So I bought this because I meal prep, but I've been informed that Aldi sells it for WAY less so I'll be making a point to drive to the other side of the city to go bulk keto ingredient shopping when I run out. The serving sizes are big enough that I was able to get the cost per serving down to under a dollar for the original brand I purchased.
She ordered this off of Amazon and said it was awesome (didn't give me any though T_T). I'm gonna keep an eye out for other places that might have them.
Good luck in your journey!! It helps a lot to have a diet buddy to keep you on track. I'm glad she's good with giving it a go :)
Here are the amazon links: and Looks like the black bean one is less here
Late to the party, but I have this same product. I bought it from Amazon. It's packaged for the US and has US labelling. Mine says that it's 17g Total Carbohydrates 12g Dietary Fibres and 5g sugars.
Also I believe Canada follows the same standard when it comes to labelling total carbs.
But here's a quick link to something very similar:
How Black Bean Pasta? Would that be an option?
The whole Explore Asia range seems interesting.
While it's being made in China, it's distributed by a company in New Jersey. So my previous statement still stands. If their total carb value has the fibre extracted then they're breaking the law.
Edit: Not saying that you're wrong by the way. Just saying that they're in the wrong if they're labelling incorrectly for the region they're distributing in.
Oh, I assumed this would be about the low-carb black bean spaghetti some Costcos have reportedly started selling. Curious about that one.
Looks good. If you want to look at the micronutrient breakdown, you can plug all of this in cron-o-meter and see if you're over/under any particular vitamins.
You must like the black bean spaghetti! I hadn't heard of it. Which one do you eat? I looked up a couple and the macros on this one are interesting. More protein than carbs. I guess the processing removes some of the carbs? The macros on this one are more like normal black beans.
Another good noodle is black bean pasta. Only two ingredients: black beans & water.