15 Knife scales (for making the handle)
So that's $103. You order all those, and you'll need a few simple hand tools like a power drill, a dremel or hacksaw and sandpaper. The belt sander needs a few belts probably, but get those at Home Depot. Amazon doesn't seem to have any good ones.
Then you go on youtube and watch a few videos about how to put the knife together. Start here and then keep searching.
with the rest of your money, get:
And that takes you to $200. Go search youtube for videos on how to shave with a double edge safety razor. Mostly its men shaving their face, but the same process applies if you are shaving your legs (can't tell from your user name). It takes just a minute or two longer than shaving with modern products, but you'll never want to go back once you try these.
Yea any removal of materials will make them susceptible to rust.
But I found this, a food grade rust inhibitor. Maybe this or something similar you can coat them to help prevent corrosion. https://www.lpslabs.com/product-details/612
To get material off, unless you have access to a lathe, filling will be tedious. Maybe invest in a cheap belt sander such as If you're trying to just knock down the knurling this should do.