The best self-help book I've ever read was "Fuck Feelings". I randomly stumbled upon a copy in the public library, read it, and then purchased copies for 2 different friends! The most impactful section for me was the section on dealing with difficult people. I was having a really hard time at work with a very difficult coworker and the book presented some really rational advice in helping getting along, but also realizing that some people just suck and LITERALLY NOTHING will ever change that so you just have to let it go. Each section has several "letters" pre-written for people/situations in your life that are causing you distress and I found them super helpful in changing my mental framework.
I suggest it in audiobook format. It is hilarious and no-nonsense.
"Stop beating yourself up for being a fuckup. Instead, learn to appreciate what you have accomplished in spite of being fucked up."
I felt small into my mid-to-late 20s. I still feel small every time I read an online personal ad that thinks 9x9 cocks grow on trees. I feel small looking at gonewild models going to town on themselves with Bad Dragon dildos that are exactly my measurements. I told you, confidence is overrated. I haven't actually read this, but I think this self-help book might help: it's called Fuck Feelings
Do you know what it's like to struggle with a partner who's hurt that you can't fuck, but who you'll hurt even more if you do? Tongue and toys can fix a small dick. We couldn't even get through those.
Your problem isn't the small dick in your pants; it's the small dick energy in your head. It's fucking up your empathy. Take comfort and/or warning in the fact that right now, if I was into dudes, I would reject you for your personality, not your micropenis.
F*ck Feelings: One Shrink's Practical Advice for Managing Life's Impossible Problems
E: (Possible Spoiler) There is a chapter in it and blurb that explains why Social Workers have the worst job in the world
Worry about yourself first. Depressed people can't help each other. It just doesn't work.
Also, I would recommend F*ck Feelings. I've read it and I think it helps people who are really stuck in a routine that can't escape. I have a copy of the book, if you want it you can PM me and we can find a way to send it to you. I would also just check your library too though.
I swear by the book F*ck Feelings by Bennitt. This is a legit post and the book opened my eyes on what I have control over in my life…and more importantly what I DON'T have control over and what I can do about it.
It is funny too. Good to lift the spirits.
Here are the books if interested.
Listened to both of those on audio back in 2018. Would recommend checking them out.
Finished: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
Currently Reading: F*ck Feelings by Michael and Sarah Bennett and Infinity Gauntlet
My interests vary... lol.
page 56 summary on interracial marriage in America.
Children and the Shifting Engagement with Racial/Ethnic Identity among Second-Generation Interracially Married Asian Americans 2013. Conclusion on page 25.
Affirmative Action would take away spots from poor Asians, who are the ones getting into NYC's elite high schools.
Comparison of Canada's 3.5% Indian and 4.5% Chinese population vs the US's 1% Chinese and Indian population.
F*ck Feelings: One Shrink's Practical Advice for Managing All Life's Impossible Problems
AF director making WMAF movies
Watching after their own people
China's poor students outperforming the UK's rich students.
Study showing men enjoy sexual fetishization, but women don't.
The American general, with the complicit Chinese-American mistress that's half his age, wants to put minorities into incarceration camps. It's going to be mostly minority men.
“Being an Asian American male is really hard actually.”: Cultural Psychology of Asian American Masculinities and Psychological Well-Being - 292 pages
Betrand Russell's "The Problem of China"
Multiculturalism in South Korea
Japan's declining fertility rate.
Bullies actually have it pretty good. More likely to have high self-esteem and healthier sex life.
Vincent Zhou promoting WMAF in China's 1st English global movie release.
Interracial relationships are viewed differently when it's not WMXF.
Nikkei purchased the Financial Times for $1.3 billion.
55% of Asian American women cohabit with non-AM. When it's time to marry, 60% of those AFs boomerang to marry Asian men.
White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else—and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively.
The study also finds that U.S. born Asian-American women are more likely to attempt suicide than other groups, despite suicide being normally a male behavior.
Hahm said, “we found that Asian American young women are at risk of high STDs. For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%). The incidence of STDs among Asian American women was also higher than that of White women." Moreover, the power dynamic between genders became immediately clear. Asian American women were four times more likely to have a STD than their male counterparts. It was so much higher than the males.” Accounting for the gender disparity, Hahm suggested that...“Asian and Pacific Islander women also have broader interracial dating patterns than Asian American men. This might explain why these women are exposed to higher rates of STDs.”
Update on China's economy.
If you don't have a WSJ subscription, just copy and paste the article's title into google to read for free.
page 56 summary on interracial marriage in America.
AF director making WMAF movies
Watching after their own people
Children and the Shifting Engagement with Racial/Ethnic Identity among Second-Generation Interracially Married Asian Americans 2013. Conclusion on page 25.
Affirmative Action would take away spots from poor Asians, who are the ones getting into NYC's elite high schools.
China's poor students outperforming the UK's rich students.
Comparison of Canada's 3.5% Indian and 4.5% Chinese population vs the US's 1% Chinese and Indian population.
Study showing men enjoy sexual fetishization, but women don't.
The American general, with the complicit Chinese-American mistress that's half his age, wants to put minorities into incarceration camps. It's going to be mostly minority men.
“Being an Asian American male is really hard actually.”: Cultural Psychology of Asian American Masculinities and Psychological Well-Being - 292 pages
Betrand Russell's "The Problem of China"
Multiculturalism in South Korea
Japan's declining fertility rate.
Bullies actually have it pretty good. More likely to have high self-esteem and healthier sex life.
Vincent Zhou promoting WMAF in China's 1st English global movie release.
Interracial relationships are viewed differently when it's not WMXF.
Nikkei purchased the Financial Times for $1.3 billion.
55% of Asian American women cohabit with non-AM. When it's time to marry, 60% of those AFs boomerang to marry Asian men.
White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else—and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively.
The study also finds that U.S. born Asian-American women are more likely to attempt suicide than other groups, despite suicide being normally a male behavior.
Hahm said, “we found that Asian American young women are at risk of high STDs. For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%). The incidence of STDs among Asian American women was also higher than that of White women." Moreover, the power dynamic between genders became immediately clear. Asian American women were four times more likely to have a STD than their male counterparts. It was so much higher than the males.” Accounting for the gender disparity, Hahm suggested that...“Asian and Pacific Islander women also have broader interracial dating patterns than Asian American men. This might explain why these women are exposed to higher rates of STDs.”
F*ck Feelings: One Shrink's Practical Advice for Managing All Life's Impossible Problems
Update on China's economy.
If you don't have a WSJ subscription, just copy and paste the article's title into google to read for free.