I encourage you to read more about North Korea from the academic sources. You will discover that the story is much more interesting than what this individual said above - that his account is deeply misinformed.
Do you feel that the Korean Peninsula would benefit from the United States recognizing the North Korean call for a Peace Treaty? Do you disagree with former diplomat Charles Pritchard's analysis that the United States continual policy of regime change and economic warfare has perpetuated the human rights crisis, nuclearization and warmongering in the region?
How would you feel about normalizing relations between the North and the United States?
How do you feel about being used for strategic communication by militaries whose economic stranglehold, failure to meet Agreed Framework obligations, and the forward deployment that began the nuclearization of the peninsula have created the scenario we have today?
There's lots that you can read. Here, for instance, and the subsequent vote to disband it. Or by the lead diplomat in North Korea during that time.
The short version is that Bush ran in the campaign on sabotaging the diplomatic effort because it succeeded and his hard-line view on the situation didn't feel that this was a "good deal" for America.
It's the same pattern as Trump calling the Iran Nuclear Deal the "worst deal ever" and promising on the campaign trail to dismantle it. Now, Trump hasn't done that yet. But Bush did.
That's all well established and accepted history. The US under Bush even intervened in an independent Swedish offer to save the deal after the US sabotaged it.
> Why on earth would that make them give up their nuclear program and stop threatening SK and Japan?
Their nuclear program is defensive in nature - you know that right?
The reason is because they would have peace and security and would no longer seek a military capability to underlie that peace and security.