Haha, Dick is who inspired me to finally lose fat mass (I could already lift very heavy). I have a long list of other people to thank, of course.
I didn't find that book, in particular, I did find this one, https://www.amazon.com/Fatlogic-diets-fail-make-them-ebook/dp/B00HXRHX3U/
Gaining weight because a drug is known to cause weight gain is a typical "fatlogic".
While I haven't read the book, I heard a long interview with it's author.
And just reading your post reminded me of it.
Also you should really ask yourself wheter those medications are having more advantages than disadvantages.
In general, I'd try to take responsibility for my own issues. Don't pass it on to relatives, doctors or drugs. Educate yourself on the isses of your concern and then decide what is best for you.