Film Lighting by Kris Malkiewicz is a great book that explains the uses and technical aspects of different types of lighting and interviews world famous DPs and gaffers about each type of light and has set-up diagrams and on-set and production photos. Lots to learn from this book.
The first thing that came to my mind is the book Film Lighting by Kris Malkiewicz. The book is largely a discussion with various DPs and gaffers, so it may be helpful for you. It was about 20 years old when I first read it in college 20 years ago, so you're looking at big names from the 70s and early 80s. I see that there was a new edition published in 2012, so that may be more relevant to you.
Some people have mentioned the Team Deakins podcast. One that stands out to me is the interview with Rachel Morrison--she talks about working with gaffers the division of responsibility varies with different relationships.
Read this book. It's fantastic!