I haven't checked in for a few days just a few random comments here and there. I'm always in chat though, just a little plug for that genius place.
Weight scarily high for me, I'm pretty freaked out, tbh. I don't know if it's part of the process with the ear infection and subsequent medications but I'm trying to just chill out. I haven't seen this number since I was losing weight 10 years ago. I'm prepping for next week, I'm going to my parents house in California. It'll be good to see them. I normally have them come up here but we decided to pack up the dog and take a road trip. Ask me later if this was a good idea ......
I'm planning to make a few low-carbs items for Thanksgiving, for no reason other than to do them. I don't actually need to bring anything. I'll do a cauliflower gratin and the sausage cheesy stuffing that was floating around here last week.
I plan to do a 2-3 day fat fast when we return from California and I'll be using recipes/ideas from Dana Carpenders books, largely the first book. I need a reset. I'm also going to stop drinking at home, I don't need to have wine every night. I LIKE wine every night but I don't need it. Hopefully the fat fast and the wine reduction will help get things on a downward trend.
Try a fat fast? I like fat fasts because I'm terrible with actual fasting, and I like this book. (Edit: If you google it, you can go without the book, of course.) I've read around online and be careful for how long you go. For me, 3 days was my max. Around day 4 I started feeling like crap and by day 5 I gave up and had sausage, bacon and eggs for breakfast.