Take photos of the prescriptions. For the pills, store them each in their own pill pouch and carry them in a small waterproof bag. I carried mine in my electronics bag.
Instead of a little vitamins pills, i got this small plastic pouches at amazon …EzyDosePillPacks I just fill them when I’m going out with my vitamins, or even when i travel
I use Ezy Dose pill bags, and write the medication name and dosing instructions on their label areas.
Ezy Dose Pill Packs | Pill and Vitamin Organizer Pouches | 100 Count | Disposable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001TIOLN4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_WqL.FbQ7KPJMV
I carry: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, xanax, bandaids, nasal decongestants, alcohol wipes, and an eye dropper (and I’m gonna add more stuff listed from other posters in this thread). I use these pill pouches in a spare make up pouch and they carry a great amount
Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but I've used things like this before to take single servings of spices with me on the trail. If you are careful with them they will last more than one trip as well, so they aren't as wasteful
I usually fold 4 kleenex tissues and store them in those little mini-size pill ziplock bags. That makes it waterproof, plus kleenex's don't tear or degrade like TP and are softer on your nether regions. I should make a video of how I pack it, cause everyone is always impressed with it, haha. I then keep 2-3 of those in my pack.
So, how do you wipe during a 100 miler? Pop open one of these little zip locks, unfold all 4 tissues, dig a small hole with a stick or something in the ground, and drop a deuce. Wipe up with 3 of the tissues, and as you use them up drop them in the hole.
Then break out the secret ingredient -- a small tube/container of aquaphor/squirrels nut butter/butt paste/etc. I usually buy a big tube of red labeled Butt Paste, and put it into smaller 10ml tubes for carrying (this takes some effort, but it's worth it). I like Butt Paste cause it has zinc mixed in with the vasoline and helps keep that area dry and chafe-free. If it works for babies who pee all over themselves in diapers and sit in it for hours at a time, it'll work for you too. ;) Anyway, take out your weapon of choice, and slather it in your butt crack and wherever else you've wiped. Use the fourth tissue to clean up your hands, and drop it in the hole and bury it with the stick.
You're now ready to rock and roll again. Also, you have room for a couple more incidents if you need, and took very little pack space to do it. :)
Edit: Those mini-ziplocks are great at storing stuff like S-Caps, band aids, aspirin, etc (things that don't handle water well). I tend to have a mini first aid kit I keep where I store my TP pouches, in the back zipper portion of my salomon vest. I haven't had to use my aid kit personally yet (I only wish I had it for Western States), but I've given my first aid pouch to an injured hiker on the AT before who greatly appreciated it. I don't bury the little pouch, I keep them since you can reuse them to restuff with TP/used gel packets/etc and weigh practically nothing. In general, they're awesome to have for trail running.
I used these tiny bags for my first aid kits and they've worked great: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001TIOLN4/
Ezy Dose pill pouches, 1 per day. https://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Pouches-Count-Vitamin-Storage/dp/B001TIOLN4
Photo of prescription bottle label on my phone for verification or emergency refill.
Those little plastic pill ziplocs are a lifesaver option, too.
These come in various sizes. Label your doses and dump in larger zip loc. Works great for me and the wife. https://www.amazon.com/Disposable-Pouches-Count-Vitamin-Storage/dp/B001TIOLN4
I use these little pill bags