Best I've found is ez-sweet, I think I've got all of them, Stevia, liquid Stevia, Splenda, truvia, swerve etc.. You can get it at Amazon. Convenient easy to use, tastes good.
EZ-Sweetz (2oz - Liquid Sweetener 800 Servings/Bottle)
If it fits your macros it's fine.
That being said, I would try to stay away from sugar if possible.
This is what I use. It's sucralose (liquid splenda), and has no weird taste or anything.
Some don't like it since it's artificial, but I've always found it good.
Not really. They last a long time for me, and I've purchased whatever is cheapest. Just make sure it is pure surcralose. It should be 1 drop = 1 teaspoon, or something like that. The splenda brand liquid isn't as concentrated, and doesn't last as long.
My first was EZ-sweetz brand, and I was happy with that. I then purchased sweetzero drops, and I don't think I would purchase again. Seemed like it leaked and crystallized somehow. I also like the built in dropper from ezsweetz, as opposed to the dip and squeeze method from sweetzero. I ended up putting the remaining sweetzero into my ezsweetz bottle, which stopped the leaking/crystallizing. However, it has plugged up once or twice, so I had to clear out the dropper with a safety pin/paperclip.
You posted an anecdote and responded to a request for a citation with another anecdote. For fuck's sake.
The major problem with your claim is that SPLENDA isn't actually carb free.
The sucralose in Splenda is bound to a carbohydrate to make it powdered. They get away with this, and saying that it's "zero carb" because each packet has less than 1 gram of carbs, which is the same loophole TicTacs use to claim they're zero carb/zero calories when they're almost entirely sugar. This is why the Keto community warns people away from splenda, it will actually throw you out of Ketosis, because you're unknowingly consuming carbs.
If you buy sucralose liquid - which doesn't have a carb to bind to - it has a "0 glycemic index rating," and WILL NOT raise your insulin levels.
Sucralose doesn't raise your blood sugar, the carbohydrates they put in powdered sucralose sweeteners are what's doing that.
I use EZ-Sweetz which you can get on Amazon. I bought a two of their larger 2 oz. bottles, one for home and one for work, and they've lasted me way over a year. (You can read the product description and explanation in the Amazon listing in the link I posted above.)
I'm summation, sucralose DOES NOT RAISE BLOOD SUGAR, unscrupulous companies lying and adding sugar without disclosing that they are, or hiding their sugar content behind shady FDA rules (that say any amount under one gram doesnt have to be reported/listed) are what's causing so called artificial sweeteners - which aren't pure sucralose - to cause a glycemic reaction.
4.2 carbs in a teaspoon of sugar. Not really worth it to be honest.
Try EZ Sweets. I swear by it. A few drops is all you need. Not overly sweet and it doesn't hinder my progress.
I've seen the sucralose drops occasionally in my local Safeway under the Safeway Kitchens brand, so might look there to see.
I order the EZSweetz off amazon
Chiming in a few days too late, but for anyone coming back to read this at a later date: EZ Sweetz has been an absolute lifesaver for me on keto. It was designed as a sweetener for diabetics (so it doesn't spike your blood sugar), is affordable, and completely without aftertaste. Maybe I've been using it for so long my taste buds have just adapted, but I really think it tastes identical to sugar. The only downside is that, because it's a liquid, you can't use it in baking or traditional recipes that call for granulated or powdered sweeteners.
I hope anyone out there craving sweet stuff will give it a try. Buy it here!
Yeah I read that people have that idea; it just doesn't work for everyone like that it would seem. I tried using a half tsp replacement for the erythritol in my coffee for a week and spent a week wondering why I was flipping inside out on the can. It wasn't until I got to a few days straight of fasting (with coffee in the AM and again in the evening) that I even pegged it and did further reading.
I tried bringing it in more slowly and mixing it in with erythritol. Whenever that cup of coffee approaches a half-tsp of xylitol though, it's time to pee of out of the wrong end again.
I've been keto for just over a year and lost almost 150lbs. The ONLY place I use a sugar sub is coffee. Other than that, sweets have been completely abandoned at our home (just wife and I, no kids). I LOVE my coffee though. If I could tolerate it with just heavy cream, it would make me much happier. I have not found a satisfactory replacement for sugar here, so I am all ears if there are other suggestions. The nasty sweet after-taste of the subs kill it for me. Currently, a cup of coffee is a half tsp of erythritol and one drop of EZ-sweetz. EZ-sweetz is liquid sucralose WITHOUT added dextrose, maltodextrin, etc.
I love me some sucralose drops. Since you can easily just count how many drops to add, it makes adjusting sweetness simple and easy.
There are plenty out there, I just picked up these off Amazon, but I'm sure others are fine too.
EZ-Sweetz (2oz - Liquid Sweetener 800 Servings/Bottle)
I try to avoid it as much as possible. Where I do want it (like in my coffee, or if recipes call for it) I prefer to use the sucralose-based EZ-Sweetz. I think it has the best flavor.
Give EZ Sweetz a try.
He/she is saying that because you're stick is quite dark, which just means your urine is pretty concentrated for ketones. That doesn't necessarily mean you're mastering ketosis...the likely explanation is you're not drinking enough water. Keto sticks are okay, but unnecessary when you eat the right food and know exactly everything that goes into your body.
Ez sweet hands down.
A lot of people use stevia too but i cant deal with its aftertaste, i also used sacharinn for the longest time (even before keto) and never had a problem with it with its taste aftertaste or anything.
Nope. If you buy powdered splenda, it's mixed with dextrose or maltodextrin (I forget which) to make it a powder.
The liquid variants don't use any additional ingredients.
This is what I use.
(I'm a bit less sensitive to sucralose (taste-wise) than most, so I use 4-6 drops per coffee, but most people tell me 1-3 is plenty for them.)
Hard to say without more detail, but my idea of "90% keto" is one that's not compatible with keto. Be it nuts, saucisson, cheese, or whatever... carry food with you always. Being really hungry in an environment where you can't really get keto sustenance is a killer, at least for me.
Preparation is the key to success. At least for me. Don't find yourself in situations where you have to eat, but have no keto option.
Ignore people telling you to cut "artificial sweeteners". Unless you're eating good amounts of sugar alcohols (never seen em in diet soda), they will have no effect on keto. Sucralose solutions, EZ-Sweetz for example, are really good at making keto recipes sweet. I tried Stevia and disliked it. Try a few and see what you like.
This stuff is much better than splenda. It's the same sweetener, but without the dextrose and maltodextrin filler that splenda has. No calories at all.
artificial sweetener it's the one that has the least aftertaste in my opinion, and it was recommended by someone in /r/keto.
I will try to find unsweetened coconut at the store, but last time I checked it didn't exist =(
FYI, if you get liquid sucralose it is 100% carb free. Only the "sugar packet" version of Splenda has carbs, thanks to the maltodextrin added for bulking, as you pointed out.
Amazon Link to the stuff I use... 1 bottle has lasted me almost a year so far
1) Diet soda seems to be used by a lot of people here. I think I read somewhere that the non-cola ones (i.e., not dark, but ginger ale like you said, sprint, etc.) are a bit better. It's ideal that have 0 carbs, but check the sweeteners they add into it. Check out EZ-Sweetz for a 0 cal, 0 carb sweetener for drinks and baking and such. Some people like Stevia. Avoid things with maltodextrin, fructose, HFCS, sucrose, dextrose, and sugar alcohols.
I have no idea about those drink mixes you mentioned. If you need caffeine, why not have a plain coffee with heavy cream? Add a keto-friendly sweetener if need be, but I quite like it without also.
2) A lot of people do take supplements. They won't hurt you. Figure out what you think you need, or just take a multi. I do. =) Good luck.
Link for anybody wanting to pick up liquid sucralose from Amazon. I've never had luck with buying it in the stores, but easy enough to find online.
I'm on Keto and found Teeccino makes a good Bullet Proof coffee (14g butter + 14g MCT oil).
Even just black, it benefits from a shake of salt and 2 drops of EZ-Sweetz.
In the end I switched to just roasted chicory which is much cheaper, and you use a lot less of it (~8g to make a 12oz cup).
I've been using liquid sucralose for ages. No maltodextrin.
I'm going to post about this later once I've got more flavors figured out, but I've been working on this this week because in the last year I've returned several hundred dollars worth of Sparkling Ice bottles for my family of diabetics and I'm so tired of my car always being full of bottles.
In general, the ingredients of Sparkling Ice are water, carbonation, sucralose, citric/malic acid, flavors, colors, emulsifiers, and vitamins. You don't need the emulsifiers, colors or vitamins. Therefore, water, sodastream, acid, flavor, sucralose.
In general, my ratios so far have been 1 liter of water, 1/2 tsp of liquid sucralose, 1 dropper (~8 drops) of Lorann Superstrength Flavor Oil, and 1/4-1/2 tsp of Malic Acid.
The form of sucralose that's worked the best for me so far is [EZ Sweetz](, which I use at around 1/2 tsp per liter. I'm looking for a cheaper powdered alternative so I don't have to buy the water, but most of the powders available contain bulking agents to make them weigh the same as sugar for baking.
My favorite flavors so far are the [Lorann Superstrength Flavor Oils](, but I just got them in the mail yesterday. I bought a [10-flavor sample pack]( that came with a dropper. The Pina Colada flavor is a bit more coconut-forward than the popular Coconut Pineapple Sparkling Ice, but it's very tasty. I also bought Pineapple and Coconut separately, so I'm going to see if a 2:1 ratio feels more like Sparkling Ice. I use an eyedropper to measure, and in general I'm using 5-10 drops of the Lorann Oils per liter. They're extremely concentrated. My first test I used 1/4 tsp per L because the Bubly flavor that came with my Sodastream needed about 1.5 tsp per L to get the same level of flavor. The Lorann Oils are WAYYY more concentrated, and can have an alcoholic aftertaste if you use too much. So far they've blown me away with how much better than Sparkling Ice they taste.
The last ingredient is acid, which is I think what makes Sparkling Ice really feel like soda in a way other Sparkling waters don't. Most of the Sparkling Ice flavors I drink use [malic acid](\_1\_12?keywords=malic+acid&qid=1636550579&s=grocery&sr=1-12), but some flavors like the Orange Mango use citric acid. I think is just a nod to oranges being citrus fruits. From what I can tell from descriptions by candy makers, malic acid is a little more mellow up front. I haven't done a side-by-side comparison yet. I've been using 1/4 tsp minimum, even with flavors like vanilla to go for cream soda, and upping it to 1/2 or 3/4 teaspoon depending on the flavor. I tried the Lorann Tangerine oil with 1/4 of malic acid, and it was refreshing, but with 1/2 teaspoon it gave me full on Altoids Tangerine Sours flashbacks, which I was super happy with. I was going as high as 3/4 teaspoon with the Bubly orange drops, but I think mostly because those taste horrible, not because it tasted all that much better.
Liquid sucrose concentrate. 1 drop = 1 tsp sugar sweetness.
You will thank me later.
No weird aftertaste. Best I’ve found.
My favorite condiments:
A combination of the ketchup and the horseradish makes a good cocktail sauce for shrimp.
I use EZ-Sweetz as a sweetener. It only takes a few drops.
Ah, I think I like bitter more than the average person. Sometimes I add a few drops of sucralose depending on my mood.
Concentrated mint flavoring plus concentrated sweetener
I have it 4-5 times a week.
Splenda is usually bulked up with fillers in order to make it take up the same amount of space as real sugar. If you care about counting calories, you can buy concentrated sucralose (generic name for splenda) instead. Usually it is a lot cheaper too.
I've used both of these with good results:
Ez-sweets liquid
Sucralose powder (cheaper per serving, but you will need a tiny measuring spoon)
You betcha. Boiled eggs are good, as are pork rinds, Kirkland protein bars (only 4net carbs each) cheese like mozzarella holds well at room temps, too. For sweets, find the best tasting (for you) Sweetener and take it with you in the road, if I am right in assuming you drink lots of coffee. I use a product called ezsweets. Great stuff.
EZ-Sweetz (2oz - Liquid Sweetener 800 Servings/Bottle)
I really like some of the prairie moon flavors, especially coconut and peppermint (the citrusy flavors are more boring.) You need sweetener to go with them. I use ez-sweetz liquid sucralose, 1 itsy-bitsy drop equals 1 teaspoon of sugar.
I eat the powdered stuff and I half-freeze it to the consistency of a milkshake. So YMMV with 2.0.
Does this look like a good alternative/complement?
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Congratulations on your dedication! It sounds like you're setting a reasonable goal for yourself, and seeking the advice of a physician certainly doesn't hurt things.
That said, there are few things in your list that are a bit inaccurate and may cause you to be less successful. I'm not sure if these are things that have come from your doctor or other expert, but you should be a bit careful with them:
To be clear, the 90 calorie apple will certainly fill you more and satisfy you for longer than the cookie, but there are no "good" or "bad" calories. The only thing that matters (at least in terms of calories) is staying below your calorie goal. Not that that's a thing to obsess over. If you're using a logging app like LoseIt or MFP, log your apple, and get on with your day. Odds are you can fit an apple into most any calorie plan. Just don't deny yourself on the theory that snacking on one food is better than another. Your body can't tell a cookie calorie from an apple calorie. If you're over TDEE for the day, the apple's going to end up on your bum (or wherever you happen to "wear" such things =) just as much as the cookie.
The common problem with coffee of course is the company it keeps. Milk & cream are loaded with calories, and sugar's not your friend either. If you don't take your coffee black, then this is a consideration. I like to use almond milk which has a fraction of the calories of dairy milk or cream, and I only use artificial sweeteners.
The biggest problem with what you said here though is your substitute. It would be completely fair to label agave as "cactus sugar." It's true that for equal quantities of sugar and agave, the agave provides more sweetening, but it's still just sugar. You're still drinking calories... Assuming you don't have any health sensitivities to them, consider strongly switching to artificial sweeteners for your drinks. Even there, you have to be cautious as standard Splenda is actually sucralose plus maltodextrin and still has calories & carbs in it. My personal preference is this stuff ( which is just the sucralose, no maltodextrin. Easy to keep a bottle of it in your bag, and sweeten your drinks wherever you are.
As far as the study vs. exercise time balance goes, be super careful of letting studies be "more important" than your health. College is expensive, and you screw it up, it's you're life, etc., no doubt. But your body is priceless, and you don't get a mulligan on that if you screw it up either. As far as finding that balance, I've found over & over when my life is hectic, the best use of my time is to EXERCISE first, fit the other stuff in after. Here's why:
Exercise is an unequivocally positive "you time," doing something for yourself affirmation. Try to turn it into a little indulgence. A treat. You've got lots of other stuff to do, but dammit, THIS IS FOR ME!!! You're going to need something like that in your life, or you go nuts. The alternative (at least for me) is that it's WAAAY to easy to turn my "little treat" into a food indulgence. A candy bar, because "I deserve this." Danger..... "Be selfish" in a way that's completely and totally good for you, not just "mental health" good...
Also, as far as time management goes, I find when I exercise on schedule I sleep better, concentrate better, need less sleep to be energized, and actually have MORE time to do other stuff that needs doing. I'm pretty sure 30 minutes exercising 3-4 times a week pays off in more than 2 hours of extra, actually productive time throughout the rest of the week. Obviously there's always a balance to be struck, but try erring on the side of getting your workouts in, and you might be surprised how the rest of the stuff starts falling into place.
And bonus pro tip: See if you can get friends interested in going to workout (or find new workout inclined friends), and your workouts turn into extra social time. You get the people connection that's important, AND you get a peer reinforcement setup where if one of you feels like skipping a day, the other(s) drag you along for your own good.
As far as weighing goes, look into an app that tracks a moving daily weighted average of your weight rather than your current actual weight. There's an older app for iPhone called FatWatch that does this. I'm not sure about others that do. The idea behind that is it smooths out the daily ups & downs (which are perfectly normal and don't actually mean you're "gaining weight") and instead shows you your over all trend and where you are on the line to your goal. Example: This morning I'm 3 pounds heavier than yesterday (weekend, family, blerghsszdfasf.a....) but given that I had a really good week over all last week, I'm actually still trending .2 pounds closer to my goal than yesterday. Granted, 3.2 pounds closer would have been nicer, but.....
Anywho, best of luck with your effort!
Liquid sucralose, I used ezsweetz, you can get it from amazon :)
Splenda actually has sugar and carbs in it. You can buy liquid sweeteners with no carbs or pure surcalose powder. I would start there, though a small amount of Splenda SHOULD have no effect on ketosis. Some people say it does, but there is no scientific proof to this claim that's I've seen. However, in large enough doses I would bet money that Splenda can cause your blood sugar to go up and knock you out of ketosis, but it clearly does have sugar in it. Large amounts will carb overload you, such as making splenda coolaid and drinking a half gallon or more a day along with your other carbs. I was doing this for a week or two until I did the math. I had known from Atkin's website years ago that splenda packets should be treated as .5 grams. I just didn't really consider how much I was drinking and how quickly it adds up.
2 weeks is not very long. You should lose weight every week, but you also have to weigh yourself at the same time everyday and ideally after going to the bathroom, usually first thing in the morning is best.
Some people also get constipated. You might want to cut back on the cheese and eat more eggs, fiber and meat, remember you need fat in your diet so don't stray away from red meat. Coleslaw is a decent fiber source and when made with artificial sweetener should only be about 3 carbs per cup or less, due to it's fiber content. Anything with cabbage, celery, carrots is going to be pretty good for you to get fiber and great nutrients.
If you cut calories too much your metabolism will slow down just as it does in any diet. I would not use ANY sugar alcohol product and if you can't don't drink at all. You're body will always use up alcohol sugars first, which means it's not burning fat.
Drink more water, get some flaxseed to add fiber to your diet. I use heavy whippnig cream, flaxseed and some artificial sweetener. You can also make some kick ass cookies like this. There is the rare possibility that keto, you and artificial sweeteners do not agree in which case you will have to drink water and tea and other unsweetened drinks. I would not jump to that conclusion though as keto without artificial sweetener requires significantly more self control. I can't go without my diet soda's, particularly during meals. I find water to be entirely too bland with meals.
If you look at your Splenda you will notice it's not carb free. It's just less than one gram. Legally this could mean .9 carbs. As long as it's under one they can put that on there. Most people seem to accept that 1 tsp = .5 grams. That doesn't sound like much, but it can be if you don't measure it. In the US anything that's less than 5 calories per serving is allowed to lie and say it's 0 calories. Splenda is 3.36 calories per packet and they are ALL carbs.
1 cup of Splenda = 24g of carbs. This is due to the binding agent dextrose which you may have heard by it's other name, SUGAR.
You can true 0 carb sweetener in liquid form, but most or retail powdered sweeter has carbs. You can buy pure surcalose which has no carbs. has it, I haven't tried it. Diet soda is made with liquid sweetener, so it's true zero carbs. Most any mass produced product with artificial sweetener will not have the dextrose in it.
Hope this helps. In general the cheapest artificially sweetened thing you can buy is diet soda or sugar free jello and such. This is because of basic economics. Artificial sweeteners are more expensive, but marketing diet next to sugar soda with different prices would be a big hassle and potentially undermine diet food and drink sales. I assume the soda companies make slightly less profit on diet soda than on corn syrup soda.
I have yet to try liquid surcalose, but I do think it's slightly not as sweet since it lacks the sugar in splenda.
I didn't think ez-sweetz was going to be worth the money I spent, but I bought a bottle last november to make a keto cheesecake for a friend on keto. Two months later, I started keto, and found myself using it quite a lot, mostly just a drop or two in my coffee. Almost a year later, I am getting ready to buy my second bottle. Well worth the money.
>I found if I use the power splenda I drop out
Powdered splenda has hidden carbs in it. The package will say <1 carb per serving, but it's really something like .9/serving, and the serving sizes are small, so it adds up.
Try EZ-Sweetz, which doesn't have hidden carbs.
I use ezsweetz
I bought this at the start, still using it..literally 1-2 drops in about 20oz is the same as several spoons of sugar. Works for coffee, cooking, tea etc.
This is another favorite site, I originally bought one of everything but since have only gone back for certain things (ketchup, bbq sauce etc) to each his/her own.
Can you get this where you live? One bottle lasts months and months.
Hmm I just looked up EZSweetz on Amazon and they say they can't ship to NZ :(.
try this... it's the closest I've found to real sugar.
There's EZ-Sweetz (recommended by a regular on here) : or liquid sucralose (which I bought as I couldn't get Amazon US to ship EZ Sweets to me in the EU. :( )
Good to know, but I don't like the taste of any Sweet & Low... I wonder if EZ-Sweetz would work better.
Did you remember to subtract fiber? We try to shoot for 20 net carbs, which is carbs minus fiber.
GOOD LUCK!! Looks like you're off to a great start!
Sugar is the only thing about this recipe that is not keto-friendly. Use a sweetener such as EZ-Sweetz and you're all set.
I highly suggest cutting this recipe in half. (We had to throw some out because we couldn't eat it all.) :(
Liquid sucralose, 1-4 drops per 10ml.