'Mind Hunter' is an excellent series on netflix about the first FBI serial killer unit.
'Final Truth' is regarded as the apex of the serial killer book genre. The killer "wrote" the book. In 1975 Pee Wee Gaskins stabbed, shot, drowned, poisoned and raped 12 people in less than a year. A few weeks before his execution was scheduled, he dictated his life story to a writer to publish the book posthumously. It is not fiction, it is the actual story as told by the killer, sparing no obscene details.
Final Truth by Peewee Gaskins
It's seen a new printing it seems.
There is finally a new print available from Amazon for way cheaper then the originals go for. For those of you thst just want to read it and aren't worried a out having the one worth a buttload of cash. The shipping takes forever (purchased mine 1/31 and won't arrive until 2/25) but I will update with more info once it arrives. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.amazon.com/Final-Truth-Autobiography-Pee-Gaskins/dp/B09JJ7F9SR&ved=2ahUKEwjZkJ6Yo_31AhVnJzQIHemUCIUQFnoECDoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2HROnoRFIhN4EGFUwU_JOp