Definitely cli apps, webapps or anything where .NET is in general. From a language perspective it lends itself very good to math. Im not sure however around what the ecosystem around scientific computing is around F# . At least someone wrote a book about it
> Would it transpile ALL of my code into JS? Wouldn’t that degrade performance?
If you implemented your numerical computations in the Fable app, yes, most likely. Although JavaScript can be used to write performant desktop applications - for instance, Visual Studio Code - I don't think it would be a good fit for scientific computing. The use case for Fable is in having behaviorally-sophisticated UIs without having to run through the dynamically/weakly-typed mess that is JavaScript. That said, JavaScript is not a terribly slow language - the Node.js JavaScript runtime is typically faster than Python. And Fable has Electron bindings for creating desktop apps. It could be worth trying. But I imagine a transpiled F# program would be noticeably slower than having one run in the .NET Framework or .NET Core runtime.
You really want to think of this as a UI layer on top of a computation layer. For a web application, the UI is typically run client-side in JavaScript (the browser sends .JS code to its JavaScript runtime, or in the very simplest case is only an HTML renderer), while the server code is some other language (F#, C++, PHP, etc) that sends user-facing data to the JavaScript. For a .NET desktop application, it'll all be bundled and run in the same place, but typically with a separate frontend project and a backend project. Unfortunately, either way it'll be a bit of work. And I think we'd need a bit more information about your code to give a good answer - for starters, is this Windows, or Linux? .NET Framework or .NET Core?
Since you're studying Mathematics, you might be better off looking at functional programming,rather then OOP. F# from Microsoft offers both functional and OOP. A good introduction is F# for Scientists . As for performance, there are a number of benchmarks showing F# matching or beating equivalent C++ programs.