I have been taking these B6 ez melts and each tablet is 25mg (two is a 50mg serving). You could definitely cut them in half, if you wanted! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VXDDU5A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_924VWY75A45FT811AG2B?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got these EZ melts. They're okay, have a bit of the fake sweetener taste, but the orange is not as sickening as I was worried they would be, and they really do "melt" super fast when you chew them
On amazon. They're technically melts but I am too nauseous to let them melt so I chew them with a cracker or something to mask the taste.
These are 25 mg each! I'm currently using them. b6
I found B6 on Amazon.This brand came highly rated and it’s sublingual, so I’m going to give it a try.