I have this one, budget-friendly and also recommended by HB4L. The nice thing about BIAB is that you can mill multiple times and not get stuck.
Also, as a coffee guy, I would not recommend a coffee grinder. Blade grinders are really better off for spices than coffee anyway, and a conical grinder would definitely not be worth it.
I had to purchase this grain roller. Its the most costly item getting into the beer game. (Ordered 999 silver wire too, since I was blowing money)
Still gotta find a ½ hand drill, at the pawn shop, to get this vacuum pump spinning again, I only blew up the ¼ hp motor, on my vacuum. Also a ½" drill could power a grain roller.
Anyways, I've got some hash in the freezer. That hasn't been put on the crock pot....I may just vacuum all the solvent out, cold cooking it (if i can get my vacuum Jimmy rigged)...will post results
People pawn everything worth anything...although you will occasionally find nice things at the thrift shop...and thieves selling stolen things at the flea market