Their main source for the video is this book, written by Cuban exile Humberto Fontova, who is not a historian but in fact, a journalist. The book does not seem to be taken seriously by anyone, as a CIA agent who was stationed in Cuba wrote a very critical review of the book, calling the statistics used "doubtful" and claiming that "Fontova often presents pictures of Cuba that never happened."
I bought an awesome book recently. Also read a history textook or watch some videos about him he also murdered hundreds/thousands, considered Africans inferior because they're not intelligent enough to start a revolution by themselves and how he persecuted gays and anyone religious.
Personally signing the execution orders on several thousand innocent people who did not share his view of the world = Evil. There is your answer.
If that is not evil then what is?
I won't bother posting links to any sources on the internet because they are trash... and if you had done a simple google search you could have uncovered it yourself. If you want to read a book, go read something on amazon. I personally don't like the book I am linking to because it stinks of conservative propaganda, but it contains many facts not in most biographers of che which are glossed over (like his personal signing of the executions of thousands of innocents).
If you are not interested in reading, then you are a lazy idiot/